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## A lightweight and flexible Sass grid

**Note:** This project is no longer maintained. We favor and encourage people to use
native CSS features like Grid and Flexbox. Float-based grid frameworks like Neat
are no longer necessary.

[Neat] is a fluid grid framework with the aim of being easy enough to
use out of the box and flexible enough to customize down the road.


### Helpful Links

- [Demos](
- [Documentation](
- [Change log](
- [Twitter](
- [Stack Overflow](
- [Neat 2.0 Building the future of floated Sass grids]( by [@whmii](
- [Getting started with Neat 2.0, a lightweight and flexible Sass grid]( by [@whmii](

## Table of Contents

- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Command Line Interface](#command-line-interface)
- [The Bourbon Family](#the-bourbon-family)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [About](#about)

## Requirements

- [Sass] 3.4+ or [LibSass] 3.3+


## Installation

1. Install the Neat gem using the [RubyGems] package manager:

   gem install neat

1. Install or update Neat’s dependencies:

   gem install sass # or gem update sass

   **Pro Tip:** You can target installation into a specific directory using the
   `path` flag:

   neat install --path my/custom/path/

1. Install the Neat library into the current directory:

   neat install

1. Import Neat in your stylesheet:

   @import "neat/neat";

   It’s not recommended to add or modify the Neat files so that you can update
   them easily.


### Installation for Ruby on Rails 4.2+

1. Add Neat to your Gemfile:

   gem "neat"

1. Then run:

   bundle install

   If you see the error `Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem
   "sass"`, run:

   bundle update sass

1. Import Neat in your `application.scss`:

   @import "neat";

   It should be noted that `@import` rules are not compatible with Sprockets
   directives. You need to use one or the other.

### Installing with npm and using a Node-based asset pipeline

1. Add Neat as a dependency:

   npm install --save bourbon-neat

1. If you’re using [eyeglass], skip to Step 3. Otherwise, you’ll need to add
   Neat to your node-sass `includePaths` option.
   `require("bourbon-neat").includePaths` is an array of directories that you
   should pass to node-sass. How you do this depends on how node-sass is
   integrated into your project.

1. Import Neat into your Sass files:

   @import "neat";


### Installing older versions of Neat

1. Uninstall any Neat gem versions you already have:

   gem uninstall neat

1. Reinstall the Neat gem, using the `-v` flag to specify the version you need:

   gem install neat -v 1.8.1

1. Follow the [instructions above](#installation) to install Neat into your

## Command Line Interface

neat [options]

### Options

| Option            | Description               |
| :---------------- | :------------------------ |
| `-h`, `--help`    | Show help                 |
| `-v`, `--version` | Show the version number   |
| `--path`          | Specify a custom path     |
| `--force`         | Force install (overwrite) |

### Commands

| Command        | Description                                        |
| :------------- | :------------------------------------------------- |
| `neat install` | Install Neat into the current directory            |
| `neat update`  | Overwrite and update Neat in the current directory |
| `neat remove`  | Removes Neat from the current directory            |
| `neat help`    | Show help                                          |
| `neat version` | Show the version number                            |

## The Bourbon family

- [Bourbon]: A lightweight Sass tool set
- [Bitters]: Scaffold styles, variables and structure for Bourbon projects


## Contributing

See the [contributing] document. Thank you, [contributors]!


## License

Neat is copyright © 2012 [thoughtbot, inc.][thoughtbot] It is free software, and
may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [license].


## About

Neat is maintained by the thoughtbot design team. It is funded by
[thoughtbot, inc.][thoughtbot] and the names and logos for thoughtbot are
trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.

[![thoughtbot logo](][thoughtbot]

We love open-source software! See [our other projects][community] or
[hire us][hire] to design, develop, and grow your product.
