import type { Fn, Fn2, NumOrString } from "";
import type { ISubscribable } from "";
import type { IComponent, IMountWithState, NumOrElement } from "./api.js";
import { $compile } from "./compile.js";
import { Component } from "./component.js";
import { __nextID } from "./idgen.js";
import { $subWithID } from "./sub.js";
export interface KListItem {
k: NumOrString;
v: IComponent;
* Similar to {@link $list}, however additionally uses keying to establish list
* item identities and uses these keys (and *only* these!) in a more complex
* diffing algorithm to avoid re-initialization of list items if they've been
* re-ordered or changed positions due to removal/insertion of other items in
* the list.
* @remarks
* The given `keyFn` is used to obtain a *unique* key value for each list item
* obtained from the reactive arrays obtained from `src`. Like a hash, the key
* value MUST represent an item's *current* value such that if the value
* changes, so does the key.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { $klist } from "";
* import { reactive } from "";
* const items = reactive([{id: "a", val: 1}, {id: "b", val: 2}, {id: "c", val: 3}]);
* $klist(
* // data source (any rstream subscribable)
* items,
* // outer list element & attribs
* "ul",
* { class: "list red" },
* // list item component constructor
* (x) => ["li", {},, ` (${x.val})`],
* // key function
* (x) => `${}-${x.val}`
* ).mount(document.body);
* // update list:
* // - item a will be removed
* // - item b is unchanged
* // - item d will be newly inserted
* // - item c will be updated (due to new value)
* setTimeout(
* () => {
* { id: "b", val: 2 },
* { id: "d", val: 4 },
* { id: "c", val: 30 },
* ]);
* },
* 1000
* );
* ```
* @param src -
* @param tag -
* @param attribs -
* @param childCtor -
* @param keyFn -
export const $klist = <T>(
src: ISubscribable<T[]>,
tag: string,
attribs: any,
childCtor: Fn<T, any>,
keyFn?: Fn2<T, number, NumOrString>
) =>
new KList<T>(tag, attribs, childCtor, keyFn),
__nextID("klist", src)
export class KList<T> extends Component<T[]> implements IMountWithState<T[]> {
items?: KListItem[] = [];
cache?: Map<NumOrString, KListItem>;
protected tag: string,
protected attribs: any,
protected ctor: Fn<T, any>,
protected keyFn: Fn2<T, number, NumOrString> = (_, i) => i
) {
async mount(parent: ParentNode, index: NumOrElement, state: T[]) {
this.items = [];
this.cache = new Map();
this.el = this.$el(this.tag, this.attribs, null, parent, index);
return this.el!;
async unmount() {
this.items!.forEach((c) => c.v.unmount());
this.el = undefined;
this.items = undefined;
this.cache = undefined;
async update(curr: T[]) {
if (!curr) return;
const { keyFn, items, ctor, cache, el: parent } = this;
const currItems: KListItem[] = [];
const currCache = new Map<NumOrString, KListItem>();
const offsets = new Map<NumOrString, number>();
const deltas = new Map<NumOrString, number>();
let numPrev = items!.length;
let numCurr = curr.length;
let i: number;
for (i = numPrev; i-- > 0; ) {
offsets.set(items![i].k, i);
for (i = numCurr; i-- > 0; ) {
const val = curr[i];
const key = keyFn(val, i);
let item = cache!.get(key);
? item.v.update(val) // TODO obsolete?
: (item = {
k: key,
v: $compile(ctor(val)),
currCache.set(key, (currItems[i] = item));
const off = offsets.get(key);
off != undefined && deltas.set(key, Math.abs(i - off));
const willMove = new Set<NumOrString>();
const didMove = new Set<NumOrString>();
let next: Element;
const insert = async (item: KListItem) => {
if (cache!.has(item.k)) {
this.$moveTo(parent!, item.v.el!, next);
next = item.v.el!;
} else {
cache!.set(item.k, item);
next = await item.v.mount(parent!, next);
while (numPrev && numCurr) {
const prevItem = items![numPrev - 1];
const prevKey = prevItem.k;
const currItem = currItems[numCurr - 1];
const currKey = currItem.k;
if (currItem === prevItem) {
next = currItem.v.el!;
} else if (!currCache.has(prevKey)) {
await prevItem.v.unmount();
} else if (!cache!.has(currKey) || willMove.has(currKey)) {
await insert(currItem);
} else if (didMove.has(prevKey)) {
} else if (deltas.get(currKey)! > deltas.get(prevKey)!) {
await insert(currItem);
} else {
while (numPrev--) {
const item = items![numPrev];
if (!currCache.has(item.k)) {
await item.v.unmount();
while (numCurr) {
await insert(currItems[numCurr - 1]);
this.items = currItems;