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use GemsPhing\GemsTask;

 * @readme Tasks
 * ###DepsTask
 * Handles executing Google's Closure Dependency generator for JavaScript.
 * Name | Type | Description | Default | Required
 * -----|------|-------------|---------|---------
 * output | string | The relative output path for the deps.js file. | n/a | Yes
 * library | string | The relative location to the closure library | n/a | Yes
 * prefix | string | A URL prefix to load JS files relative to goog/base.js | n/a | Yes
 * ```xml
 * <taskdef name="deps" classname="GemsPhing.Closure.DepsTask"/>
 * <deps output="www/deps.js" library="./www/closure-library" prefix="../../../src/cgTag">
 *        <fileset dir="./www/src/cgTag"/>
 * </deps>
 * ```
class DepsTask extends GemsTask
     * @var \FileSet[] A collection of FileSet objects.

    private $filesets = array();

     * @var string The location of the google closure library.
     * @see
    private $library;

     * @var string The name of the output file.
    private $output;

     * @var string The prefix for URLs in deps.js file.
    private $prefix;

     * @return \FileSet The new file set object.
    public function createFileSet()
        $num = array_push($this->filesets, new \FileSet());

        return $this->filesets[$num - 1];

     *  Called by the project to let the task do it's work. This method may be
     *  called more than once, if the task is invoked more than once. For
     *  example, if target1 and target2 both depend on target3, then running
     *  <em>phing target1 target2</em> will run all tasks in target3 twice.
     *  Should throw a BuildException if something goes wrong with the build
     *  This is here. Must be overloaded by real tasks.
    public function main()
        if (empty($this->output))
            throw new BuildException("Must specify an output file.", $this->location);

        if (empty($this->library))
            throw new BuildException("Must specific location of Google closure library.", $this->location);


        $params = [

        foreach ($this->filesets as $fs)
            $scanner = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($this->project);
            $dir = realpath($scanner->getBasedir());
            if (!file_exists($dir))
                throw new BuildException("Directory doesn't exist: $dir");
            $params[] = "--root_with_prefix=\"{$dir} {$this->prefix}\"";

        // add files to parameters.
        $this->params[] = implode(" ", $params);
        $this->params[] = "--output_file={$this->output}";

        $options = implode(" ", $this->params);

        $this->shell("python {$this->library}{$DS}closure{$DS}bin{$DS}build{$DS} $options");

     * @param string $library
    public function setLibrary($library)
        $this->library = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $library);

     * @param string $filename Name of the output file.
    public function setOutput($filename)
        $this->output = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename);

     * @param string $prefix
    public function setPrefix($prefix)
        $this->prefix = $prefix;