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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Generate swagger client from Thoth's swagger specification for Thamos.
# Fridolin Pokorny <>
# This file automates generation of the swagger client and makes it reproducible. Run this
# file to automatically generate Python swagger client for interacting with Thoth from Thamos.

set -ex


function die() {
    echo $@ 1>&2
    exit 1

which which > /dev/null || die "Please install which command to continue"
which git > /dev/null   || die "Please install git to continue"
which mvn > /dev/null   || die "Please install maven to continue"
which java > /dev/null  || die "Please install java to continue"
which find > /dev/null  || die "Please install find utility to continue"

if [ ! -d 'swagger-codegen' ]; then
    git clone
    pushd swagger-codegen
    git checkout 'v3.0.29'
    mvn clean
    mvn package -DskipTests

rm -rf swagger-codegen-output/ Documentation/
java -jar swagger-codegen/modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
    -i "${THOTH_SWAGGER_YAML}" \
    -l python \
    -o swagger-codegen-output/ \
    -c swagger-codegen.json

rm -rf thamos/swagger_client
cp -r swagger-codegen-output/thamos/swagger_client/ thamos/swagger_client
# There is a bug in swagger-codegen - it does not respect sub-package for some files, this is a simple workaround.
find swagger-codegen-output/thamos/swagger_client/ -iname '*.py' -exec sed -i 's/^from thoth/from thamos.swagger_client.thoth/' {} \+
find swagger-codegen-output/docs -iname '*.md' -exec sed -i 's|All URIs are relative to .*|All URIs are relative to|' {} \+
cp -r swagger-codegen-output/thamos/swagger_client/* thamos/swagger_client
cp -r swagger-codegen-output/docs Documentation

# Nullable values are not recognized by
sed -i '/.*if container is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if exit_code is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if finished_at is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if reason is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if started_at is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if log is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if warehouse_api_url is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if env_image_name is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if env_image_tag is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if cuda_version is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if environment_name is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if python_version is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if image_sha is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if os_name is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if os_version is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if thoth_image_name is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if thoth_image_version is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if only_if_packages_seen is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if name is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if version is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if error_msg is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if input is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if metadata is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if advised_runtime_environment is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if error_msg is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if report is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
sed -i '/.*if stack_info is None:/,+1 d' "thamos/swagger_client/models/"
find Documentation -name "*.md" -exec sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//' {} \;
find thamos/swagger_client -name "*.py" -exec sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//' {} \;