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import type { Fn, IObjectOf } from "";
import { deref, isDeref, type MaybeDeref } from "";
import { implementsFunction } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import { isNotStringAndIterable } from "";
import { isNumber } from "";
import { isString } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import { unsupported } from "";
import {
} from "";
import { mergeClasses, mergeEmmetAttribs } from "";
import { formatPrefixes } from "";
import { XML_SVG, XML_XLINK, XML_XMLNS } from "";
import type { NumOrElement } from "./api.js";
import { isComment, isComponent } from "./checks.js";

 * hdom-style DOM tree creation from hiccup format. Returns DOM element of
 * `tree` root. See {@link $el} for further details.
 * @remarks
 * Supports elements given in these forms:
 * - {@link IComponent} instance
 * - [`IDeref`](
 *   instance (must resolve to another supported type in this list)
 * - `["div#id.class", {...attribs}, ...children]`
 * - `[COMMENT, "foo", "bar"...]` (DOM comment node)
 * - `[IComponent, ...mountargs]`
 * - `[function, ...args]`
 * - ES6 iterable of the above (for child values only!)
 * Any other values will be cast to strings and added as spans to current
 * `parent`.
 * Note: `COMMENT` is defined as constant in package. Also see
 * {@link $comment} function to create comments directly.
 * @param tree -
 * @param parent -
 * @param idx -
export const $tree = async (
    tree: any,
    parent: ParentNode,
    idx: NumOrElement = -1
): Promise<any> =>
        ? isComment(tree)
            ? $comment(tree.slice(1), parent, idx)
            : $treeElem(tree, parent, idx)
        : isComponent(tree)
        ? tree.mount(parent, idx)
        : isDeref(tree)
        ? $tree(tree.deref(), parent)
        : isNotStringAndIterable(tree)
        ? $treeIter(tree, parent)
        : tree != null
        ? $el("span", null, tree, <HTMLElement>parent, idx)
        : null;

const $treeElem = (tree: any, parent: ParentNode, idx: NumOrElement) => {
    const tag = tree[0];
    // [tag, attribs, ...body]
    return isString(tag)
        ? $treeTag(tree, parent, idx)
        : // [icomponent, ...args]
        ? tag.mount(parent, idx, ...tree.slice(1))
        : // [fn, ...args]
        ? $tree(tag.apply(null, tree.slice(1)), parent)
        : // unsupported
          unsupported(`tag: ${tag}`);

const $treeTag = (tree: any, parent: ParentNode, idx: NumOrElement) => {
    const n = tree.length;
    const { 0: tag, 1: attribs, 2: body } = tree;
    if (n === 3 && (isString(body) || isNumber(body))) {
        // emmet-free base tag
        const tmp = /^\w+/.exec(tag);
        if (tmp && NO_SPANS[tmp[0]]) {
            // don't wrap single body in <span> here
            parent = $el(tag, attribs, body, parent, idx);
            return parent;
    parent = $el(tag, attribs, null, parent, idx);
    for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
        $tree(tree[i], parent);
    return parent;

const $treeIter = (tree: any, parent: ParentNode) => {
    for (let t of tree) {
        $tree(t, parent);
    return null;

 * Create a single DOM element and optionally attaches it to `parent`.
 * @remarks
 * If `tag` is a namespaced tagname (e.g. `prefix:tag`), the element will be
 * created via `document.createElementNS()` and the prefix will be resolved via
 * known aliases registered by {@link registerPrefix}. SVG element names do not
 * need to be prefixed and are recognized automatically.
 * Supports Emmet-style tag names in this form: `tag#id.class1.class2`.
 * `attribs` is a plain object of element attributes. See {@link $attribs} for
 * further details.
 * If `parent` is given, but no `idx` arg, the new element will be appended as
 * child.
 * @param tag -
 * @param attribs -
 * @param body -
 * @param parent -
 * @param idx -
export const $el = (
    tag: string,
    attribs: any,
    body?: any,
    parent?: ParentNode,
    idx: NumOrElement = -1
) => {
    const match = RE_TAG.exec(tag);
    if (match) {
        attribs = mergeEmmetAttribs({ ...attribs }, match[2], match[3]);
        tag = match[1];
    let el: Element;
    const qidx = tag.indexOf(":");
    if (qidx < 0) {
        el = SVG_TAGS[tag]
            ? document.createElementNS(XML_SVG, tag)
            : document.createElement(tag);
    } else {
        el = document.createElementNS(PREFIXES[tag.substring(0, qidx)], tag);
    attribs && $attribs(el, attribs);
    body != null && $text(<any>el, body);
    parent && $addChild(parent, el, idx);
    return el;

 * Similar to {@link $el}, but creates a new comment DOM node using provided
 * body. If `parent` is given, the comment will be attached or inserted as child
 * at `idx`. Returns comment node.
 * @remarks
 * See docs for reference:
 * -
 * @param body
 * @param parent
 * @param idx
export const $comment = (
    body: string | string[],
    parent?: ParentNode,
    idx: NumOrElement = -1
) => {
    const comment = document.createComment(
            ? body
            : body.length < 2
            ? body[0] || ""
            : ["", ...body, ""].join("\n")
    parent && $addChild(parent, comment, idx);
    return comment;

 * Appends or inserts `child` as child element of `parent`. The default `idx` of
 * -1 means the child will be appended, else uses `parent.insertBefore()` to
 * insert at given index.
 * @param parent
 * @param child
 * @param idx
export const $addChild = (
    parent: ParentNode,
    child: Node | Comment,
    idx: NumOrElement = -1
) => {
        ? idx < 0 || idx >= parent.children.length
            ? parent.appendChild(child)
            : parent.insertBefore(child, parent.children[idx])
        : parent.insertBefore(child, idx);

 * Removes given element or comment from the DOM.
 * @param el
export const $remove = (el: Element | Comment) => el && el.remove();

 * Migrates given element to `newParent`, following the same append or insertion
 * logic as {@link $addChild}.
 * @param newParent
 * @param el
 * @param idx
export const $moveTo = (
    newParent: ParentNode,
    el: Element | Comment,
    idx: NumOrElement = -1
) => {
    $addChild(newParent, el, idx);

 * Removes all content from given element.
 * @param el
export const $clear = (el: Element) => ((el.innerHTML = ""), el);

 * Same as `el.textContent = body`, however if `body` is an
 * [`IDeref`]( it'll be
 * first automatically deref'd and coerced to a string. If `body === undefined`
 * an empty string will be used.
 * @param el -
 * @param body -
export const $text = (el: HTMLElement | SVGElement, body: any) => {
    body = deref(body);
    el.textContent = body !== undefined ? String(body) : "";

 * Same as `el.innerHtml = body`, use with caution! If `body` is an
 * [`IDeref`]( it'll be
 * automatically deref'd.
 * @param el -
 * @param body -
export const $html = (
    el: HTMLElement | SVGElement,
    body: MaybeDeref<string>
) => {
    el.innerHTML = String(deref(body));

 * Takes an object of attributes and applies them to given DOM element.
 * @remarks
 * The following rules & transformations are applied (in the stated order):
 * - [`IDeref`]( values
 *   are `deref`d
 * - attributes prefixed with `on` are considered event listeners and can either
 *   have a function value or tuple of `[listener, opts]`, where `opts` are the
 *   standard `.addEventListener()` options
 * - function values for any other attribs are first called with the entire
 *   `attribs` object and return value used
 * - array values are converted into space-delimited string
 * CSS classes can be given as `class` attribute, with its value either a
 * string, a string array or an object of booleans. If the latter, the given
 * class names are either added to or removed from the current list of classes.
 * See
 * [`mergeClasses()`](
 * for details.
 * CSS style rules can be defined via the `style` attrib. Please {@link $style}
 *  for further details.
 * Data attributes are to be given as object under the `data` attribute name,
 * with its values being merged with the element's current `dataset` property.
 * Depending on element type the `value` attribute will be updated keeping the
 * current cursor position / selection intact.
 * @param el -
 * @param attribs -
export const $attribs = (el: Element, attribs: any) => {
    for (let id in attribs) {
        setAttrib(el, id, attribs[id], attribs);
    return el;

const __setterCache: Record<string, Fn<any, void> | false> = {};

const getproto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
const getdesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;

 * Recursively attempts to find property descriptor in prototype chain.
 * @param proto
 * @param prop
 * @internal
const __desc = (proto: any, prop: string): any =>
    proto ? getdesc(proto, prop) ?? __desc(getproto(proto), prop) : undefined;

 * Attempts to find a setter for given `el` and `prop` name in the setter cache
 * or scans element's prototype chain using {@link __desc} and then caches it
 * (if found).
 * @remarks
 * The cache only stores unbound setters (or null). Returned setters must be
 * bound to the actual `el` or called via `, value)`.
 * @param el
 * @param prop
 * @internal
const __setter = (el: Element, prop: string) => {
    const key = `${el.namespaceURI}/${el.tagName}#${prop}`;
    return (
        __setterCache[key] ??
        (__setterCache[key] = __desc(getproto(el), prop)?.set ?? false)

const setAttrib = (el: Element, id: string, val: any, attribs: any) => {
    implementsFunction(val, "deref") && (val = val.deref());
    if (id.startsWith("on")) {
        if (isString(val)) {
            el.setAttribute(id, val);
        } else {
            id = id.substring(2);
                ? el.addEventListener(id, val[0], val[1])
                : el.addEventListener(id, val);
    isFunction(val) && (val = val(attribs));
    isArray(val) && (val = val.join(ATTRIB_JOIN_DELIMS[id] || " "));
    switch (id) {
        case "class":
            el.className = isString(val)
                ? val
                : mergeClasses(el.className, val);
        case "style":
            $style(el, val);
        case "value":
            updateValueAttrib(<HTMLInputElement>el, val);
        case "data":
            updateDataAttribs(<HTMLElement>el, val);
        case "prefix":
            el.setAttribute(id, isString(val) ? val : formatPrefixes(val));
        default: {
            const setter = __setter(el, id);
            if (setter && val != null) {
                return, val);
            const idx = id.indexOf(":");
            if (idx < 0) {
                val === false || val == null
                    ? el.removeAttribute(id)
                    : el.setAttribute(id, val === true ? id : val);
            } else {
                const ns = PREFIXES[id.substring(0, idx)];
                val === false || val == null
                    ? el.removeAttributeNS(ns, id)
                    : el.setAttributeNS(ns, id, val);

const updateValueAttrib = (el: HTMLInputElement, value: any) => {
    let ev;
    switch (el.type) {
        case "text":
        case "textarea":
        case "password":
        case "search":
        case "number":
        case "url":
        case "tel":
            if ((ev = el.value) !== undefined && isString(value)) {
                const off =
                    value.length - (ev.length - (el.selectionStart || 0));
                el.value = value;
                el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = off;
            el.value = value;

const updateDataAttribs = (el: HTMLOrSVGElement, attribs: any) => {
    const data = el.dataset;
    for (let id in attribs) {
        const v = deref(attribs[id]);
        data[id] = isFunction(v) ? v(attribs) : v;

 * Takes an object (or string) of CSS properties, compiles them into a single
 * CSS string and sets it as `style` attribute on the given element.
 * @remarks
 * All property values can be
 * [`IDeref`]( values,
 * in which case they're are first `deref`d before use. If the value is a
 * function, it will be called with the entire `rules` object as arg and the
 * return value used.
 * @param el -
 * @param rules -
export const $style = (el: Element, rules: string | any) => {
    if (isString(rules)) {
        el.setAttribute("style", rules);
    } else {
        const style: any = (<HTMLElement>el).style;
        for (let id in rules) {
            let v = deref(rules[id]);
            isFunction(v) && (v = v(rules));
            style[id] = v != null ? v : "";

 * Adds or removes the given CSS classes from a DOM element. If a class is
 * currently present it will be removed, otherwise added.
 * @param el
 * @param classes
export const $toggleClasses = (el: Element, ...classes: string[]) => {
    const list = el.classList;
    for (let c of classes) {
        list.contains(c) ? list.remove(c) : list.add(c);

 * @internal
const PREFIXES: IObjectOf<string> = {
    svg: XML_SVG,
    xlink: XML_XLINK,
    xmlns: XML_XMLNS,

 * Registers an XML namespace prefix and its URL for later use, e.g. to define
 * namespaced elements/attributes via {@link $el}, {@link $tree}.
 * @param prefix -
 * @param url -
export const registerPrefix = (prefix: string, url: string) => {
        `${prefix} already registered: ${PREFIXES[prefix]}`
    PREFIXES[prefix] = url;