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import type { Fn2, NumOrString } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { isAsyncIterable } from "";
import { isPlainObject } from "";
import { isSubscribable } from "";
import type { CompiledComponent, IComponent, NumOrElement } from "./api.js";
import { $async, $asyncA } from "./async.js";
import { isComponent, isElement } from "./checks.js";
import { $el, $remove, $tree } from "./dom.js";
import { $SubA, $sub } from "./sub.js";
import { $wrapEl, $wrapText } from "./wrap.js";

 * Compiles a tree of components given in any supported format incl. reactive
 * state values into a single, nested {@link IComponent}.
 * @remarks
 * Supported formats/values:
 * - hiccup component trees, i.e. `["tag#id.class", attribs, [...]]`
 * - {@link IComponent} instances
 * - pre-existing DOM elements
 * - [`ISubscribable`](
 *   instances
 * - [`IDeref`](
 *   instances
 * Any other value type will be wrapped in a `<span>` element. Reactive
 * `ISubscribable` values can be used as element attributes or element
 * body/children. For the former, a subscription will be added to update the
 * target attribute. If used as element body, the reactive value will be wrapped
 * using a {@link $sub} `<span>` with the value as its reactive body.
 * **Important:** Use {@link $replace}, {@link $refresh} or {@link $switch} to
 * wrap any reactive values/subscriptions which produce actual HTML
 * elements/components/subtrees (in hiccup format). See docs for these functions
 * for details & examples. Not using any of these wrappers will result in
 * unexpected outcomes.
 * Also see {@link $wrapText}, {@link $wrapHtml} or {@link $wrapEl} for DOM
 * element related component wrappers.
 * @param tree -
export const $compile = (tree: any): IComponent =>
        ? isComplexComponent(tree)
            ? complexComponent(tree)
            : basicComponent(tree)
        : isComponent(tree)
        ? tree
        : isSubscribable(tree)
        ? $sub(tree, "span")
        : isAsyncIterable(tree)
        ? $async(tree, "span")
        : tree instanceof Element
        ? $wrapEl(tree)
        : $wrapText("span", null, tree);

const walk = (
    f: Fn2<any, NumOrString[], void>,
    x: any,
    path: NumOrString[] = []
) => {
    if (isPlainObject(x)) {
        for (const k in x) {
            walk(f, (<any>x)[k], [...path, k]);
    f(x, path);

const isComplexComponent = (x: any) => {
    if (isPlainObject(x)) {
        for (const k in x) {
            if (isComplexComponent((<any>x)[k])) return true;
    } else if (isArray(x)) {
        for (let i = 0, n = x.length; i < n; i++) {
            if (isComplexComponent(x[i])) return true;
    return (
        isSubscribable(x) ||
        isAsyncIterable(x) ||
        isComponent(x) ||

const complexComponent = (tree: any[]): CompiledComponent => ({
    async mount(parent: ParentNode, index: NumOrElement = -1) {
        this.subs = [];
        const attribs = { ...tree[1] };
        walk((x, path) => {
            if (isSubscribable(x)) {
                this.subs!.push(x.subscribe(new $SubA(this, path)));
            } else if (isAsyncIterable(x)) {
                $asyncA(x, this, path);
                if (path.length === 1) delete attribs[path[0]];
        }, attribs);
        this.children = [];
        this.el = $el(tree[0], attribs, null, parent, index);
        for (let i = 2; i < tree.length; i++) {
            const child = $compile(tree[i]);
            child.mount(this.el, i - 2);
        return this.el;
    async unmount() {
        if (this.children) {
            for (let c of this.children) {
                await c.unmount();
        this.subs && this.subs.forEach((s) => s.unsubscribe());
        this.el && $remove(this.el);
        this.el = this.children = this.subs = undefined;
    update() {},

const basicComponent = (tree: any): CompiledComponent => ({
    async mount(parent: ParentNode, index: NumOrElement = -1) {
        return (this.el = await $tree(tree, parent, index));
    async unmount() {
        this.el && $remove(this.el);
        this.el = undefined;
    update() {},