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Test Coverage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- # Copyright 2011 Joachim Basmaison, Cyril Leclerc # # This file is part
    of kodi-qobuz. # # kodi-qobuz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
    modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
    by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
    (at your option) any later version. # # kodi-qobuz is distributed in the
    hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
    See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have
    received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with kodi-qobuz.
    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -->
    <!-- Credentials -->
    <category label="30149">
        <setting id="username" type="text" label="30147" default="" />
        <setting id="password" type="text" option="hidden" label="30148"
            default="" />
        <setting type="sep" />
        <setting id="streamtype" label="30124" type="labelenum"
            values="flac|mp3|hires" default="flac" />
        <setting type="sep"/>
        <setting id="pagination_limit" type="labelenum" label="30155"
            default="100" values="6|12|25|50|100|500|1000|5000|10000" />

    <!-- Options -->
    <category label="30115">
        <setting type="sep" />
        <setting id="cache_duration_long" type="labelenum" label="30109"
            default="1440" values="0|30|60|120|1440|10080|40320" />
        <setting id="cache_duration_middle" type="labelenum" label="30111"
            default="770" values="0|5|10|30|60|770|1440|10080" />
        <setting type="sep" />
        <setting id="image_default_size" type="labelenum" label="Image default size (i8n)"
            default="large" values="thumbnail|small|large|xlarge" />
        <setting id="image_create_mosaic" type="bool" label="Create mosaic from album cover (i8n) (slow)"
                            default="false" />
        <setting id="show_experimental" type="bool" label="Show experimental (i8n)" default="false" />
    <category label="Library (beta)">
                <setting id="enable_scan_feature" label="30154" type="bool" default="true" />
                <setting id="scan_by_album" label="Scan by album (i8n)" type="bool" default="true" />
                <setting id="httpd_port" label="port" type="number" default="33574" />
                <setting id="httpd_host" label="host" type="text" default="" />
    <!-- Other -->
    <category label="30152">
        <setting id="debug" label="debug (xbmc.log, activated via system menu) (i8n)" type="bool" default="false" />
        <setting id="contextmenu_replaceitems" label="Only qobuz context menu (i8n)" type="bool" default="true" />
        <setting id="show_recommendations" type="bool" default="true" label="30153" option="" />
        <setting id="search_enabled" label="30135" type="bool" default="true" />
        <setting id="display_artist_without_album" label="Display artist without album (i8n)" type="bool" default="false" />
    <category label="Theme">
        <setting id="colorize_items" label="Colorize items (i8n)" type="bool" default="true" />
        <setting id="item_default_color" label="30128" type="text" default="FFDB7656" />
        <setting id="item_section_color" label="30130" type="text" default="FF56BBDB" />
        <setting id="item_public_color" label="item public color (i8n)" type="text" default="5500FF00" />
        <setting id="item_private_color" label="item private color (i8n)" type="text" default="55FF0000" />
        <setting id="item_selected_color" label="item selected color (i8n)" type="text" default="AAFFAA00" />
        <setting id="item_caution_color" label="30129" type="text" default="FFDBB956" />
        <setting id="item_section_format" label="30131" type="text" default=".o[ %s ]o." />
        <setting id="menu_playlist_color" label="Menu playlist color" type="text" default="FFDD0677" />
        <setting id="menu_favorite_color" label="Menu favorite color" type="text" default="FFA00677" />
        <setting id="playlist_current_format" label="30195" type="text" default="[ %s ]" />
    <category label="Notification">
        <setting id="notification_playingsong" label="30142" type="bool" default="false" />
        <setting id="warn_free_account" label="Warn free account (i8n)" type="bool" default="false" />
        <setting id="notify_library_scan_progress" label="Library scan progress (i8n)" type="bool" default="false" />
        <setting id="notify_api_error" label="Qobuz/API error (i8n)" type="bool" default="false" />