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# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This
project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased (`master`)][unreleased]

Nothing at the moment.


## [7.0.0] - 2020-03-09

### Added

- Improved error handling of unsupported font file formats in the `font-face`
  mixin (supported formats are `woff2` and `woff`).
- CSS `var()` and `env()` functions are now accepted as values in the
  `position` and `size` mixins.

### Changed

- Updated `thor` from 0.x to 1.x

### Removed

- The `font-face` mixin no longer supports `ttf`, `svg`, and `eot`
  font file formats.


## [6.0.0] - 2019-07-10

### Removed

- Installation through Bower is no longer supported.
- The sass gem (the deprecated Ruby Sass) is no longer a runtime dependency.


## [5.1.0] - 2018-07-20

### Added

- `$font-stack-system` now includes the `system-ui` value.

### Changed

- The `_gamma` function will use a `pow` function, if available.


## [5.0.1] - 2018-06-08

### Fixed

- Fixed an issue that would cause Bourbon to not be found when using SassC.


## [5.0.0] - 2018-01-05

Bourbon 5.0.0 is a major release with lots of changes and removals, which are
documented below in each of the alpha and beta releases. There are no changes
between v5.0.0-beta.8 and v5.0.0. For information on how to upgrade from v4 to
v5, read our [migrating guide][migrating-guide].


## [5.0.0-beta.8] - 2017-06-26

### Added

- A `style` property has been added to our `package.json`, which makes for easy
  importing when using npm-sass, sass-module-importer and others.

### Changed

- The `triangle` mixin no longer has default argument values. The order of the
  arguments also changed: `$width` and `$height` now come before `$color`.

### Fixed

- The `bourbon update` CLI command now works when Bourbon is installed using a
  custom path.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Bourbon to not be found within Rails apps.


## [5.0.0-beta.7] - 2016-11-03

### Added

- Added `white-space: nowrap;` to the `hide-visually` mixin so that content
  renders on one line and is correctly pronounced by screen readers. You can
  read more about this in Jesse Beach’s article “[Beware smushed off-screen
    accessible text][smushed-text-article].”

### Changed

- Removed the default values from the `$position` and `$coordinates` arguments
  for the `position` mixin.
- Updated `contrast-switch` to calculate contrast based on the WCAG 2.0
  specification. Please note that it is an approximation and we cannot guarantee
  full compliance, though all of our manual testing passed.
- Renamed the `$coordinates` argument in the `position` mixin
  to `$box-edge-values`.
- Updated `$font-stack-system` to include Avenir Next, Avenir, Lucida
  Grande, Helvetica, Noto, Franklin Gothic Medium, Century Gothic, and
  Liberation Sans. This follows [system-fonts] by Adam Morse.
- The `word-break` property was removed from the `word-wrap` mixin and
  is no longer output.
- Renamed the `word-wrap` mixin to `overflow-wrap` to align with the
  name change in the [CSS spec].

[CSS spec]:


## [5.0.0-beta.6] - 2016-06-06

### Added

- Added a `value-prefixer` mixin for generating vendor prefixes on values.


## [5.0.0-beta.5] - 2016-03-23

### Fixed

- Fixed a Sass load path issue that would intermittently break the importing of
  Bourbon in Rails apps.

### Changed

- Swapped the order of the `$file-formats` and `$asset-pipeline` arguments in
  the `font-face` mixin, so that `$asset-pipeline` is last (because it has a
  default and is likely used the least).


## [5.0.0-beta.4] - 2016-03-11

### Fixed

- We accidentally published `5.0.0.beta.3` as a stable release on npm, rather
  than a prerelease. We’ve unpublished that to go back to `4.2.6` on the stable


## [5.0.0-beta.3] - 2016-03-04

### Fixed

- Added `pathname` requirement to fix install issues.


## [5.0.0-beta.2] - 2016-03-03

### Added

- Added global settings for the `contrast-switch` mixin:
  `contrast-switch-dark-color` & `contrast-switch-light-color`.
- Added the `triangle` mixin back, but note that it’s been refactored and the
  arguments have changed. See [43e5a90].

### Changed

- Switched argument names in `contrast-switch`; `$dark-color` is now
  `$light-color` and `$light-color` is now `$dark-color`.
- The `is-light` function is now private.

### Removed

- Dropped support for Ruby on Rails versions older than 4.2.
- Dropped support for LibSass versions older than 3.3.


## [5.0.0-beta.1] - 2016-02-09

### Added

- Added a `contrast-switch` function that switches between two colors based on the
  lightness of a another color. Great for building button styles.
- Added an `$all-text-inputs-invalid` variable to target the `:invalid`
  pseudo-class on all text-based inputs.
- The `ellipsis` mixin now takes a `$display` argument.
- Added a font stack for system fonts: `$font-stack-system`.
- Added a `hide-visually` mixin that hides an element visually while still
  allowing the content to be accessible to assistive technology,
  e.g. screen readers.
- The `font-face` mixin now allows additional CSS properties to be included in
  its block, which will output as part of the `@font-face` declaration.
  See [2356719].

### Changed

- The global default for the `modular-scale` ratio is now set to
  `$major-third` (`1.25`), instead of `$perfect-fourth` (`1.333`).
- All font stack variables are now prefixed with `$font-stack-`,
  e.g. `$font-stack-helvetica`.
- Global settings are now set via a `$bourbon` map, instead of variables.
  See [4e43c2d].
- The `clearfix` mixin now uses `block` display, instead of `table`.

### Removed

- The `$weight` and `$style` arguments in the `font-face` mixin have been
  removed. Instead, you can now include these—along with other CSS
  properties—within the mixin block and they’ll be output as part of the
  `@font-face` declaration.


## [5.0.0.alpha.0] - 2015-08-21

### Added

- Added a `$global-font-file-formats` setting to globally set the file formats
  for the `font-face` mixin. The default is `("ttf", "woff2", "woff")`.
- Add `$consolas`, `$courier-new` and `$monaco` variables (these replace the
  removed `$monospace` variable).

### Changed

- Removed the type selectors in `$all-text-inputs` and `$all-buttons` to
  reduce specificity.
- Font stacks have been modernized. See [3cf106a].
- The `strip-units` function is now `strip-unit`.
- The `size` mixin now requires a comma-separated argument list,
  e.g. `@include size(1em, 2em);`.

### Removed

- All vendor prefixing mixins have been removed. These include:
  - `align-items`
  - `animation-delay`
  - `animation-direction`
  - `animation-duration`
  - `animation-fill-mode`
  - `animation-iteration-count`
  - `animation-name`
  - `animation-play-state`
  - `animation-timing-function`
  - `animation`
  - `appearance`
  - `backface-visibility`
  - `background-image`
  - `background`
  - `border-image`
  - `calc`
  - `column-count`
  - `column-fill`
  - `column-gap`
  - `column-rule-color`
  - `column-rule-style`
  - `column-rule-width`
  - `column-rule`
  - `column-span`
  - `column-width`
  - `columns`
  - `display`
  - `filter`
  - `flex-direction`
  - `flex`
  - `font-feature-settings`
  - `hidpi`
  - `hyphens`
  - `image-rendering`
  - `justify-content`
  - `keyframes`
  - `linear-gradient`
  - `perspective`
  - `placeholder`
  - `radial-gradient`
  - `selection`
  - `text-decoration-color`
  - `text-decoration-line`
  - `text-decoration-style`
  - `text-decoration`
  - `transform-origin`
  - `transform-style`
  - `transform`
  - `transition-delay`
  - `transition-duration`
  - `transition-property`
  - `transition-timing-function`
  - `transition`
  - `user-select`
  - For prefixing, we recommend using a more robust and maintainable solution
    like [Autoprefixer].
- The `$global-prefixes` setting has been removed and the `prefixer` mixin
  has been refactored and no longer uses it.
- The `$monospace` variable has been removed.
- The `box-sizing` mixin has been removed.
- The `button` mixin has been removed.
- The `em` and `rem` functions have been removed.
  - [See the discussion on why these were removed][em-rem-issue].
- The `flex-grid` function has been removed.
- The `flex-gutter` function has been removed.
- The `golden-ratio` function has been removed.
- The `grid-width` function has been removed.
- The `inline-block` mixin has been removed.
- The `retina-image` mixin has been removed.
- The `triangle` mixin has been removed.


## [4.3.4] - 2017-04-01

### Changed

- Updated deprecation warning message for `strip-units`. ([#1016])


## [4.3.3] - 2017-02-23

### Fixed

- Internal Bourbon deprecation warnings for `is-size` and `is-length` will no
  longer be thrown when using the `size` mixin.


## [4.3.2] - 2017-02-10

### Fixed

- Internal Bourbon deprecation warnings for `unpack` and `is-length` will no
  longer be thrown when using the `position` mixin. ([#1004])


## [4.3.1] - 2017-02-07

### Fixed

- Internal Bourbon deprecation warnings will no longer be thrown. ([#1002])


## [4.3.0] - 2017-02-03

### Added

- Added deprecation warnings for features that will be removed in 5.0.0. Please
  reference our [change log], which includes a list of these changes and
  removals. ([#891])

[change log]:

## [4.2.7] - 2016-04-15

### Fixed

- Fixed a Sass deprecation warning when using the `background` and
  `background-image` mixins.


## [4.2.6] - 2015-10-17

### Fixed

- Fixed a bug with eyeglass support.


## [4.2.5] - 2015-09-17

## Added

- Support for [eyeglass].


## [4.2.4] - 2015-08-21

## Changed

- [`$all-text-inputs`] now accounts for `input`’s that don’t have a `type`
  attribute specified, as they default to `type="text"`.
- The [`bourbon` npm package] now has a proper load path.

[`bourbon` npm package]:

## [4.2.3] - 2015-05-18

## Fixed

- Fixed an issue with the `font-face` mixin outputting an extraneous commas when
  using LibSass set to compressed output.


## [4.2.2] - 2015-04-01

## Fixed

- The `flex-direction` mixin now properly outputs box-direction (old syntax) if
  set to normal.


## [4.2.1] - 2015-02-23

## Fixed

- Restored the `app/` directory for npm.
