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# Tunefl

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[LilyPond](http://lilypond.org) mini-score engraving and sharing service for musicians.

The live Tunefl service is at [tunefl.com](https://www.tunefl.com).

More sleep lost by [tiredpixel](https://www.tiredpixel.com).

## Installation

The primary method of development installation is using
[Docker](https://www.docker.com/). You can also use this as a basis for
production installation, but you'll probably want to change some things, if so.

You can also install manually, by installing the linked services and packages
defined in `Dockerfile` & `Dockerfile.worker`, using `bundle install`, and
running services using the supplied `Procfile`.

The default Ruby version supported is defined in `.ruby-version`.
Any other versions supported are defined in `.travis.yml`.

### Prerequisites

- [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/)

- [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)

Various versions will probably work. I'm currently using:

# docker --version
Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5
# docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.5.2, build 7240ff3

Note that `--x-networking` will no longer be preview in Docker Compose 1.6, so
this flag might not be necessary for you.

### Configuration

Copy and configure your settings:

cp .env.example .env

### Database

Start the `postgres` service:

docker-compose --x-networking up -d postgres

Connect using `psql`:

docker exec -it tunefl_postgres_1 psql -U postgres

Create the database:

CREATE ROLE tunefl_dev LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE tunefl_dev OWNER tunefl_dev;

Start the `web` service:

docker-compose --x-networking up -d web

Migrate the database:

docker exec tunefl_web_1 bundle exec rake db:migrate

Stop all services:

docker-compose stop

## Usage

Start all services:

docker-compose --x-networking up

Open the `web` service in a browser:

xdg-open "http://$(docker-compose port web 8080)"

Open the `web` service admin area in a browser:

xdg-open "http://$(docker-compose port web 8080)/admin"

Monitor the queue using
[Sidekiq Spy](https://github.com/tiredpixel/sidekiq-spy):

docker exec -it tunefl_worker_1 sh \
    -c 'TERM=xterm bundle exec sidekiq-spy -h tunefl_redis_1.tunefl -n resque'

## Development

Create multiple stacks as required; the main one in installation is suitable for
a `dev` stack, and you can build on this. You'll probably also want to create a
`test` stack, following similar steps. One approach is to:

Add an alias to your shell; for Bash:

echo "alias docker-compose-stack='docker-compose -f docker-compose.\$STACK.yml -p \$STACK'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Copy and configure a different settings file (here I'm using `0` as a separator
as Docker Compose currently strips `-_.`):

cp .env.example .tunefl0test.env

Copy the Docker Compose file, modifying to point to your `.tunefl0test.env`:

cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.tunefl0test.yml

Thereafter, execute `docker-compose` commands using `docker-compose-stack`. I
prefer to be explicit and use a subshell, as a protection against forgetting
which stack I'm using; e.g. to start all services:

(export STACK=tunefl0test; docker-compose-stack up)

To run all tests:

docker exec tunefl0test_web_1 bundle exec rspec

Tests are written using [RSpec](http://rspec.info/).
There are not many tests, because the application is very simple.
If generating a score from the home page works, then things are probably okay.

## Stay Tuned

You can become a
on GitHub. And you can become a
if you are so minded. :D

## Contributions

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and prepare your patches
in one or more branches, ensuring that any tests are not broken by the changes.
Then, send me one or more pull requests. Proposed patches will then be reviewed
prior to acceptance, usually into `master` branch.
If you'd like to discuss something, then please get in touch.

Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :)

## Blessing

May you find peace, and help others to do likewise.

## Licence

Copyright © 2012-2016 [tiredpixel](https://www.tiredpixel.com).
See `LICENSE.txt`.