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import type { Fn, IObjectOf } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import { isIllegalKey } from "";
import { copy, copyObj } from "./copy.js";

 * Similar to {@link mergeApplyObj}, but for ES6 Maps instead of plain objects.
 * @param src - source map
 * @param xforms - map w/ transformation functions
export const mergeApplyMap = <K, V>(
    src: Map<K, V>,
    xforms: Map<K, V | Fn<V, V>>
): Map<K, V> => {
    const res: Map<K, any> = copy(src, Map);
    for (let [k, v] of xforms) {
        res.set(k, isFunction(v) ? v(res.get(k)) : v);
    return res;

 * Similar to {@link mergeObjWith}, but only supports 2 args and any function
 * values in `xforms` will be called with respective value in `src` to produce a
 * new / derived value for that key, i.e.
 * @remarks
 * Since v4.4.0, the `__proto__` property will be ignored to avoid prototype
 * pollution.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * dest[k] = xforms[k](src[k])
 * ```
 * Returns new merged object and does not modify any of the inputs.
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/merge-apply.ts
 * import { mergeApplyObj } from "";
 * console.log(
 *   mergeApplyObj(
 *     { a: "hello", b: 23, c: 12 },
 *     { a: (x) => x + " world", b: 42 }
 *   )
 * );
 * // { a: 'hello world', b: 42, c: 12 }
 * ```
 * @param src - source object
 * @param xforms - object w/ transformation functions
export const mergeApplyObj = <V>(
    src: IObjectOf<V>,
    xforms: IObjectOf<V | Fn<V, V>>
) => meldApplyObj(copyObj(src), xforms);

 * Mutable version of {@link mergeApplyObj}. Returns modified `src`
 * object.
 * @remarks
 * Since v4.4.0, the `__proto__` property will be ignored to avoid
 * prototype pollution.
 * @param src -
 * @param xforms -
export const meldApplyObj = <V>(
    src: IObjectOf<V>,
    xforms: IObjectOf<V | Fn<V, V>>
) => {
    for (let k in xforms) {
        if (isIllegalKey(k)) continue;
        const v = xforms[k];
        src[k] = isFunction(v) ? v(src[k]) : v;
    return src;