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import type { FnN, FnN2, FnN3 } from "";
import { DEG2RAD, HALF_PI, INV_HALF_PI, PI, RAD2DEG, TAU } from "./api.js";

 * Returns vector of `[sin(theta)*n, cos(theta)*n]`.
 * @param theta -
 * @param n -
export const sincos = (theta: number, n = 1): [number, number] => [
    Math.sin(theta) * n,
    Math.cos(theta) * n,

 * Returns vector of `[cos(theta)*n, sin(theta)*n]`.
 * @param theta -
 * @param n -
export const cossin = (theta: number, n = 1): [number, number] => [
    Math.cos(theta) * n,
    Math.sin(theta) * n,

 * Projects `theta` into [0 .. 2π] interval.
 * @param theta -
export const absTheta: FnN = (theta) => (
    (theta %= TAU), theta < 0 ? TAU + theta : theta

export const absInnerAngle: FnN = (theta) => (
    (theta = Math.abs(theta)), theta > PI ? TAU - theta : theta

 * Returns smallest absolute angle difference between `a` and `b`.
 * Result will be in [0 .. π] interval.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
export const angleDist: FnN2 = (a, b) =>
    absInnerAngle(absTheta((b % TAU) - (a % TAU)));

 * Like `Math.atan2`, but always returns angle in [0 .. TAU) interval.
 * @param y -
 * @param x -
export const atan2Abs: FnN2 = (y, x) => absTheta(Math.atan2(y, x));

 * Returns quadrant ID (0-3) of given angle (in radians).
 * @param theta -
export const quadrant: FnN = (theta) => (absTheta(theta) * INV_HALF_PI) | 0;

 * Converts angle to degrees.
 * @param theta - angle in radians
export const deg: FnN = (theta) => theta * RAD2DEG;

 * Converts angle to radians.
 * @param theta - angle in degrees
export const rad: FnN = (theta) => theta * DEG2RAD;

 * Cosecant. Approaches `±Infinity` for `theta` near multiples of π.
 * @param theta - angle in radians
export const csc: FnN = (theta) => 1 / Math.sin(theta);

 * Secant. Approaches `±Infinity` for `theta` near π/2 ± nπ
 * @param theta - angle in radians
export const sec: FnN = (theta) => 1 / Math.cos(theta);

 * Cotangent. Approaches `±Infinity` for `theta` near multiples of π.
 * @param theta - angle in radians
export const cot: FnN = (theta) => 1 / Math.tan(theta);

 * Law of Cosines. Takes length of two sides of a triangle and the inner
 * angle (in radians) between them. Returns length of third side.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
 * @param gamma -
export const loc: FnN3 = (a, b, gamma) =>
    Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b - 2 * a * b * Math.cos(gamma));

 * Approximates cos(xπ) for x in [-1,1]
 * @param x -
export const normCos: FnN = (x) => {
    const x2 = x * x;
    return 1.0 + x2 * (-4 + 2 * x2);

const __fastCos: FnN = (x) => {
    const x2 = x * x;
    return 0.99940307 + x2 * (-0.49558072 + 0.03679168 * x2);

 * Fast cosine approximation using {@link normCos} (polynomial). Max. error
 * ~0.00059693
 * In [0 .. 2π] interval, approx. 18-20% faster than `Math.cos` on V8.
 * @param theta - in radians
export const fastCos: FnN = (theta) => {
    theta %= TAU;
    theta < 0 && (theta = -theta);
    switch ((theta * INV_HALF_PI) | 0) {
        case 0:
            return __fastCos(theta);
        case 1:
            return -__fastCos(PI - theta);
        case 2:
            return -__fastCos(theta - PI);
            return __fastCos(TAU - theta);

 * {@link fastCos}
 * @param theta - in radians
export const fastSin: FnN = (theta) => fastCos(HALF_PI - theta);

 * Converts angle from DMS to decimal.
 * @remarks
 * See {@link toDMS} for reverse op.
 * Reference:
 * @param deg
 * @param min
 * @param sec
export const fromDMS = (deg: number, min: number, sec: number) =>
    deg + min / 60 + sec / 3600;

 * Converts decimal angle to DMS. Returns result as 3-tuple with the first item
 * (degrees) having the same sign as the input.
 * @remarks
 * See {@link fromDMS} for reverse op.
 * Reference:
 * @param theta
export const toDMS = (theta: number) => {
    const sign = Math.sign(theta);
    theta = Math.abs(theta);
    const deg = Math.trunc(theta);
    theta = (theta - deg) * 60;
    const min = Math.trunc(theta);
    return [deg * sign, min, (theta - min) * 60];