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import type { Fn, IObjectOf } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { identity } from "";
import { illegalState } from "";
import type { Reducer, Transducer } from "./api.js";
import { __iter, iterator } from "./iterator.js";
import { isReduced } from "./reduced.js";

export interface PartitionSync<T> extends Transducer<T, IObjectOf<T>> {
     * Returns set of currently required input IDs.
    keys(): Set<PropertyKey>;
     * Removes all inputs and clears received values.
    clear(): void;
     * Adds `id` to set of required inputs.
     * @param id -
    add(id: PropertyKey): void;
     * Removes `id` from required inputs. If `clean` is true (default),
     * also removes any previously received value(s) for that input in
     * the result tuple.
     * @param id -
     * @param clean -
    delete(id: PropertyKey, clean?: boolean): void;

export interface PartitionSyncOpts<T> {
    key: Fn<T, PropertyKey>;
    mergeOnly: boolean;
    reset: boolean;
    all: boolean;
     * If greater than 0, then each labeled input will cache upto the
     * stated number of input values, even if other inputs have not yet
     * produced new values. Once the limit is reached, `partitionSync()`
     * will throw an `IllegalState` error.
     * Enabling this option will cause the same behavior as if `reset`
     * is enabled (regardless of the actual configured `reset` setting).
     * I.e. new results are only produced when ALL required inputs have
     * available values...
    backPressure: number;

 * Transducer intended for synchronization and provenance tracking of
 * possibly previously merged inputs. Partitions the input into labeled
 * tuple objects with the object keys obtained from the user provided
 * `keyfn` (which is applied to each input value).
 * @remarks
 * By default, a new result is only produced once values from **all**
 * given labeled sources have been received. Only labels contained in
 * the provided key set are used, others are skipped. The result tuples
 * will contain the most recent consumed value from each labeled input.
 * In dataflow scenarios this can be used to ensure a subsequent
 * operation consuming these tuples has all necessary inputs, regardless
 * of the individual rates of change of each original (pre-merge) input.
 * If the `mergeOnly` option is set to true (default: false), **no**
 * synchronization (waiting) of inputs is applied and potentially
 * partially populated tuple objects will be emitted for each received
 * input value, however as with the default behavior, tuples will retain
 * the most recent consumed value from other inputs.
 * Required keys (input ID labels) can be dynamically added or removed
 * via `.add(id)` or `.delete(id)` on the returned transducer.
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/partition-sync.ts
 * import { partitionSync } from "";
 * const src = [
 *   ["a", 1], ["a", 2], ["d", 100], ["b", 10],
 *   ["b", 11], ["c", 0], ["a", 3]
 * ];
 * // form tuples for values only from sources "a" & "b"
 * // here the label is the first element of each input item
 * console.log(
 *   [...partitionSync(["a", "b"], { key: (x) => x[0] }, src)]
 * );
 * // [ { a: ["a", 2], b: ["b", 10] },
 * //   { b: ["b", 11], a: ["a", 3] } ]
 * ```
 * In addition to the default mode of operation, i.e. waiting for new
 * values from *all* named inputs before a new tuple is produced, the
 * behavior for *all but the first tuple* can be changed to emit new
 * tuples as soon as a new value with a qualifying label has become
 * available (with other values in the tuple remaining). Compare with
 * above example:
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/partition-sync-2.ts
 * import { partitionSync } from "";
 * const src = [
 *   ["a", 1], ["a", 2], ["d", 100], ["b", 10],
 *   ["b", 11], ["c", 0], ["a", 3]
 * ];
 * // passing `false` to disable tuple reset
 * const res = [...partitionSync(
 *   ["a", "b"],
 *   {
 *     key: (x) => x[0],
 *     reset: false
 *   },
 *   src
 * )];
 * console.log(res);
 * // [ { a: ["a", 2], b: ["b", 10] },
 * //   { a: ["a", 2], b: ["b", 11] },
 * //   { a: ["a", 3], b: ["b", 11] } ]
 * ```
 * By default, the last emitted tuple is allowed to be incomplete (in
 * case the input closed). To only allow complete tuples, set the
 * optional `all` arg to false.
 * @param keys - allowed label set
 * @param opts -
export function partitionSync<T>(
    keys: PropertyKey[] | Set<PropertyKey>,
    opts?: Partial<PartitionSyncOpts<T>>
): PartitionSync<T>;
export function partitionSync<T>(
    keys: PropertyKey[] | Set<PropertyKey>,
    src: Iterable<T>
): IterableIterator<IObjectOf<T>>;
export function partitionSync<T>(
    keys: PropertyKey[] | Set<PropertyKey>,
    opts: Partial<PartitionSyncOpts<T>>,
    src: Iterable<T>
): IterableIterator<IObjectOf<T>>;
export function partitionSync<T>(...args: any[]): any {
    const iter = __iter(partitionSync, args, iterator);
    if (iter) return iter;

    const {
        key = <Fn<T, PropertyKey>>identity,
        mergeOnly = false,
        reset = true,
        all = true,
        backPressure = 0,
    } = <PartitionSyncOpts<T>>args[1];
    const requiredKeys: Set<PropertyKey> = isArray(args[0])
        ? new Set(args[0])
        : args[0];
    const currKeys = new Set<PropertyKey>();
    const cache: Map<PropertyKey, T[]> = new Map();
    let curr: IObjectOf<T> = {};

    const xform = ([init, complete, reduce]: Reducer<IObjectOf<T>, any>) => {
        let first = true;
        if (mergeOnly || backPressure < 1) {
            return <Reducer<T, any>>[
                (acc) => {
                    if (
                        (reset && all && currKeys.size > 0) ||
                        (!reset && first)
                    ) {
                        acc = reduce(acc, curr);
                        curr = {};
                        first = false;
                    return complete(acc);
                (acc, x) => {
                    const k = key(x);
                    if (requiredKeys.has(k)) {
                        curr[<any>k] = x;
                        if (
                            mergeOnly ||
                            __requiredInputs(requiredKeys, currKeys)
                        ) {
                            acc = reduce(acc, curr);
                            first = false;
                            if (reset) {
                                curr = {};
                            } else {
                                curr = { ...curr };
                    return acc;
        } else {
            // with backpressure / caching...
            return <Reducer<T, any>>[
                (acc) => {
                    if (all && currKeys.size > 0) {
                        acc = reduce(acc, __collect(cache, currKeys));
                    return complete(acc);
                (acc, x) => {
                    const k = key(x);
                    if (requiredKeys.has(k)) {
                        let slot = cache.get(k);
                        !slot && cache.set(k, (slot = []));
                        slot.length >= backPressure &&
                                `max back pressure (${backPressure}) exceeded for input: ${String(
                        while (__requiredInputs(requiredKeys, currKeys)) {
                            acc = reduce(acc, __collect(cache, currKeys));
                            first = false;
                            if (isReduced(acc)) break;
                    return acc;
    xform.keys = () => requiredKeys;
    xform.clear = () => {
        curr = {};
    xform.add = (id: PropertyKey) => {
    xform.delete = (id: PropertyKey, clean = true) => {
        if (clean) {
            delete curr[<any>id];
    return xform;

/** @internal */
const __requiredInputs = (
    required: Set<PropertyKey>,
    curr: Set<PropertyKey>
) => {
    if (curr.size < required.size) return false;
    for (let id of required) {
        if (!curr.has(id)) return false;
    return true;

/** @internal */
const __collect = <T>(
    cache: Map<PropertyKey, T[]>,
    currKeys: Set<PropertyKey>
) => {
    const curr: IObjectOf<T> = {};
    for (let id of currKeys) {
        const slot = cache.get(id)!;
        curr[<any>id] = slot.shift()!;
        !slot.length && currKeys.delete(id);
    return curr;