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import type { SortOpts, Transducer } from "./api.js";
import { comp } from "./comp.js";
import { __sortOpts } from "./internal/sort-opts.js";
import { __iter, iterator } from "./iterator.js";
import { mapcat } from "./mapcat.js";
import { partition } from "./partition.js";

 * Transducer. Composition of {@link partition} and
 * {@link mapcat} which yields a **partially** sorted sequence of
 * input values. Sorting is performed on sliding / non-overlapping
 * chunks of `n` inputs.
 * @remarks
 * The optional `key` and `cmp` function args can be used to select /
 * compute a sortable value and change sorting behavior.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * import { partitionSort } from "";
 * [...partitionSort(4, [5,9,2,6,4,1,3,8,7,0])]
 * // [ 2, 5, 6, 9, 1, 3, 4, 8, 0, 7 ]
 * // with key fn and custom comparator
 * [...partitionSort(3, (x) => x.val, (a, b) => b - a,
 *   [
 *     { id: "a", val: 5 },
 *     { id: "b", val: 7 },
 *     { id: "c", val: 8 }
 *   ]
 * )]
 * // [ { id: 'c', val: 8 }, { id: 'b', val: 7 }, { id: 'a', val: 5 } ]
 * ```
 * @param n - window size
 * @param opts -
export function partitionSort<A, B>(
    n: number,
    opts?: Partial<SortOpts<A, B>>
): Transducer<A, A>;
export function partitionSort<A, B>(
    n: number,
    src: Iterable<A>
): IterableIterator<A>;
export function partitionSort<A, B>(
    n: number,
    opts: Partial<SortOpts<A, B>>,
    src: Iterable<A>
): IterableIterator<A>;
export function partitionSort<A, B>(...args: any[]): any {
    const iter = __iter(partitionSort, args, iterator);
    if (iter) {
        return iter;
    const { key, compare } = __sortOpts<A, B>(args[1]);
    return comp<A, A[], A>(
        partition(args[0], true),
        mapcat((window: A[]) =>
            window.slice().sort((a, b) => compare(key(a), key(b)))