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# Paperclip allows file attachments that are stored in the filesystem. All graphical
# transformations are done using the Graphics/ImageMagick command line utilities and
# are stored in Tempfiles until the record is saved. Paperclip does not require a
# separate model for storing the attachment's information, instead adding a few simple
# columns to your table.
# Author:: Jon Yurek
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008-2011 thoughtbot, inc.
# License:: MIT License (
# Paperclip defines an attachment as any file, though it makes special considerations
# for image files. You can declare that a model has an attached file with the
# +has_attached_file+ method:
#   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#     has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :thumb => "100x100" }
#   end
#   user =
#   user.avatar = params[:user][:avatar]
#   user.avatar.url
#   # => "/users/avatars/4/original_me.jpg"
#   user.avatar.url(:thumb)
#   # => "/users/avatars/4/thumb_me.jpg"
# See the +has_attached_file+ documentation for more details.

require 'erb'
require 'digest'
require 'tempfile'
require 'paperclip/version'
require 'paperclip/geometry_parser_factory'
require 'paperclip/geometry_detector_factory'
require 'paperclip/geometry'
require 'paperclip/processor'
require 'paperclip/processor_helpers'
require 'paperclip/tempfile'
require 'paperclip/thumbnail'
require 'paperclip/interpolations/plural_cache'
require 'paperclip/interpolations'
require 'paperclip/tempfile_factory'
require 'paperclip/style'
require 'paperclip/attachment'
require 'paperclip/storage'
require 'paperclip/callbacks'
require 'paperclip/file_command_content_type_detector'
require 'paperclip/media_type_spoof_detector'
require 'paperclip/content_type_detector'
require 'paperclip/glue'
require 'paperclip/errors'
require 'paperclip/missing_attachment_styles'
require 'paperclip/validators'
require 'paperclip/logger'
require 'paperclip/helpers'
require 'paperclip/has_attached_file'
require 'paperclip/attachment_registry'
require 'paperclip/filename_cleaner'
require 'paperclip/rails_environment'

  # Use mime/types/columnar if available, for reduced memory usage
  require "mime/types/columnar"
rescue LoadError
  require "mime/types"

require 'mimemagic'
require 'mimemagic/overlay'
require 'logger'
require 'terrapin'

require 'paperclip/railtie' if defined?(Rails::Railtie)

# The base module that gets included in ActiveRecord::Base. See the
# documentation for Paperclip::ClassMethods for more useful information.
module Paperclip
  extend Helpers
  extend Logger
  extend ProcessorHelpers

  # Provides configurability to Paperclip. The options available are:
  # * whiny: Will raise an error if Paperclip cannot process thumbnails of
  #   an uploaded image. Defaults to true.
  # * log: Logs progress to the Rails log. Uses ActiveRecord's logger, so honors
  #   log levels, etc. Defaults to true.
  # * command_path: Defines the path at which to find the command line
  #   programs if they are not visible to Rails the system's search path. Defaults to
  #   nil, which uses the first executable found in the user's search path.
  # * use_exif_orientation: Whether to inspect EXIF data to determine an
  #   image's orientation. Defaults to true.
  def self.options
    @options ||= {
      command_path: nil,
      content_type_mappings: {},
      log: true,
      log_command: true,
      read_timeout: nil,
      swallow_stderr: true,
      use_exif_orientation: true,
      whiny: true,
      is_windows: Gem.win_platform?

  def self.io_adapters=(new_registry)
    @io_adapters = new_registry

  def self.io_adapters
    @io_adapters ||=

  module ClassMethods
    # +has_attached_file+ gives the class it is called on an attribute that maps to a file. This
    # is typically a file stored somewhere on the filesystem and has been uploaded by a user.
    # The attribute returns a Paperclip::Attachment object which handles the management of
    # that file. The intent is to make the attachment as much like a normal attribute. The
    # thumbnails will be created when the new file is assigned, but they will *not* be saved
    # until +save+ is called on the record. Likewise, if the attribute is set to +nil+ is
    # called on it, the attachment will *not* be deleted until +save+ is called. See the
    # Paperclip::Attachment documentation for more specifics. There are a number of options
    # you can set to change the behavior of a Paperclip attachment:
    # * +url+: The full URL of where the attachment is publicly accessible. This can just
    #   as easily point to a directory served directly through Apache as it can to an action
    #   that can control permissions. You can specify the full domain and path, but usually
    #   just an absolute path is sufficient. The leading slash *must* be included manually for
    #   absolute paths. The default value is
    #   "/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename". See
    #   Paperclip::Attachment#interpolate for more information on variable interpolaton.
    #     :url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename"
    #     :url => ""
    #   Note: When using the +s3+ storage option, the +url+ option expects
    #   particular values. See the Paperclip::Storage::S3#url documentation for
    #   specifics.
    # * +default_url+: The URL that will be returned if there is no attachment assigned.
    #   This field is interpolated just as the url is. The default value is
    #   "/:attachment/:style/missing.png"
    #     has_attached_file :avatar, :default_url => "/images/default_:style_avatar.png"
    # # => "/images/default_small_avatar.png"
    # * +styles+: A hash of thumbnail styles and their geometries. You can find more about
    #   geometry strings at the ImageMagick website
    #   ( Paperclip
    #   also adds the "#" option (e.g. "50x50#"), which will resize the image to fit maximally
    #   inside the dimensions and then crop the rest off (weighted at the center). The
    #   default value is to generate no thumbnails.
    # * +default_style+: The thumbnail style that will be used by default URLs.
    #   Defaults to +original+.
    #     has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :normal => "100x100#" },
    #                       :default_style => :normal
    #     user.avatar.url # => "/avatars/23/normal_me.png"
    # * +keep_old_files+: Keep the existing attachment files (original + resized) from
    #   being automatically deleted when an attachment is cleared or updated. Defaults to +false+.
    # * +preserve_files+: Keep the existing attachment files in all cases, even if the parent
    #   record is destroyed. Defaults to +false+.
    # * +whiny+: Will raise an error if Paperclip cannot post_process an uploaded file due
    #   to a command line error. This will override the global setting for this attachment.
    #   Defaults to true.
    # * +convert_options+: When creating thumbnails, use this free-form options
    #   array to pass in various convert command options.  Typical options are "-strip" to
    #   remove all Exif data from the image (save space for thumbnails and avatars) or
    #   "-depth 8" to specify the bit depth of the resulting conversion.  See ImageMagick
    #   convert documentation for more options: (
    #   Note that this option takes a hash of options, each of which correspond to the style
    #   of thumbnail being generated. You can also specify :all as a key, which will apply
    #   to all of the thumbnails being generated. If you specify options for the :original,
    #   it would be best if you did not specify destructive options, as the intent of keeping
    #   the original around is to regenerate all the thumbnails when requirements change.
    #     has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :large => "300x300", :negative => "100x100" }
    #                                :convert_options => {
    #                                  :all => "-strip",
    #                                  :negative => "-negate"
    #                                }
    #   NOTE: While not deprecated yet, it is not recommended to specify options this way.
    #   It is recommended that :convert_options option be included in the hash passed to each
    #   :styles for compatibility with future versions.
    #   NOTE: Strings supplied to :convert_options are split on space in order to undergo
    #   shell quoting for safety. If your options require a space, please pre-split them
    #   and pass an array to :convert_options instead.
    # * +storage+: Chooses the storage backend where the files will be stored. The current
    #   choices are :filesystem, :fog and :s3. The default is :filesystem. Make sure you read the
    #   documentation for Paperclip::Storage::Filesystem, Paperclip::Storage::Fog and Paperclip::Storage::S3
    #   for backend-specific options.
    # It's also possible for you to dynamically define your interpolation string for :url,
    # :default_url, and :path in your model by passing a method name as a symbol as a argument
    # for your has_attached_file definition:
    #   class Person
    #     has_attached_file :avatar, :default_url => :default_url_by_gender
    #     private
    #     def default_url_by_gender
    #       "/assets/avatars/default_#{gender}.png"
    #     end
    #   end
    def has_attached_file(name, options = {})
      HasAttachedFile.define_on(self, name, options)

# This stuff needs to be run after Paperclip is defined.
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/registry'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/abstract_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/empty_string_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/identity_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/file_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/stringio_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/data_uri_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/nil_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/attachment_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/uploaded_file_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/uri_adapter'
require 'paperclip/io_adapters/http_url_proxy_adapter'