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import type { FnN, FnN2, FnN3, FnN4, FnU2, FnU3 } from "";

 * Clamps value `x` to given closed interval.
 * @param x - value to clamp
 * @param min - lower bound
 * @param max - upper bound
export const clamp: FnN3 = (x, min, max) => (x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x);

 * Clamps value `x` to closed [0 .. ∞] interval.
 * @param x -
export const clamp0: FnN = (x) => (x > 0 ? x : 0);

 * Clamps value `x` to closed [0 .. 1] interval.
 * @param x -
export const clamp01: FnN = (x) => (x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : x);

 * Clamps value `x` to closed [-1 .. 1] interval.
 * @param x -
export const clamp11: FnN = (x) => (x < -1 ? -1 : x > 1 ? 1 : x);

 * Clamps value `x` to closed [0 .. 0.5] interval.
 * @param x -
export const clamp05: FnN = (x) => (x < 0 ? 0 : x > 0.5 ? 0.5 : x);

 * Returns 2-tuple of [min(x,y), max(x,y)].
 * @param x
 * @param y
export const minMax: FnU2<number, [number, number]> = (x, y) =>
    x < y ? [x, y] : [y, x];

 * Folds `x` back inside closed [min..max] interval. Also see
 * {@link wrapOnce}.
 * @param x -
 * @param min -
 * @param max -
export const wrap: FnN3 = (x, min, max) => {
    if (min === max) return min;
    if (x > max) {
        const d = max - min;
        x -= d;
        if (x > max) x -= d * (((x - min) / d) | 0);
    } else if (x < min) {
        const d = max - min;
        x += d;
        if (x < min) x += d * (((min - x) / d + 1) | 0);
    return x;

 * Like {@link wrap}, but optimized for cases where `x` is guaranteed to
 * be in `[min - d, max + d]` interval, where `d = max - min`. Result
 * will be in closed `[min..max]` interval.
 * @param x -
 * @param min -
 * @param max -
export const wrapOnce: FnN3 = (x, min, max) =>
    x < min ? x - min + max : x > max ? x - max + min : x;

 * Similar to {@link wrapOnce} for [0..1] interval.
 * @param x -
export const wrap01: FnN = (x) => (x < 0 ? x + 1 : x > 1 ? x - 1 : x);

 * Similar to {@link wrapOnce} for [-1..1] interval.
 * @param x -
export const wrap11: FnN = (x) => (x < -1 ? x + 2 : x > 1 ? x - 2 : x);

export const min2id: FnN2 = (a, b) => (a <= b ? 0 : 1);

export const min3id: FnN3 = (a, b, c) =>
    a <= b ? (a <= c ? 0 : 2) : b <= c ? 1 : 2;

export const min4id: FnN4 = (a, b, c, d) =>
    a <= b
        ? a <= c
            ? a <= d
                ? 0
                : 3
            : c <= d
            ? 2
            : 3
        : b <= c
        ? b <= d
            ? 1
            : 3
        : c <= d
        ? 2
        : 3;

export const max2id: FnN2 = (a, b) => (a >= b ? 0 : 1);

export const max3id: FnN3 = (a, b, c) =>
    a >= b ? (a >= c ? 0 : 2) : b >= c ? 1 : 2;

export const max4id: FnN4 = (a, b, c, d) =>
    a >= b
        ? a >= c
            ? a >= d
                ? 0
                : 3
            : c >= d
            ? 2
            : 3
        : b >= c
        ? b >= d
            ? 1
            : 3
        : c >= d
        ? 2
        : 3;

 * Returns the non-zero minimum value of the given `a`, `b` args.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
export const minNonZero2: FnN2 = (a, b) =>
    a !== 0 ? (b !== 0 ? Math.min(a, b) : a) : b;

 * Returns the non-zero minimum value of the given `a`, `b`, `c` args.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
 * @param c -
export const minNonZero3: FnN3 = (a, b, c) => minNonZero2(minNonZero2(a, b), c);

 * See `smax()`.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
 * @param k - smooth exponent (MUST be > 0)
export const smin: FnN3 = (a, b, k) => smax(a, b, -k);

 * Smooth maximum. Note: Result values will be slightly larger than max value
 * near max(a,b) + eps due to exponential decay. Higher `k` values reduce the
 * error, but also reduce the smoothing. Recommended k=16.
 * @param a -
 * @param b -
 * @param k - smooth exponent (MUST be > 0)
export const smax: FnN3 = (a, b, k) => {
    const ea = Math.exp(a * k);
    const eb = Math.exp(b * k);
    return (a * ea + b * eb) / (ea + eb);

 * Same as `smin(smax(x, min, k), max, k)`.
 * @param x -
 * @param min -
 * @param max -
 * @param k -
export const sclamp: FnN4 = (x, min, max, k) => smin(smax(x, min, k), max, k);

export const absMin: FnN2 = (a, b) => (Math.abs(a) < Math.abs(b) ? a : b);

export const absMax: FnN2 = (a, b) => (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b) ? a : b);

 * If `abs(x) > abs(e)`, recursively mirrors `x` back into `[-e .. +e]`
 * interval at respective positive/negative boundary.
 * @remarks
 * References:
 * -
 * -
 * @param e - threshold (> 0)
 * @param x - input value
export const foldback: FnN2 = (e, x) =>
    x < -e || x > e ? Math.abs(Math.abs((x - e) % (4 * e)) - 2 * e) - e : x;

 * Similar to {@link foldback}, but with fixed target range: Folds `x` into the
 * closed [0..1] interval, using infinite internal reflection on either side of
 * the interval.
 * @param x
export const foldback01: FnN = (x) => ((x = Math.abs(x) % 2) > 1 ? 2 - x : x);

 * Returns true iff `x` is in closed interval `[min .. max]`
 * @param x -
 * @param min -
 * @param max -
export const inRange: FnU3<number, boolean> = (x, min, max) =>
    x >= min && x <= max;

 * Returns true iff `x` is in open interval `(min .. max)`
 * @param x -
 * @param min -
 * @param max -
export const inOpenRange: FnU3<number, boolean> = (x, min, max) =>
    x > min && x < max;