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# Respanol
Some ruby scripts to help learning Espanol.
These scripts are developed while I started studying Spanish.

**IN PROGRESS**: some might not be correct for whole situations but so far it's coped with what I've learnt about Español

# What's included?
These scripts test your Espanol knownledge in many aspects:

* Get word definition
* Number
* Days of the week
* Months of the year
* Verb Conjugations

# Installation
You should have installed Ruby.

Install respanol gem: `gem install respanol`

Require: `require 'respanol'`

Then, enjoy studying!

# Features & Exams

## Test your number reading and writing

Using `Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen`

Test reading a random number in a range


* **rango**: ruby range or maximum (excluded) number. Default: `(1...100)`

    > Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen.new.leer
    > cincuenta y tres = 53
     => Muy bien!
    > Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen.new.leer(10)
    > cinco = 3
     => No!
    cinco = 5
     => Muy bien!

Test writing a random number in a range


* **rango**: ruby range or maximum (excluded) number. Default: `(1...100)`

    > Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen.new.escribir
    > 64 = sesenta y cuatro
     => Muy bien!

You can configure the test to use feminine number or default maximum

> Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen.new.tap { |e| e.feminino!.maximo = 50 }.leer
is the same as:
> e = Respanol::Examen::NumeroExamen.new.feminino
> e.leer(50)
> e.escribir(50)

## Verbs Conjugations
In this version, these exams support present tense only.

All verbs implemented is in namespace `Respanol::Verbo`.

Test verbs conjugations:


* **verbos**: accept a single verb class or an array of verb classes to be tested

    > Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.new.conjugado(Respanol::Verbo::Poder)
    Poder:: > Tu puedes
     => Muy bien!

You can configure a default list of verbs:

Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.new([Respanol::Verbo::Poder, Respanol::Verbo::Tener]).conjugado
Poder:: > Yo puedo
 => Muy bien!
Tener:: > Nosotros tenemos
 => Muy bien!

## Repeat a test many times

You can repeat a test many times to practice more:

`Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.gaza(<conde>, [<test instance>])`

Method gaza works with all Respanol::Examen classes.

Example: 3 following snippets have the same effect - test conjugation for Poder 5 times.

  Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.gaza(5) do |t|


  t = Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.new(Respanol::Verbo::Poder)
  Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.gaza(5, t)


  Respanol::Examen::ConjugacionExamen.new(Respanol::Verbo::Poder).gaza(5) do |t|

If no repeat count given to `gaza()`, the default is `50`