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# Contributing to Timegrid

Thank you for considering contributing to Timegrid.

With the goal of *building an appointment platform that people love*, *timegrid*
is specially welcoming for the following aspects:

  * UI/UX enhancement/fixes
  * Bugfixes
  * Code Coverage increase
  * Code Optimization / Refactor
  * Graphic Design enhancement
  * Localization
  * User Manual documentation
  * Technical documentation
  * API Development
  * Feature additions

## Submit bug reports or feature requests

### Submit pull requests

 * Fork the [Timegrid repository](https://github.com/timegridio/timegrid)
 * Create a new branch with the name `#issue_number-Short-description`
   * _Example:_ `#100-Fix-Navbar`
 * Make your changes and commit
 * Check if your branch is still in sync with the repositorys **`master`** branch
   * _Read:_ [Syncing a fork](https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/)
   * _Also read:_ [How to rebase a pull request](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/wiki/How-to-Rebase-a-Pull-Request) 
 * Push your branch and create a PR against the Timegrid **`master`** branch

### Some rules

To make the contribution process nice and easy for anyone, please follow some rules:
 * Each contribution (bug or feature) should have an [issue on Github](https://github.com/timegridio/timegrid/issues)
to have a detailed explanation.
 * Only one feature/bugfix per issue. If you want to submit more, create multiple issues.
 * Only one feature/bugfix per PR (*Pull Request*). Split more changes into multiple PRs.

#### Coding Style

Try to follow the [PSR-2 guidlines](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-2-coding-style-guide.md)

## Up-for-grabs Issues

Jumping in for first time? [I have flagged the **easy ones** for you](https://github.com/timegridio/timegrid/labels/up-for-grabs).

[The idea](http://up-for-grabs.net/) is a great way to get started with a 
project, or to help share the load of working on open source projects.

## Questions / Doubts

[Drop me a line](https://gitter.im/alariva/timegridDevelopment) and I'll be happy to help.

You may also [subscribe the dev newsletter](http://eepurl.com/bF_ARX).

# Reporting Issues

For submitting an issue, please follow the steps below:

1. Check in open and closed issues if your inquiry was reported before by 
somebody else.
2. Nothing found?, Go ahead with the following [template](#template) for 
providing *required info*

## Template

    Type Of Issue: [Bug|Enhancement|Feature Request|Question]
    Timegrid environment: [online demo|local install]
    Browser Name and Version: 
    Server Operating System: