import { defError } from "";
import { floatBuffer } from "";
import { FLOAT_RGB } from "";
export const PFMError = defError(() => `illegal PFM file`);
const __error = (msg?: string) => {
throw new PFMError(msg);
* Parses given byte array as PFM image and returns it as
* [`FloatBuffer`](
* @remarks
* If `linearRGB` is true (default), the original pixel values are interpreted
* as linear RGB and will be converted to sRGB in the result image. If false, no
* conversion occurs.
* Format reference:
* @param buf
* @param linearRGB
export const readPFM = (buf: Uint8Array, linearRGB = true) => {
const view = new DataView(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength);
if (view.getUint16(0, false) !== 0x5046) __error();
if (view.getUint8(2) !== 0x0a) __error();
const idx = buf.indexOf(0x0a, 3);
if (idx < 0) __error("missing dimensions");
const [width, height] = new TextDecoder()
.decode(buf.subarray(3, idx))
.split(" ")
.map((x) => parseInt(x));
if (isNaN(width) || isNaN(height) || width < 1 || height < 1)
__error("invalid dimensions");
const idx2 = buf.indexOf(0x0a, idx + 1);
if (idx2 < 0) __error("missing byte order");
const littleEndian =
parseFloat(new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(idx, idx2))) < 0;
const process = linearRGB ? __linearSrgb : (x: number) => x;
const img = floatBuffer(width, height, FLOAT_RGB);
const strideY = img.stride[1];
for (
let src = idx2 + 1, dest = (height - 1) * strideY, data =;
dest >= 0;
dest -= strideY
) {
for (let x = 0; x < strideY; x++, src += 4) {
data[dest + x] = process(view.getFloat32(src, littleEndian));
return img;
* Maps a single linear RGB channel value to sRGB.
* @remarks
* Taken from
* Reference:
* @param x - channel value
* @internal
const __linearSrgb = (x: number) =>
x <= 0.003130805 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055;