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Qobuz for Kodi

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This is a Qobuz plugin for Kodi, it enables access to Qobuz music streaming service directly from Kodi (http://kodi.tv)

A repo with the current dev version is available here : https://github.com/tidalf/repo-qobuz/raw/master/repo.qobuz.zip

Main Features 

- Gapless hires play of all the available qobuz library and your purchased items
- Manage playlists (show/add/remove/create/rename/delete)
- Browse the recommended/most played/featured albums by genre and type 
- Search by track, album or artist
- favorites support
- Music Library bridge using flask (allows you to cleanly scan your items into the kodi library)
- Friends support (browse their public playlists)
- Genre browsing
- Public playlists
- Preview (30 seconds by track) without account 

- Just enter some valid Qobuz credentials using addon settings

- you will need a Hifi subscription to stream flac files. 
- With Sublime+, you can stream files up to 192khz/24bits
- Create your Qobuz account here : http://www.qobuz.com/kodi (you'll get one free month) 

*This application uses the Qobuz API but is not certified by Qobuz.
Any use of the API implies your full acceptance of the Qobuz General Terms and Conditions (http://static.qobuz.com/apps/api/QobuzAPI-TermsofUse.pdf)*