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import type { Fn, FnO, IDeref, Maybe } from "";
import type { IReadWriteBuffer } from "";
import { fifo } from "";
import { isNumber } from "";
import { illegalState } from "";
import type { ClosableAsyncGenerator } from "./api.js";

export interface Source<T> extends ClosableAsyncGenerator<T>, IDeref<Maybe<T>> {
     * Writes or queues given value `x` to be asynchronously passed down to the
     * source's consumer. If no other values are queued yet, the source
     * processes it immediately, otherwise the value will be first added to the
     * source's configured buffer.
     * @remarks
     * Once {@link Source.close} has been called, all future write attempts will
     * be silently ignored.
     * @param x
    write(x?: T): void;
     * Returns the most recently produced/yielded value (if any). If there's
     * back pressure (i.e. queued values caused by more frequent writes and than
     * reads, the returned value is **not** necessarily the last value written
     * via {@link Source.write}). Returns `undefined`, if no value has yet been
     * written or the source has already been fully closed (via
     * {@link Source.close}).
    deref(): Maybe<T>;
     * Takes a function which will be called with the most recent emitted value
     * of the source (plus any optionally given args) and queues the result of
     * that function as new value to be asynchronously passed down by the source
     * to its consumer.
     * @remarks
     * Only use this function in situations where there's no back pressure (i.e.
     * no queued up values).
     * @param fn
     * @param args
    update(fn: FnO<Maybe<T>, Maybe<T>>, ...args: any[]): void;

 * Creates an async iterable acting as data source with an extended API to
 * externally feed/write new values, which are then passed downstream to any
 * attached processors/transducers. The source can use an optional buffer
 * implementation to control back pressure behavior and value ordering.
 * @remarks
 * See []( for available buffer
 * implementations. By default a
 * [`fifo()`]( buffer
 * with capacity=1 is used.
 * If `initial` is given, the source will immediately deliver this value once a
 * consumer is attached.
 * The `source()` stores the last produced/yielded value (not necessarily the
 * last value written via {@link Source.write}), which can be read via
 * {@link Source.deref} or updated via {@link Source.update}.
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/source.ts
 * import { source, map, run } from "";
 * // create empty source
 * const src = source();
 * // create an async consumer
 * // (consumer stops when we close the source)
 * run(
 *   map(async (x) => x * 10),
 *   (x) => console.log("result:", x),
 *   src
 * )
 * // set new value
 * src.write(23);
 * // result: 230
 * // update last value
 * // (delayed invocation here to avoid buffer overflow)
 * setTimeout(() => src.update((x) => x + 1), 0);
 * // result: 240
 * // close/terminate source
 * setTimeout(() => src.close(), 0);
 * ```
 * @param initial
 * @param buffer
export const source = <T>(
    initial?: T,
    buffer: IReadWriteBuffer<Maybe<T>> | number = 1
) => {
    const queue = isNumber(buffer) ? fifo<Maybe<T>>(buffer) : buffer;
    let last: Maybe<T> = initial;
    let state = 0;
    let promise: Promise<Maybe<T>>;
    let resolve: Maybe<Fn<Maybe<T>, void>>;
    const newPromise = () => {
        promise = new Promise<Maybe<T>>(($resolve) => {
            resolve = $resolve;
    const gen = <Source<T>>(async function* () {
        while (true) {
            const val = await promise!;
            last = val;
            if (val === undefined) break;
            yield val;
            if (queue.readable()) resolve!(;
        state = 2;
    gen.write = (x) => {
        // don't accept new values if already closing
        if (state > 0) return;
        if (resolve) {
            resolve = undefined;
        } else if (queue.writable()) {
            if (x === undefined) state = 1;
        } else illegalState("buffer overflow");
    gen.update = (fn, ...args: any[]) => gen.write(fn(last, ...args));
    gen.close = () => gen.write(undefined);
    gen.deref = () => last;
    if (initial !== undefined) gen.write(initial);
    return gen;