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# sensu-plugins-oracle

This sensu plugin provides native Oracle instrumentation.

## Files
  * bin/check-oracle-alive.rb
  * bin/check-oracle-query.rb

## Usage

  -- check a single connection
  check-oracle-alive.rb -u scott -p tiger -d hr

  -- check a single connection with timeout
  check-oracle-alive.rb -u scott -p tiger -d hr -T 30

  -- check multiple connections as defined in a file, use 5 worker threads (-W 5) and verbose output (-v)
  check-oracle-alive.rb -f connections.csv -W 5 -v

  > cat connections.csv
    # production connection

    # test connection

  -- check for invalid objects in a schema, shows type and name if there are invalid objects (-s), define a ciritical boundary only (-c)
  check-oracle-query.rb -u scott -p tiger -d hr -t -s -query "select object_type, object_name from user_objects where status = 'INVALID'" -c "value > 0"

  -- same as above but check for all connections in a file, use 5 worker threads
  check-oracle-query.rb -f connections.csv -t -s -query "select object_type, object_name from user_objects where status = 'INVALID'" -c "value > 0" -W 5


## Installation

[Installation and Setup](

## Supported Ruby Versions

Currently supported and tested ruby versions are:

- 3.3
- 3.2
- 3.1
- 3.0 (EOL March 31 2024)
- 2.7 (EOL March 31 2023, is not part of CI anymore)
- 2.6 (EOL March 31 2022, is not part of CI anymore)