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exports.log = require("./log");
exports.ajax = require("./ajax");
exports.kissCrypto = require("./kissCrypto");

 * Iterates over an array with supplied function
 * @template T Array type
 * @param {T[]} array Array to iterate over
 * @param {function(Number, T):void} func Function that gets called with an object and its index
 * @param {Object} [obj]
 * @param {Number} [obj.min] Array index to start from (inclusive)
 * @param {Number} [obj.max] Array index to end at (inclusive)
exports.for = (array, func, { min = 0, max = array.length - 1 } = {}) => {
    for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
        func(i, array[i]);

 * Replaces characters that have special meaning in a batch file or are forbidden in directory names
 * @param {String} str
 * @returns {String}
exports.makeBatSafe = (str) => {
    return str.replace(/[%^&<>|:\\/?*"]/g, "_");

 * Promisified setTimeout
 * @param {number} time Wait time in milliseconds
 * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise resolves after timeout
let wait = exports.wait = (time) =>
    new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, time);

 * Postpones execution until event queue is cleared
 * Either pass a function or await this function
 * @param {Function} [callback]
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
exports.defer = async (callback = () => {}) => {
    await wait(0);

 * Clones object properties
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @returns {Object}
exports.clone = (obj) =>
    $.extend(true, {}, obj);

 * Strips iterable properties from an object
 * Used to clear an object without breaking references to it
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @returns {Object} Empty object
exports.clear = (obj) =>
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { delete obj[key]; });

 * Merges two objects by copying properties of the second onto the first
 * @param {Object} obj1 This object is mutated in the process
 * @param {Object} obj2
 * @returns {Object} obj1 with added properties of obj2
exports.merge = (obj1, obj2) =>
    $.extend(true, obj1, obj2);

 * Returns the last element of an array
 * @param {T[]} arr
 * @returns {T} Last element
 * @template T Array type
exports.last = (arr) =>
    arr[arr.length - 1];

 * form/urlencodes the given object
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @returns {String}
exports.urlEncode = (obj) => {
    let str = "";
    for (let i in obj) {
        str += `${encodeURIComponent(i)}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[i])}&`;
    return str.slice(0, -1); // remove trailing '&'