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import type { Fn0, FnAny } from "";
import { identity } from "";
import { implementsFunction } from "";
import { isArrayLike } from "";
import { isIterable } from "";
import { illegalArity } from "";
import type { IReducible, Reducer, ReductionFn } from "./api.js";
import { isReduced, unreduced } from "./reduced.js";

const parseArgs = (args: any[]) =>
    args.length === 2
        ? [undefined, args[1]]
        : args.length === 3
        ? [args[1], args[2]]
        : illegalArity(args.length);

export function reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, src: Iterable<A>): B;
export function reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, acc: B, src: Iterable<A>): B;
export function reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, src: IReducible<A, B>): B;
export function reduce<A, B>(
    rfn: Reducer<A, B>,
    acc: A,
    src: IReducible<A, B>
): B;
export function reduce<A, B>(...args: any[]): B {
    const rfn = args[0];
    const init = rfn[0];
    const complete = rfn[1];
    const reduce = rfn[2];
    args = parseArgs(args);
    const acc: B = args[0] == null ? init() : args[0];
    const src: Iterable<A> | IReducible<A, B> = args[1];
    return unreduced(
            implementsFunction(src, "$reduce")
                ? src.$reduce(reduce, acc)
                : isArrayLike(src)
                ? reduceArray(reduce, acc, src)
                : reduceIterable(reduce, acc, <Iterable<A>>src)

export function reduceRight<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, src: ArrayLike<A>): B;
export function reduceRight<A, B>(
    rfn: Reducer<A, B>,
    acc: B,
    src: ArrayLike<A>
): B;
export function reduceRight<A, B>(...args: any[]): B {
    const [init, complete, reduce]: Reducer<A, B> = args[0];
    args = parseArgs(args);
    let acc: B = args[0] == null ? init() : args[0];
    const src: Array<A> = args[1];
    for (let i = src.length; i-- > 0; ) {
        acc = <any>reduce(acc, src[i]);
        if (isReduced(acc)) {
            acc = (<any>acc).deref();
    return unreduced(complete(acc));

const reduceArray = <A, B>(
    rfn: ReductionFn<A, B>,
    acc: B,
    src: ArrayLike<A>
) => {
    for (let i = 0, n = src.length; i < n; i++) {
        acc = <any>rfn(acc, src[i]);
        if (isReduced(acc)) {
            acc = (<any>acc).deref();
    return acc;

const reduceIterable = <A, B>(
    rfn: ReductionFn<A, B>,
    acc: B,
    src: Iterable<A>
) => {
    for (let x of src) {
        acc = <any>rfn(acc, x);
        if (isReduced(acc)) {
            acc = (<any>acc).deref();
    return acc;

 * Convenience helper for building a full {@link Reducer} using the identity
 * function (i.e. `(x) => x`) as completion step (true for 90% of all
 * bundled transducers).
 * @param init - init step of reducer
 * @param rfn - reduction step of reducer
export const reducer = <A, B>(init: Fn0<B>, rfn: ReductionFn<A, B>) =>
    <Reducer<A, B>>[init, identity, rfn];

export const $$reduce = (rfn: FnAny<Reducer<any, any>>, args: any[]) => {
    const n = args.length - 1;
    return isIterable(args[n])
        ? args.length > 1
            ? reduce(rfn.apply(null, args.slice(0, n)), args[n])
            : reduce(rfn(), args[0])
        : undefined;