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2 days
Test Coverage
import {
    readFileSync, existsSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync,
} from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { sync } from 'glob';
import checkstyleFormatter from 'checkstyle-formatter';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import logSymbols from 'log-symbols';
import { containsObject, checkIsXMLFile, matchAll } from './utils.js';

 * Compares two arrays of cfml taglib prefixes to see if there are any mismatches.
 * @param {Array<string>} prefixArray1 - The first array of taglib prefixes.
 * @param {Array<string>} prefixArray2 - The second array of taglib prefixes.
 * @param {string} message - The message to display in case of a violation.
 * @param {string} severity - The violation severity.
 * @returns {Array<object>}
export const comparePrefixArrays = (prefixArray1, prefixArray2, message, severity) => {
    const prefixedViolations = {};
    const prefixManifest = {};
    const violations = [];

    for (const value of prefixArray1) {
        if (
            !Object.hasOwn(prefixedViolations, value.prefix)
        ) {
            prefixedViolations[value.prefix] = [];

        const formattedMessage = message.replace('{2}', value.prefix);

        for (const value2 of prefixArray2) {
            // Key not found

            if (value.prefix === value2.prefix) {
                prefixManifest[value.prefix] = true;
            } else if (
                !Object.hasOwn(prefixManifest, value.prefix)
                || !prefixManifest[value.prefix]
            ) {
                // Don't override a true value with false - true is sticky
                prefixManifest[value.prefix] = false;

            const messageObject = {
                line: value.line,
                column: value.column || 1,
                message: formattedMessage,

            if (!containsObject(messageObject, prefixedViolations[value.prefix])) {

        if (prefixArray2.length === 0) {
            prefixManifest[value.prefix] = false;
            const messageObject = {
                line: value.line,
                column: value.column || 1,
                message: formattedMessage,
            if (!containsObject(messageObject, prefixedViolations[value.prefix])) {

    // Delete the array of messages for prefix keys that *were* found
    for (const prefix in prefixManifest) {
        if (Object.hasOwn(prefixManifest, prefix)) {
            if (prefixManifest[prefix]) {
                delete prefixedViolations[prefix];
            } else {
                for (const value of prefixedViolations[prefix]) {

    return violations;

 * Reads a file from the filesystem and normalises its line endings.
 * @param {string} filePath
 * @returns {string}
export const readFile = (filePath) => readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8').replace(/\r\n/, '\n');

 * Checks a file for missing paths.
 * @param {string} filePath - The path of the file to check.
 * @returns {Array<object>}
export const checkFile = (filePath) => {
    const templatePathViolations = [];
    const taglibPathViolations = [];
    const prefixes = [];
    const prefixUsages = [];
    let isXMLFile = false;
    let lineNumber = 1;

    const lines = readFile(filePath).split('\n');

    // Cache the dirname of the file being analysed
    const fileDirname = path.dirname(filePath);

    for (const line of lines) {
        isXMLFile = checkIsXMLFile(line);

        // Exclude @usage doc lines including code snippets
        const isUsageLine = line.startsWith('@usage');

        const importSearch = line.match(/prefix=["'](?<import>[A-Za-z\d]+)["']/);

        if (importSearch !== null) {
                prefix: importSearch.groups.import,
                line: lineNumber,
                column: importSearch.index + 1,

        const namespaceSearch = matchAll(line, /<(?<namespace>[A-Za-z\d]+):/g);

        // We're outputting an XML file - don't attempt to collate namespace prefix usages
        if (!isXMLFile && !isUsageLine) {
            for (const value of namespaceSearch) {
                    prefix: value.groups.namespace,
                    line: lineNumber,
                    column: value.index + 1,

        const taglibMatches = matchAll(line, /taglib=["'](?<taglib>[^"']+)["']/g);

        for (const taglibMatch of taglibMatches) {
            let taglibPath = taglibMatch.groups.taglib;
            if (!path.isAbsolute(taglibPath)) {
                taglibPath = path.resolve(fileDirname, taglibPath);

            if (!existsSync(taglibPath)) {
                    line: lineNumber,
                    column: taglibMatch.index + 1,
                    message: `cfimport taglib path ${taglibPath} not found`,
                    severity: 'error',

        // Checks <cfinclude template="$path" />
        const cfIncludeMatches = matchAll(line, /template=["'](?<path>[^"']+)["']/g);

        // Checks include '$path'; (inside <cfscript>)
        // @TODO fix vulnerable RegExp
        // eslint-disable-next-line redos/no-vulnerable
        const includeMatches = matchAll(line, /\binclude\s['"](?<path>.*\.cfm)['"]/g);

        for (const includeMatch of [...cfIncludeMatches, ...includeMatches]) {
            // Dynamic path (contains # or &): all we can check is the non-dynamic part,
            // wound back to the last slash
            let templatePath = includeMatch.groups.path;
            const hashPos = templatePath.indexOf('#');
            const ampersandPos = templatePath.indexOf('&');
            if (hashPos !== -1 || ampersandPos !== -1) {
                const searchPos = hashPos === -1 ? ampersandPos : hashPos;
                const lastSlashPos = templatePath.lastIndexOf('/', searchPos);
                templatePath = path.dirname(templatePath.slice(0, lastSlashPos));

            // Can't work with webroot-virtual paths, e.g. /missing.cfm
            if (templatePath.slice(0, 1) !== '/') {
                if (!path.isAbsolute(templatePath)) {
                    // Resolve the templatePath relative to the dirname of the including file
                    templatePath = path.resolve(fileDirname, templatePath);

                if (!existsSync(templatePath)) {
                        line: lineNumber,
                        column: includeMatch.index + 1,
                        message: `cfinclude/include template path ${templatePath} not found`,
                        severity: 'error',

        lineNumber += 1;

    const unusedPrefixViolations = comparePrefixArrays(
        'cfimported namespace prefix "{2}" not used',

    const unimportedPrefixViolations = comparePrefixArrays(
        'used namespace prefix "{2}" not cfimported',

    return [

 * Gets a list of files from a given path.
 * @param {string} filePath
 * @returns {Array<string>}
export const getFiles = (filePath) => {
    let fileNames = [];

    // Resolve the path, if a relative path was passed in
    if (!path.isAbsolute(filePath)) {
        filePath = path.resolve(filePath);

    // The path exists...
    if (existsSync(filePath)) {
        try {
            // ...try a readdirSync and...

            // (Add a trailing slash if not present)
            if (filePath.slice(-1) !== '/') {
                filePath += '/';

            fileNames = sync(`${filePath}**/*.cfm`, {
                ignore: ['**/WEB-INF/**', '**/node_modules/**'],
        } catch {
            // ...if that fails, it's a file, not a directory
            fileNames = [filePath];

    return fileNames;

 * Checks a file or files for path errors.
 * @param {string} filePath - The full path of the file to check.
 * @returns {Array<object>}
export const check = (filePath) => {
    const violations = [];
    const fileNames = getFiles(filePath);

    // Loop over our file list, checking each file
    for (const fileName of fileNames) {
        const fileViolations = checkFile(fileName);

        if (fileViolations.length > 0) {
                filename: fileName,
                messages: fileViolations,

    return violations;

 * @param {Array<object>} violations - The violations array.
 * @param {string} format - The output format to use.
 * @returns {string|Array<object>}
export const formatter = (violations, format) => format === 'checkstyle'
    ? checkstyleFormatter(violations)
    : violations;

 * @param {string} output - The file contents to write.
 * @param {string} outFile - The file to write to.
export const writeFile = (output, outFile) => {
    // Resolve the path if it's not absolute
    if (!path.isAbsolute(outFile)) {
        outFile = path.resolve(outFile);

    // Warn that the target directory doesn't exist
    if (existsSync(path.dirname(outFile))) {
        writeFileSync(outFile, output, 'utf8');
    } else {
        console.warn(`Cannot write ${outFile}. Destination directory doesn’t exist`);

 * @param {string|Array<object>} output - The output to write.
export const writeOutput = (output) => {
    if (Array.isArray(output)) {
        for (const violation of output) {
            console.log(`File: ${chalk.green(violation.filename)}`);
            for (const message of violation.messages) {
                let messageText = `L${message.line}:${message.column} - ${message.message}`;
                if (message.severity === 'error') {
                    messageText = chalk.red(messageText);
                } else if (message.severity === 'warning') {
                    messageText = chalk.yellow(messageText);

                console.log('  ', logSymbols[message.severity], messageText);
    } else {