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55 mins
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import type { Fn } from "";
import { MSub } from "./mult.js";

export const pubsub = <K, V>(src: AsyncIterable<V>, topicFn: Fn<V, K>) =>
    new PubSub<K, V>(src, topicFn);

export class PubSub<K, V> {
    protected topics: Map<K, MSub<V>[]> = new Map();
    protected isActive = false;

    constructor(public src: AsyncIterable<V>, public topicFn: Fn<V, K>) {}

     * Creates a new subscription (aka custom `AsyncIterable`) which will
     * receive any future values from `src` matching given topic `id`. The
     * returned subscription can be removed again via
     * {@link PubSub.unsubscribeTopic}.
    subscribeTopic(id: K): AsyncIterable<V> {
        const sub = new MSub<V>();
        let subs = this.topics.get(id);
        if (!subs) {
            this.topics.set(id, (subs = []));
        if (!this.isActive) {
            this.isActive = true;
        return sub;

     * Attempts to remove given child subscription (presumably created via
     * {@link PubSub.subscribeTopic}). Returns true if removal was successful.
     * @param sub
    unsubscribeTopic(id: K, sub: AsyncIterable<V>) {
        const subs = this.topics.get(id);
        if (!subs) return false;
        const idx = subs.findIndex((x) => x === sub) ?? -1;
        if (idx >= 0) {
            subs.splice(idx, 1);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected async process() {
        for await (let val of this.src) {
            const topic = this.topicFn(val);
            const subs = this.topics.get(topic);
            if (!(subs && subs.length)) continue;
            for (let s of subs) s.resolve(val);
            await Promise.all( => x.notifyP));
        for (let subs of this.topics.values()) {
            for (let s of subs) s.resolve(undefined);
        this.isActive = false;