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layout: post
title: "Dropbox SDK for PHP 5.3+"
description: "A PHP library to access Dropbox's HTTP-based API"
categories: php
tags: [php, github]

# Dropbox SDK for PHP 5.3+

A PHP library to access [Dropbox's HTTP-based API](http://dropbox.com/developers/core/docs).

License: [MIT](License.txt)

  * PHP 5.3+, [with 64-bit integers](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/864058/how-to-have-64-bit-integer-on-php).
  * PHP [cURL extension](http://php.net/manual/en/curl.installation.php) with SSL enabled (it's usually built-in).

[SDK API docs.](http://dropbox.github.io/dropbox-sdk-php/api-docs/v1.1.x/)

## Setup

If you're using [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/) for your project's dependencies, add the following to your "composer.json":

"require": {
  "dropbox/dropbox-sdk": "1.1.*"

If you're not using Composer, download the code, copy the "lib/" folder into your project somewhere, and include the "lib/Dropbox/autoload.php" in your code.  For example, if you copied the "lib/" and named it "dropbox-sdk/", you would do:

// Do this only if you're not using a global autoloader (such as Composer's).
require_once "dropbox-sdk/Dropbox/autoload.php";

## Get a Dropbox API key

You need a Dropbox API key to make API requests.
  * Go to: [https://dropbox.com/developers/apps](https://dropbox.com/developers/apps)
  * If you've already registered an app, click on the "Options" link to see the app's API key and secret.
  * Otherwise, click "Create an app" to register an app.  Choose "Full Dropbox" or "App Folder" [depending on your needs](https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference#permissions).

Save the API key to a JSON file called, say, "test.app":

  "key": "Your Dropbox API app key",
  "secret": "Your Dropbox API app secret"

## Using the Dropbox API

Before your app can access a Dropbox user's files, the user must authorize your application using OAuth 2.  Successfully completing this authorization flow gives you an _access token_ for the user's Dropbox account, which grants you the ability to make Dropbox API calls to access their files.

  * Authorization example for a simple web app: [Web File Browser example](examples/web-file-browser.php)
  * Authorization example for a command-line tool: [Command-Line Authorization example](examples/authorize.php)

Once you have an access token, create a [`Client`](http://dropbox.github.io/dropbox-sdk-php/api-docs/v1.1.x/class-Dropbox.Client.html) and start making API calls.

You only need to perform the authorization process once per user.  Once you have an access token for a user, save it somewhere persistent, like in a database.  The next time that user visits your app, you can skip the authorization process and go straight to making API calls.

## Running the Examples and Tests

1. Download this repository.
2. Save your Dropbox API key in a file called "test.app".  See: [Get a Dropbox API key](#get-a-dropbox-api-key), above.

### authorize.php

This example runs through the OAuth 2 authorization flow.

./examples/authorize.php test.app test.auth

This produces a file named "test.auth" that has the access token.  This file can passed in to the other examples.

### account-info.php

A trivial example that calls the /account/info API endpoint.

./examples/account-info.php test.auth

(You must first generate "test.auth" using the "authorize" example above.)

### web-file-browser.php

A tiny web app that runs through the OAuth 2 authorization flow and then uses Dropbox API calls to let the user browse their Dropbox files.  You need PHP 5.4+ to run it.

Prerequisite: In the Dropbox API [app configuration console](https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps), you need to add "http://localhost:5000/dropbox-auth-finish" to the list of allowed redirect URIs.

cp test.app examples/web-file-browser.app
php -S localhost:5000 examples/web-file-browser.php   # requires PHP 5.4+

### Running the Tests

1. run: `composer install --dev` to download the dependencies.  (You'll need [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/download/).)
2. Put an "auth info" file in "test/test.auth".  (You can generate "test/test.auth" using the "authorize.php" example script.)

./vendor/bin/phpunit test/