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layout: post
title: "deploy redmine on openshift with ssh"
description: "easy deploy with rhc ssh redmine openshift cartridge"
categories: ruby
tags: [ruby, rhc, openshift]

Frist sign in on [openshift.redhat.com](https://openshift.redhat.com/app/login) or sign up new one its free with 1GB storage.

if existing member openshift know for start, using `rhc setup`

## Creating new app

rhc app create redmine ruby-2.0 mysql-5.5

### Sign SSH

rhc ssh redmine

### Change directory website root index

cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo

### Get redmine stable releases. [Learn more](http://bit.ly/1nLiH6m)

#### 3-stable version

wget --no-check-certificate http://www.redmine.org/releases/redmine-3.2.0.tar.gz; tar --strip-components=1 -xf *.tar.gz; rm *.tar.gz

#### 2-stable version

wget --no-check-certificate http://www.redmine.org/releases/redmine-2.6.9.tar.gz; tar --strip-components=1 -xf *.tar.gz; rm *.tar.gz

#### Configure `config/database.yml`

wget --no-check-certificate http://git.io/Y_wiJw -O config/database.yml

### Bundle the `gem`

gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc

bundle install --no-deployment

### Next installing redmine

#### Session store secret generation

bundle exec rake generate_secret_token

#### Database schema objects creation

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

#### Database default data set. [Learn more](http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall#Step-7-Database-default-data-set)

RAILS_ENV=production REDMINE_LANG=en bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data

##### File system permissions [Learn more](http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall#Step-8-File-system-permissions)

#### Logging into the application

Use default administrator account to log in:

login: admin
password: admin

You can go to Administration menu and choose Settings to modify most of the application settings.

##### [For learn more visit redmine wiki](http://bit.ly/1igVc0Z)

### Adding alias `redmine.myproject.org` for example

rhc alias add redmine redmine.myproject.org