import type { NumOrString } from "";
import { peek } from "";
import type { Canvas } from "./canvas.js";
import { hline } from "./hvline.js";
import { charCode, intersectRectCircle } from "./utils.js";
* Draws a circle (filled or outline) at given center position and
* radius and taking the current clip rect and format into account. If
* `char` is not given, uses current style's `dot` char.
* @param canvas -
* @param cx -
* @param cy -
* @param r -
* @param char -
* @param fill -
export const circle = (
canvas: Canvas,
cx: number,
cy: number,
r: number,
char?: NumOrString,
fill = false,
format = canvas.format
) => {
if (r < 1) return;
cx |= 0;
cy |= 0;
r |= 0;
const { x1, y1, x2, y2, w: clipw, h: cliph } = peek(canvas.clipRects);
if (!intersectRectCircle(x1, y1, clipw, cliph, cx, cy, r)) return;
char = charCode(
char !== undefined ? char : peek(canvas.styles).dot,
let x = 0;
let y = r;
let ymax = r * r;
let sum = ymax + r;
let dx2 = 1;
let dy2 = 2 * r - 1;
const { data, width } = canvas;
const $ = (ox: number, oy: number) =>
ox >= x1 &&
oy >= y1 &&
ox < x2 &&
oy < y2 &&
(data[ox + oy * width] = <number>char!);
while (x <= y) {
if (fill) {
hline(canvas, cx - y, cy + x, y << 1, char, char, char);
x && hline(canvas, cx - y, cy - x, y << 1, char, char, char);
} else {
$(cx - y, cy + x);
y && $(cx + y, cy + x);
if (x) {
$(cx - y, cy - x);
y && $(cx + y, cy - x);
if (x !== y) {
$(cx - x, cy - y);
x && $(cx + x, cy - y);
if (y) {
$(cx - x, cy + y);
x && $(cx + x, cy + y);
sum -= dx2;
if (sum <= ymax) {
if (fill && x !== y) {
hline(canvas, cx - x, cy - y, x << 1, char, char, char);
y && hline(canvas, cx - x, cy + y, x << 1, char, char, char);
ymax -= dy2;
dy2 -= 2;
dx2 += 2;