

Test Coverage
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Main (main) where

import Game.Halma.Board
import Game.Halma.Board.Draw
import Game.Halma.Configuration
import Game.Halma.GUI.State
import Game.Halma.Rules
import Game.TurnCounter
import qualified Game.Halma.AI.Competitive as Competitive
import qualified Game.Halma.AI.Ignorant as Ignorant

import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, wait)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>), moveTo, set)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text (Text)
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal (Cairo)
import Diagrams.Backend.Gtk
import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities, setNumCapabilities)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get)
import MVC
import System.TimeIt
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as MS
import qualified Data.Function as F
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP

centered, sizedCentered
  :: (Transformable a, Enveloped a, V a ~ V2, N a ~ Double)
  => SizeSpec V2 Double -> a -> a
centered spec d = transform adjustT d
    adjustT = translation $ (0.5 *. P (specToSize 0 spec)) .-. centerPoint d
sizedCentered spec = centered spec . sized spec

data State
  = State
  { stateConfig :: Configuration ()
  , stateGame :: Maybe (HalmaState ())
  } deriving (Show)

startNewGame :: State -> State
startNewGame state =
    { stateConfig = stateConfig state
    , stateGame = Just (initialHalmaState (stateConfig state))

initialState :: State
initialState = State (twoPlayersOnSmallGrid () ()) Nothing

data HalmaViewState size
  = HalmaViewState
  { hvsBoard :: HalmaBoard
  , hvsSelectedField :: Maybe (Int, Int)
  , hvsHighlightedFields :: [(Int, Int)]
  , hvsLastMoved :: Maybe (Int, Int)
  , hvsFinishedPlayers :: [Team]
  , hvsCompetitiveAIAllowed :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

data ViewState where
  MenuView  :: Configuration () -> ViewState
  HalmaView :: HalmaViewState size -> ViewState

deriving instance Show ViewState

data QuitType
  = QuitGame
  | QuitApp
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data AIType
  = Ignorant
  | Competitive
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data ViewEvent
  = Quit QuitType
  | SetConfiguration (Configuration ())
  | NewGame
  | FieldClick (Int, Int)
  | EmptyClick
  | AIMove AIType
  deriving (Eq, Show)

currentTeam :: TurnCounter (Team, a) -> Team
currentTeam counter = fst (currentPlayer counter)

  :: (V b ~ V2, N b ~ Double, Renderable (Path V2 Double) b)
  => (Team -> Colour Double)
  -> HalmaViewState size
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last (Int, Int)))
renderHalmaViewState teamColors halmaViewState =
  drawBoard' (getGrid board) drawField
      { hvsBoard = board
      , hvsSelectedField = startPos
      , hvsHighlightedFields = highlighted
      , hvsLastMoved = lastMoved
      } = halmaViewState
    drawPiece piece lastMoved' =
      let c = teamColors (pieceTeam piece)
        circle 0.25
        # fc c
        # lc (if lastMoved' then darken 0.2 c else darken 0.5 c)
        # if lastMoved' then lw medium else id
    startField = startPos >>= flip lookupHalmaBoard board
    drawField p =
      (if Just p == startPos then lc black . lw thick else id) $
      case (lookupHalmaBoard p board, startField) of
        (Just piece, _) -> drawPiece piece (Just p == lastMoved)
        (Nothing, Just piece) | p `elem` highlighted ->
          drawPiece piece False # opacity 0.5
        _ -> mempty

data ButtonState a
  = ButtonActive a
  | ButtonInactive
  | ButtonSelected
  deriving (Eq, Show)

  :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
  => String
  -> ButtonState a
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last a))
button txt buttonState =
  (label <> background) # value val' # padX 1.05 # padY 1.2
    (label, background) = case buttonState of
      ButtonActive _ ->
        ( text txt # fontSizeO 13
        , roundedRect 110 26 6 # fc lightgray
      ButtonInactive ->
        ( text txt # fontSizeO 13 # fc gray
        , roundedRect 110 26 6 # fc lightgray # lc gray
      ButtonSelected ->
        ( text txt # fontSizeO 13
        , roundedRect 110 26 6 # fc yellow # lc black # lw thick
    val' =
      case buttonState of
        ButtonActive val -> Option (Just (Last val))
        _ -> Option Nothing

  :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
  => Colour Double
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last a))
playerFinishedSign color =
  (label <> background) # value (Option Nothing) # padX 1.05 # padY 1.5
    label = text "finished" # fontSizeO 13
    background = roundedRect 110 26 6 # fc color # lw none

  :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
  => Configuration ()
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last (Configuration ())))
renderMenu config =
  ((===) `F.on` (centerX . horizontal)) sizeButtons playerButtons
    configButtonAction config' =
      if config == config' then
        ButtonActive config'
    horizontal = foldl (|||) mempty
    (sizeButtons, playerButtons) = allButtons
      :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
      => ( [ QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last (Configuration ()))) ]
         , [ QDiagram b V2 Double (Option (Last (Configuration ()))) ]
    allButtons = case configurationGrid config of
      SmallGrid ->
        ( [ button "Small Grid" ButtonSelected
          , button "Large Grid" $ ButtonActive $ setLargeGrid config
        , [ button "Two Players" $ configButtonAction $ twoPlayersOnSmallGrid () ()
          , button "Three Players" $ configButtonAction $ threePlayersOnSmallGrid () () ()
          ] ++ map (flip button ButtonInactive) ["Four Players", "Five Players", "Six Players"]
      LargeGrid ->
          smallConfig =
            case configurationPlayers config of
              TwoPlayers () () -> twoPlayersOnSmallGrid () ()
              _ -> threePlayersOnSmallGrid () () ()
          ( [ button "Small Grid" $ ButtonActive smallConfig
            , button "Large Grid" ButtonSelected
          , map (\(numStr, players') -> button (numStr ++ " Players") (configButtonAction (playersOnLargeGrid players'))) $
            [ ("Two", TwoPlayers () ())
            , ("Three", ThreePlayers () () ())
            , ("Four", FourPlayers () () () ())
            , ("Five", FivePlayers () () () () ())
            , ("Six", SixPlayers () () () () () ())

  :: (Team -> Colour Double)
  -> (Double, Double)
  -> ViewState
  -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double (Option (Last ViewEvent))
renderViewState _teamColors (w,h) (MenuView config) =
  let menuDiagram   = fmap (fmap SetConfiguration) <$> renderMenu config
      newGameButton = button "New Game" (ButtonActive NewGame) # padY 1.5
      reposition    = centered (dims (r2 (w, h))) . toGtkCoords
  in reposition (menuDiagram === newGameButton)
renderViewState teamColors (w,h) (HalmaView halmaViewState) =
    resize = sizedCentered (dims (r2 (w, h))) . toGtkCoords . pad 1.05
    buttons =
      padY 1.3 $
        padY 1.3 aiButtons
    quitGameButton = button "Quit Game" $ ButtonActive $ Quit QuitGame
    aiButtons =
      button "AI Move" (aiButtonState Ignorant)
      if hvsCompetitiveAIAllowed halmaViewState then
        button "Competitive" (aiButtonState Competitive)
    aiButtonState aiMoveType =
      if isJust (hvsSelectedField halmaViewState) then
        ButtonActive $ AIMove aiMoveType
    finishedSigns =
      foldl (===) mempty $
      map (playerFinishedSign . teamColors) $
      hvsFinishedPlayers halmaViewState
    field = resize (fmap (fmap FieldClick) <$> renderHalmaViewState teamColors halmaViewState)
  in toGtkCoords (buttons === finishedSigns) `atop` field

external :: Managed (View ViewState, Controller ViewEvent)
external = managed $ \f -> do
  _ <- initGUI
  window <- windowNew
  canvas <- drawingAreaNew
  set window [ containerBorderWidth := 0, containerChild := canvas ]

  viewState <- newEmptyMVar
  (veOutput, veInput) <- spawn (bounded 1)

    figure winSize =
      fmap (maybe mempty (renderViewState defaultTeamColours winSize))
           (tryReadMVar viewState)
    resizedFigure = do
      drawWin <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
      (w, h) <- drawableGetSize drawWin
      figure (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
    renderFigure = tryEvent $ do
      win <- eventWindow
      timeItNamed "Rendering board (CPU time)" $ liftIO $ resizedFigure >>= renderToGtk win
    updateViewState vs = do
      _ <- tryTakeMVar viewState
      putMVar viewState vs
      widgetQueueDraw canvas -- send redraw request to canvas
    handleClick = tryEvent $ do
      _click <- eventClick
      (x,y) <- eventCoordinates
      fig <- liftIO resizedFigure
      let result = runQuery (query fig) (P (r2 (x, y)))
          event = maybe EmptyClick getLast $ getOption result
      liftIO $ print event
      void $ liftIO $ atomically $ send veOutput event
    handleDestroy = do
      _ <- atomically $ send veOutput $ Quit QuitApp

  _ <- canvas `on` sizeRequest $ return (Requisition 650 450)
  _ <- canvas `on` exposeEvent $ renderFigure
  _ <- canvas `on` buttonPressEvent $ handleClick
  _ <- window `onDestroy` handleDestroy

  res <- async $ f (asSink updateViewState, asInput veInput)
  widgetShowAll window
  wait res

  :: Configuration ()
  -> HalmaState ()
  -> Pipe ViewEvent (HalmaViewState size) (MS.State State) QuitType
gameLoop config halmaState = noSelectionLoop
      { hsRuleOptions = ruleOptions
      , hsBoard = board
      , hsTurnCounter = turnCounter
      , hsLastMoved = lastMoved
      } = halmaState
    team = currentTeam turnCounter
    finishedPlayers = filter (hasFinished board) (fst <$> tcPlayers turnCounter)
    competitiveAIAllowed = length (tcPlayers turnCounter) == 2
    noSelectionLoop = do
        { hvsBoard = board
        , hvsSelectedField = Nothing
        , hvsHighlightedFields = []
        , hvsLastMoved = lastMoved
        , hvsFinishedPlayers = finishedPlayers
        , hvsCompetitiveAIAllowed = competitiveAIAllowed
      event <- await
      case event of
        EmptyClick -> noSelectionLoop
        FieldClick p | (pieceTeam <$> lookupHalmaBoard p board) == Just team ->
          selectionLoop p
        FieldClick _ -> noSelectionLoop
        AIMove Ignorant ->
          performMove $
            Ignorant.aiMove ruleOptions board (currentTeam turnCounter)
        AIMove Competitive ->
          performMove $
            Competitive.aiMove ruleOptions board
              (currentTeam turnCounter, currentTeam $ nextTurn turnCounter)
        Quit quitType -> return quitType
        _ -> return QuitApp
    selectionLoop startPos = do
      let possible = possibleMoves ruleOptions board startPos
          { hvsBoard = board
          , hvsSelectedField = Just startPos
          , hvsHighlightedFields = possible
          , hvsLastMoved = Nothing
          , hvsFinishedPlayers = finishedPlayers
          , hvsCompetitiveAIAllowed = competitiveAIAllowed
      event <- await
      case event of
        EmptyClick -> noSelectionLoop
        FieldClick p | p `elem` possible ->
          performMove Move { moveFrom = startPos, moveTo = p}
        FieldClick p | (pieceTeam <$> lookupHalmaBoard p board) == Just team ->
          selectionLoop p
        FieldClick _ -> noSelectionLoop
        Quit quitType -> return quitType
        _ -> return QuitApp
    performMove move = do
        Right board' = movePiece move board
        halmaState' =
          { hsRuleOptions = ruleOptions
          , hsBoard = board'
          , hsTurnCounter = nextTurn turnCounter
          , hsLastMoved = Just (moveTo move)
      MS.put $ State config (Just halmaState')
      gameLoop config halmaState'

pipe :: Pipe ViewEvent ViewState (MS.State State) ()
pipe = do
  st@(State config mHalmaState) <- MS.get
  case mHalmaState of
    Just halmaState -> do
      quitType <- gameLoop config halmaState >-> PP.map HalmaView
      when (quitType == QuitGame) $
        MS.put (State config Nothing) >> pipe
    Nothing -> do
      yield $ MenuView config
      event <- await
      case event of
        SetConfiguration config' ->
          MS.put (State config' Nothing) >> pipe
        NewGame -> MS.put (startNewGame st) >> pipe
        _ -> pipe

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- we need at least two threads:
  -- * one for the GTK event loop
  -- * one for the MVC pipeline
  caps <- getNumCapabilities
  when (caps < 2) $ setNumCapabilities 2
  void $ runMVC initialState (asPipe pipe) external