import type { Comparator, Fn3, IObjectOf, Maybe, Pair } from "";
import { dissoc } from "";
import { __equivMap } from "";
import { __inspectable } from "";
import { into } from "";
import { isPlainObject } from "";
import { compare } from "";
import type { IRandom } from "";
import { SYSTEM } from "";
import type { Reduced, ReductionFn } from "";
import { map } from "";
import { isReduced } from "";
import type { SortedMapOpts } from "./api.js";
interface SortedMapState<K, V> {
head: Node<K, V>;
cmp: Comparator<K>;
p: number;
rnd: IRandom;
size: number;
/** @internal */
class Node<K, V> {
next: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
prev: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
up: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
down: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
constructor(public k?: K, public v?: V, public level = 0) {}
// stores private properties for all instances
const __private = new WeakMap<SortedMap<any, any>, SortedMapState<any, any>>();
* Sorted map implementation based on Skip List data structure. Supports any
* keys (other than `undefined`) which can be sorted via user-defined
* comparator, given as ctor option.
* @remarks
* v6.3.0 .set() & .delete() implementations rewritten, based on:
* -
* - (MIT courseware)
* -
export class SortedMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
pairs?: Iterable<Pair<K, V>> | null,
opts: Partial<SortedMapOpts<K>> = {}
) {
__private.set(this, {
head: new Node(),
cmp: || compare,
rnd: opts.rnd || SYSTEM,
p: opts.probability || 1 / Math.E,
size: 0,
if (pairs) {
get size(): number {
return __private.get(this)!.size;
get [Symbol.species]() {
return SortedMap;
*[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Pair<K, V>> {
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.firstNode();
while (node && node.k !== undefined) {
yield [node.k, node.v!];
node =;
* Yields iterator of sorted `[key, value]` pairs, optionally taking given
* `key` and `max` flag into account.
* @remarks
* If `key` is given and `max=false`, the key is used as minimum search key
* and the iterator will only yield pairs for which keys are `>=` given key.
* If `max=true`, the given is used as maximum and only yields pairs for
* which keys are `<=` given key.
* If **no** key is given, yields **all** pairs.
* @param key
* @param max
*entries(key?: K, max = false): IterableIterator<Pair<K, V>> {
if (key === undefined) {
yield* this;
const { cmp, size } = __private.get(this)!;
if (!size) return;
if (max) {
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.firstNode();
while (node && node.k !== undefined && cmp(node.k, key) <= 0) {
yield [node.k!, node.v!];
node =;
} else {
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.firstNode();
while (node.down) node = node!.down;
while (node) {
if (node.k !== undefined && cmp(node.k, key) >= 0) {
yield [node.k!, node.v!];
node =;
* Similar to {@link SortedMap.entries}, but only yield sequence of keys.
* @param key
* @param max
keys(key?: K, max = false): IterableIterator<K> {
return map((p) => p[0], this.entries(key, max));
* Similar to {@link SortedMap.entries}, but only yield sequence of values.
* @param key
* @param max
values(key?: K, max = false): IterableIterator<V> {
return map((p) => p[1], this.entries(key, max));
clear() {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
$this.head = new Node<K, V>();
$this.size = 0;
empty(): SortedMap<K, V> {
return new SortedMap<K, V>(null, this.opts());
copy(): SortedMap<K, V> {
return new SortedMap<K, V>(this, this.opts());
compare(o: Map<K, V>) {
const n = this.size;
const m = o.size;
if (n < m) return -1;
if (n > m) return 1;
const i = this.entries();
const j = o.entries();
let x: IteratorResult<Pair<K, V>>, y: IteratorResult<Pair<K, V>>;
let c: number;
while (((x =, (y =, !x.done && !y.done)) {
if (
(c = compare(x.value[0], y.value[0])) !== 0 ||
(c = compare(x.value[1], y.value[1])) !== 0
) {
return c;
return 0;
equiv(o: any) {
return __equivMap(this, o);
first() {
const node = this.firstNode();
return node && node.k !== undefined ? [node.k, node.v] : undefined;
get(key: K, notFound?: V): Maybe<V> {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const node = this.findNode(key);
return node.k !== undefined && $this.cmp(node.k, key) === 0
? node.v
: notFound;
has(key: K): boolean {
const { cmp } = __private.get(this)!;
const node = this.findNode(key);
return node.k !== undefined && cmp(node.k, key) === 0;
set(key: K, val: V) {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const { cmp, p, rnd } = $this;
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.findNode(key);
if (node.k !== undefined && cmp(node.k, key) === 0) {
node.v = val;
while (node.down) {
node = node!.down;
node.v = val;
return this;
let newNode = new Node(key, val, node.level);
this.insertInLane(node, newNode);
let currLevel = node.level;
let headLevel = $this.head.level;
while (rnd.probability(p)) {
// check if new head (at a new level) is needed
if (currLevel >= headLevel) {
const newHead = new Node<K, V>(
headLevel + 1
this.linkLanes(newHead, $this.head);
$this.head = newHead;
// find nearest predecessor with up link
while (!node!.up) node = node!.prev;
node = node!.up;
// insert new link in express lane
const tmp = new Node(key, val, node.level);
this.insertInLane(node, tmp);
// connect with new node at base level
this.linkLanes(tmp, newNode);
newNode = tmp;
return this;
delete(key: K) {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.findNode(key);
if (node.k === undefined || $this.cmp(node.k, key) !== 0) return false;
// descent to lowest level
while (node.down) node = node.down;
let prev: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
let next: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
// ascend & remove node from all levels
while (node) {
prev = node.prev;
next =;
if (prev) = next;
if (next) next.prev = prev;
node = node.up;
// patch up head
while (!$ && $this.head.down) {
$this.head = $this.head.down;
$this.head.up = undefined;
return true;
into(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>) {
return <this>into(this, pairs);
dissoc(keys: Iterable<K>) {
return <this>dissoc(this, keys);
* The key & value args given the callback `fn` MUST be treated as
* readonly/immutable. This could be enforced via TS, but would
* break ES6 Map interface contract.
* @param fn -
* @param thisArg -
forEach(fn: Fn3<V, K, Map<K, V>, void>, thisArg?: any) {
for (let p of this) {, p[1], p[0], this);
$reduce<R>(rfn: ReductionFn<Pair<K, V>, R>, acc: R | Reduced<R>) {
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = this.firstNode();
while (node && node.k !== undefined && !isReduced(acc)) {
acc = rfn(acc, [node.k, node.v!]);
node =;
return acc;
opts(): SortedMapOpts<K> {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
return {
compare: $this.cmp,
probability: $this.p,
rnd: $this.rnd,
* Inserts `b` as successor of `a` (in the same lane as `a`).
* @param a
* @param b
protected insertInLane(a: Node<K, V>, b: Node<K, V>) {
b.prev = a; =;
if ( = b; = b;
* Links lanes by connecting `a` and `b` vertically.
* @param a
* @param b
protected linkLanes(a: Node<K, V>, b: Node<K, V>) {
a.down = b;
b.up = a;
* Returns first node on lowest level. Unless the map is empty, this node
* will be the first data node (with the smallest key).
protected firstNode() {
const { head } = __private.get(this)!;
let node: Maybe<Node<K, V>> = head;
while (node.down) node = node.down;
while (node.prev) node = node.prev;
if ( node =;
return node;
* Returns the first matching (or predecessor) node for given key (NOT
* necessarily at the lowest level).
* @param key
protected findNode(key: K) {
let { cmp, head } = __private.get(this)!;
let node: Node<K, V> = head;
let next: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
let down: Maybe<Node<K, V>>;
let nodeKey: Maybe<K>;
while (true) {
next =;
while (next && cmp(next.k!, key) <= 0) {
node = next;
next =;
nodeKey = node.k;
if (nodeKey !== undefined && cmp(nodeKey, key) === 0) break;
down = node.down;
if (!down) break;
node = down;
return node;
export function defSortedMap<K, V>(
pairs?: Iterable<Pair<K, V>> | null,
opts?: Partial<SortedMapOpts<K>>
): SortedMap<K, V>;
export function defSortedMap<V>(
obj: IObjectOf<V>,
opts?: Partial<SortedMapOpts<string>>
): SortedMap<string, V>;
export function defSortedMap<V>(
src: any,
opts?: Partial<SortedMapOpts<any>>
): SortedMap<any, V> {
return isPlainObject(src)
? new SortedMap<string, V>(Object.entries(src), opts)
: new SortedMap(src, opts);