"""Generates predictions with the given models for the given inputs."""
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from augury.ml_data import MLData
from augury.ml_estimators.base_ml_estimator import BaseMLEstimator
from augury.types import YearRange, MLModelDict
from augury import settings
] + [f"predicted_{pred_type}" for pred_type in settings.PREDICTION_TYPES]
class Predictor:
"""Generates predictions with the given models for the given inputs."""
def __init__(
year_range: YearRange,
context: settings.ProjectContext,
round_number: Optional[int] = None,
verbose: int = 1,
"""Instantiate Predictor object.
year_range: Year range for which to make predictions (first year inclusive,
last year exclusive, per `range` function).
context: Kedro context object as defined in settings.ProjectContext.
round_number: Round number for which to make predictions. If omitted,
predictions are made for entire seasons.
train: Whether to train each model on data from previous years
before making predictions on a given year's matches.
verbose: (1 or 0) Whether to print information while making predictions.
data_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to MLData on instantiation.
self.context = context
self.year_range = year_range
self.round_number = round_number
self.train = train
self.verbose = verbose
self._data = MLData(
def make_predictions(self, ml_models: List[MLModelDict]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Predict margins or confidence percentages for matches."""
assert any(ml_models), "No ML model info was given."
predictions = [
self._make_predictions_by_year(ml_models, year)
for year in range(*self.year_range)
if self.verbose == 1:
print("Finished making predictions!")
return pd.concat(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(predictions)), sort=False)
def _make_predictions_by_year(self, ml_models, year: int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
return [self._make_model_predictions(year, ml_model) for ml_model in ml_models]
def _make_model_predictions(self, year: int, ml_model) -> pd.DataFrame:
if self.verbose == 1:
print(f"Making predictions with {ml_model['name']}")
loaded_model = self.context.catalog.load(ml_model["name"])
self._data.data_set = ml_model["data_set"]
self._data.label_col = ml_model["label_col"]
trained_model = self._train_model(loaded_model) if self.train else loaded_model
X_test, _ = self._data.test_data
assert X_test.size, (
"X_test doesn't have any rows, likely due to no data being available for "
y_pred = trained_model.predict(X_test)
assert not any(np.isnan(y_pred)), (
f"Predictions should never be NaN, but {} predicted:\n"
data_row_slice = (
slice(self.round_number, self.round_number),
model_predictions = (
X_test.assign(**self._prediction_data(ml_model, y_pred))
.set_index("ml_model", append=True, drop=False)
.loc[data_row_slice, PREDICTION_COLS]
assert model_predictions.size, (
"Model predictions data frame is empty, possibly due to a bad row slice:\n"
return model_predictions
def _train_model(self, ml_model: BaseMLEstimator) -> BaseMLEstimator:
assert max(self._data.train_year_range) <= min(self._data.test_year_range)
X_train, y_train = self._data.train_data
# On the off chance that we try to run predictions for years that have
# no relevant prediction data
assert not X_train.empty and not y_train.empty, (
"Some required data was missing for training for year range "
f"{'X_train is empty' if X_train.empty else ''}"
f"{'and ' if X_train.empty and y_train.empty else ''}"
f"{'y_train is empty' if y_train.empty else ''}"
), y_train)
return ml_model
def _prediction_data(
ml_model: MLModelDict, y_pred: np.ndarray
) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, str, float]]:
model_pred_type = ml_model["prediction_type"]
return {
f"predicted_{pred_type}": np.nan
for pred_type in settings.PREDICTION_TYPES
if pred_type != model_pred_type
f"predicted_{model_pred_type}": y_pred,
"ml_model": ml_model["name"],