Svg Utils for pasing SVGFile and manipulate Matrix object like Snap.svg
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## Install
npm install svgutils
## Requirements
### NodeJS
Required version : 0.10.22
## Usage
With SVGUtils you can :
+ Convert SVG Document to JSON
+ Convert JSON to SVG Document
+ Manipulate Svg
+ Use Matrix to SVG or elements
+ ...
#### Warning
For Text and Group, the boundingbox result is not true but it's enough for basic manipulations
### Loading SVG file
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
// ...
### Convert SVG file to JSON
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
var json = svg.toJSON();
### Apply Matrix and get transformed svg
#### Currents Matrix only
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
svg.applyMatrix(null, function(newSvg){
#### Externals and currents Matrix
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg,
Matrix = require('svgutils';.Matrix;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
// Ex : apply translate(10, 20) to all svg
svg.applyMatrix(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20), function(newSvg){
### Save generated SVG or Convert to PNG
#### Save SVG
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg,
Matrix = require('svgutils';.Matrix;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
}{ output : '/home/user/svg.svg' }, function(err, filename){
throw err;
#### Save PNG
var Svg = require('svgutils').Svg,
Matrix = require('svgutils';.Matrix;
Svg.fromSvgDocument(__dirname + '/test2.svg', function(err, svg){
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
svg.savePng({ output : '/home/user/svg.png' }, function(err, filename){
throw err;
### Convert others formats to SVG
#### DXF to SVG (thanks to Thomas Desmoulin and his [DXF-parsing module](
You can create SVG from DXF file. You can, as you want, get specifics DXF layers.
path : __dirname + '/test.dxf'
}, function (err, svg) {
throw new Error('SVG file not found or invalid');
// your converted svg
## Contrbute
+ Fork the repo
+ create a branch git checkout -b my_branch
+ Add your changes
+ Commit your changes: git commit -am "Added some awesome stuff"
+ Push your branch: git push origin my_branch
+ Make a pull request to development branch