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Test Coverage
import type { Fn, Maybe, NumOrString } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import type { ISubscribable } from "";
import type { IComponent, IMountWithState, NumOrElement } from "./api.js";
import { $compile } from "./compile.js";
import { Component } from "./component.js";
import { __nextID } from "./idgen.js";
import { $subWithID } from "./sub.js";
import { $wrapText } from "./wrap.js";

 * Reactive component wrapper to dynamically switch/replace itself with one of
 * the given components depending on subscribed value.
 * @remarks
 * Subscribes to `src`, then calls `keyFn` for each received value and uses
 * result to call one of the given `ctors` async component factories. The value
 * returned from the chosen factory will be passsed to {@link $compile} and then
 * mounted in place of this `$switch` wrapper. If an uncaught error occurs in
 * the selected component factory, the `error` component factory will be used
 * instead (which is expected to succeed).
 * When a new value is received from `src`, the currently active inner component
 * (if any) will always be fist `unmount`ed and if the optional `loader` is
 * given, it will be temporarily mounted whilst the actual `ctor` component
 * factory executes. This is can be used to show a pre-loaders.
 * **IMPORTANT:** When a `null` or `undefined` value is received from `src`, the
 * currently active inner component will be unmounted and the optional loader
 * shown. However, no other inner component constructor will be called in this
 * case (until the next valid/non-null value is received).
 * All component factories are async functions to facilitate dynamic `import()`
 * / code splitting and other async initializations (WASM etc.)
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * import { $switch } from "";
 * import { fromInterval } from "";
 * $switch(
 *   fromInterval(1000),
 *   (x) => x % 3,
 *   {
 *     0: async (x) => {
 *       await delayed(null, 500); // fake preload
 *       return ["", {}, x];
 *     },
 *     1: async (x) => ["div.yellow", {}, x]
 *   },
 *   async (err) => ["", {}, err],
 *   async () => ["div", {}, "Loading..."]
 * ).mount(document.body)
 * ```
 * This example uses a 1Hz counter to delegate to 3 different possible
 * components, however only two are defined, causing the last option to
 * throw an error and so trigger/use the error component.
 * @param src -
 * @param keyFn -
 * @param ctors -
 * @param error -
 * @param loader -
export const $switch = <T>(
    src: ISubscribable<T>,
    keyFn: Fn<T, NumOrString>,
    ctors: Record<NumOrString, Fn<T, Promise<any>>>,
    error?: Fn<Error, Promise<any>>,
    loader?: Fn<T, Promise<any>>
) =>
        new Switch<T>(keyFn, ctors, error, loader),
        __nextID("switch", src)

 * Syntax sugar for {@link $switch} for cases when there's only a single
 * component which should transition through its entire lifecycle for
 * each reactive value change.
 * @remarks
 * In other words, for each new value received from `src`. The wrapped
 * component will first be unmounted, an optional pre-`loader` shown
 * whilst the async `ctor` component factory executes, its result
 * `$compile`d and then getting re-mounted. See {@link $switch} for
 * further details.
 * Also see {@link $replace}.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * import { $refresh } from "";
 * import { fromInterval } from "";
 * $refresh(fromInterval(1000), async (x) => ["div", {}, x])
 * ```
 * @param src -
 * @param ctor -
 * @param error -
 * @param loader -
export const $refresh = <T>(
    src: ISubscribable<T>,
    ctor: Fn<T, Promise<any>>,
    error?: Fn<Error, Promise<any>>,
    loader?: Fn<T, Promise<any>>
) =>
        new Switch<T>(() => 0, { 0: ctor }, error, loader),
        __nextID("refresh", src)

export class Switch<T> extends Component implements IMountWithState<T> {
    protected val?: T;
    protected parent?: ParentNode;
    protected inner?: IComponent<T>;
    protected index?: NumOrElement;

        protected keyFn: Fn<T, NumOrString>,
        protected ctors: Record<NumOrString, Fn<T, Promise<any>>>,
        protected error: Fn<Error, Promise<any>> = async (e) =>
            $wrapText("span", {}, e),
        protected loader: Fn<T, Promise<any>> = async () =>
            $wrapText("span", {
                hidden: true,
    ) {

    async mount(parent: ParentNode, index: NumOrElement, val: T) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.index = index;
        await this.update(val);
        return this.inner!.el!;

    async unmount() {
        this.inner && (await this.inner!.unmount());
        this.val = undefined;
        this.parent = undefined;
        this.inner = undefined;

    async update(val: T) {
        this.inner && (await this.inner.unmount());
        this.inner = undefined;
        if (val != null) {
            this.val = val;
            let loader: Maybe<IComponent>;
            if (this.loader) {
                loader = $compile(await this.loader(val));
                await loader.mount(this.parent!, this.index!);
            try {
                const key = this.keyFn(val);
                const next = this.ctors[key];
                assert(!!next, `missing component for key: ${key}`);
                this.inner = $compile(await next(val));
                loader && (await loader.unmount());
            } catch (e) {
                if (this.error) {
                    this.inner = $compile(await this.error(<Error>e));
                    loader && (await loader.unmount());
        } else {
            this.loader && (this.inner = $compile(await this.loader(val)));
        this.inner && (await this.inner.mount(this.parent!, this.index!));