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3 hrs
Test Coverage

    :part_of: kodi-qobuz
    :copyright: (c) 2012-2018 by Joachim Basmaison, Cyril Leclerc
    :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
from qobuz import config
from qobuz import exception
from qobuz.theme import theme, color

class contextMenu(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = {}
        self.defaultSection = 'qobuz'
        self.color_default = theme.get('item/default/color')
        self.color_section = theme.get('item/section/color')
        formatStr = config.app.registry.get('item_section_format')
            _ = formatStr % 'plop'
        except Exception as _:
            formatStr = '[ %s ]'
        self.format_section = formatStr

    def get_section_path(self, **ka):
        path = self.defaultSection
        if 'path' in ka and ka['path']:
            path = ka['path']
        xPath = path.lower().split('/')
        section = xPath.pop(0)
        if len(xPath) == 0:
            path = None
            path = '-'.join(xPath)
        return section, path

    def add(self, **ka):
        """Add menu entry
                path: string, <section>/<id> (id juste need to be unique)
                cmd: string, xbmc command to run
                color: string, override default color
                pos: int, position in menu
        for key in ['label', 'cmd']:
            if key not in ka:
                raise exception.MissingParameter(key)
        section, path = self.get_section_path(**ka)
        root = self.data
        pos = 0
        if 'pos' in ka:
            pos = ka['pos']
        cmd = ''
        if 'cmd' in ka:
            cmd = ka['cmd']
        color = ''
        if 'color' in ka:
            color = ka['color']
        if section not in root:
            root[section] = {
                'label': section,
                'childs': [],
                'pos': pos,
                'cmd': cmd,
                'color': color
        if not path:
            root[section]['label'] = ka['label']
            root[section]['cmd'] = cmd
            root[section]['pos'] = pos
            root[section]['color'] = color
            item = {
                'label': ka['label'],
                'cmd': cmd,
                'pos': pos,
                'color': color
        return root

    def getTuples(self):
        menuItems = []

        def sectionSort(key):
            return self.data[key]['pos']

        def itemSort(item):
            return item['pos']

        for section in sorted(self.data, key=sectionSort):
            colorItem = self.color_section
            data = self.data[section]
            if 'color' in data and data['color']:
                colorItem = data['color']
            # label = self.format_section % (color(colorItem, data['label']))
            # menuItems.append((label, data['cmd']))
            for item in sorted(data['childs'], key=itemSort):
                colorItem = self.color_default
                if 'color' in item and item['color']:
                    colorItem = item['color']
                label = '%s' % (color(colorItem, item['label']))
                menuItems.append((label, item['cmd']))
        return menuItems