

5 days
Test Coverage
import logging
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from itertools import chain

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware

from import get_senior_graduation_date, get_senior_graduation_year
from ...utils.helpers import get_ap_week_warning, get_fcps_emerg, get_warning_html
from ..announcements.models import Announcement, AnnouncementRequest, WarningAnnouncement
from ..eighth.models import EighthBlock, EighthScheduledActivity, EighthSignup
from ..enrichment.models import EnrichmentActivity
from import Event, TJStarUUIDMap
from ..schedule.models import Day
from ..schedule.views import decode_date, schedule_context
from ..seniors.models import Senior

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def gen_schedule(user, num_blocks=6, surrounding_blocks=None):
    """Generate a list of information about a block and a student's current activity signup.


    no_signup_today = None
    schedule = []

    if surrounding_blocks is None:
        if settings.ENABLE_HYBRID_EIGHTH:
            now = timezone.localtime()
            if now.hour < 17:
                now = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            surrounding_blocks = (
                    eighthscheduledactivity__in=EighthScheduledActivity.objects.filter(activity__name="z - Hybrid Sticky", members__in=[user])
                .order_by("date", "block_letter")
            surrounding_blocks = EighthBlock.objects.get_upcoming_blocks(num_blocks)

    if not surrounding_blocks:
        return None, False

    # Use select_related to reduce query count
    signups = EighthSignup.objects.filter(user=user, scheduled_activity__block__in=surrounding_blocks).select_related(
        "scheduled_activity", "scheduled_activity__block", "scheduled_activity__activity"
    block_signup_map = { s.scheduled_activity for s in signups}

    for b in surrounding_blocks:
        current_sched_act = block_signup_map.get(, None)
        if current_sched_act:
            current_signup = current_sched_act.title_with_flags
            current_signup_cancelled = current_sched_act.cancelled
            current_signup_sticky = current_sched_act.activity.sticky
            rooms = current_sched_act.get_true_rooms()
            current_signup = None
            current_signup_cancelled = False
            current_signup_sticky = False
            rooms = None

        # warning flag (red block text and signup link) if no signup today
        # cancelled flag (red activity text) if cancelled
        flags = "locked" if b.locked else "open"
        blk_today = b.is_today()
        if blk_today and not current_signup:
            flags += " warning"
        if current_signup_cancelled:
            flags += " cancelled warning"

        if current_signup_cancelled:
            # don't duplicate this info; already caught
            current_signup = current_signup.replace(" (Cancelled)", "")

        info = {
            "block": b,
            "block_letter": b.block_letter,
            "current_signup": current_signup,
            "current_signup_cancelled": current_signup_cancelled,
            "current_signup_sticky": current_signup_sticky,
            "locked": b.locked,
            "flags": flags,
            "is_today": blk_today,
            "signup_time": b.signup_time,
            "signup_time_future": b.signup_time_future(),
            "rooms": rooms,

        if blk_today and not current_signup:
            no_signup_today = True

    return schedule, no_signup_today

def gen_sponsor_schedule(user, sponsor=None, num_blocks=6, surrounding_blocks=None, given_date=None):
    r"""Return a list of :class:`EighthScheduledActivity`\s in which the
    given user is sponsoring.

        Dictionary with:

    no_attendance_today = None
    acts = []

    if sponsor is None:
        sponsor = user.get_eighth_sponsor()

    if surrounding_blocks is None:
        surrounding_blocks = EighthBlock.objects.get_upcoming_blocks(num_blocks)

    activities_sponsoring = EighthScheduledActivity.objects.for_sponsor(sponsor).select_related("block").filter(block__in=surrounding_blocks)
    sponsoring_block_map = {}
    for sa in activities_sponsoring:
        bid =
        if bid in sponsoring_block_map:
            sponsoring_block_map[bid] += [sa]
            sponsoring_block_map[bid] = [sa]

    num_acts = 0

    for b in surrounding_blocks:
        num_added = 0
        sponsored_for_block = sponsoring_block_map.get(, [])

        for schact in sponsored_for_block:
            if schact.block.is_today():
                if not schact.attendance_taken and schact.block.locked:
                    no_attendance_today = True

            num_added += 1

        if num_added == 0:
            # fake an entry for a block where there is no sponsorship
            acts.append({"block": b, "id": None, "fake": True})
            num_acts += 1

    cur_date = surrounding_blocks[0].date if acts else given_date if given_date else timezone.localdate()

    last_block = surrounding_blocks[len(surrounding_blocks) - 1] if surrounding_blocks else None
    last_block_date = + timedelta(days=1) if last_block else cur_date
    next_blocks = list(last_block.next_blocks(1)) if last_block else None
    next_date = next_blocks[0].date if next_blocks else last_block_date  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object

    first_block = surrounding_blocks[0] if surrounding_blocks else None
    if cur_date and not first_block:
        first_block = EighthBlock.objects.filter(date__lte=cur_date).last()
    first_block_date = + timedelta(days=-7) if first_block else cur_date
    prev_blocks = list(first_block.previous_blocks(num_blocks - 1)) if first_block else None
    prev_date = prev_blocks[0].date if prev_blocks else first_block_date  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
    return {
        "sponsor_schedule": acts,
        "no_attendance_today": no_attendance_today,
        "num_attendance_acts": num_acts,
        "sponsor_schedule_cur_date": cur_date,
        "sponsor_schedule_next_date": next_date,
        "sponsor_schedule_prev_date": prev_date,

def get_prerender_url(request):
    if request.user.is_eighth_admin:
        if request.user.is_student:
            view = "eighth_signup"
            view = "eighth_admin_dashboard"
        view = "eighth_redirect"

    return request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(view))

def get_announcements_list(request, context):
    An announcement will be shown if:
    * It is not expired

      * unless ?show_expired=1

    * It is visible to the user

      * There are no groups on the announcement (so it is public)
      * The user's groups are in union with the groups on the
        announcement (at least one matches)
      * The user submitted the announcement directly
      * The user submitted the announcement through a request
      * The user approved the announcement through a request
      * ...unless ?show_all=1

    An event will be shown if:
    * It is not expired

      * unless ?show_expired=1

    * It is approved

      * unless an events admin

    * It is visible to the user

      * There are no groups
      * The groups are in union

    user = context["user"]

    if context["announcements_admin"] and context["show_all"]:
        # Show all announcements if user has admin permissions and the
        # show_all GET argument is given.
        announcements = Announcement.objects.all()
        # Only show announcements for groups that the user is enrolled in.
        if context["show_expired"]:
            announcements = Announcement.objects.visible_to_user(user)
            announcements = Announcement.objects.visible_to_user(user).filter(

    # Load information on the user who posted the announcement
    # Unless the announcement has a custom author (some do, but not all), we will need the user information to construct the byline,
    announcements = announcements.select_related("user")

    # We may query the announcement request multiple times while checking if the user submitted or approved the announcement.
    # prefetch_related() will still make a separate query for each request, but the results are cached if we check them multiple times
    announcements = announcements.prefetch_related("announcementrequest_set")

    if context["events_admin"] and context["show_all"]:
        events = Event.objects.all()
        if context["show_expired"]:
            events = Event.objects.visible_to_user(user)
            # Unlike announcements, show events for the rest of the day after they occur.
            midnight = timezone.localtime().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            events = Event.objects.visible_to_user(user).filter(time__gte=midnight, show_on_dashboard=True)

    def announcements_sorting_key(item):
        if context["show_expired"] or context["show_all"]:
            return item.added
        # otherwise sort by pinned and then added date
        return (item.pinned, item.added)

    items = sorted(chain(announcements, events), key=announcements_sorting_key, reverse=True)

    return items

def paginate_announcements_list(request, context, items):
    Paginate ``items`` in groups of 15


    if request.GET.get("page", "INVALID").isdigit():
        page_num = int(request.GET["page"])
        page_num = DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM

    paginator = Paginator(items, 15)
    if page_num not in paginator.page_range:
        page_num = DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM

    items =

    more_items = items.has_next()
    prev_page = items.previous_page_number() if items.has_previous() else 0
    next_page = items.next_page_number() if more_items else 0

        {"items": items, "page_num": page_num, "prev_page": prev_page, "next_page": next_page, "more_items": more_items, "page_obj": paginator}

    return context, items

def get_tjstar_mapping(user):
    m = TJStarUUIDMap.objects.filter(user=user)
    if m:
        return {"tjstar_uuid": m.first().uuid}

    return {}

def add_widgets_context(request, context):
    * Eighth signup (STUDENT)
    * Eighth attendance (TEACHER or ADMIN)
    * Enrichment activities (ALL if enrichment activity today)
    * Bell schedule (ALL)
    * Administration (ADMIN)
    * Links (ALL)
    * Seniors (STUDENT; graduation countdown if senior, link to destinations otherwise) if settings.ENABLE_SENIOR_DESTINATIONS

    user = context["user"]
    if context["is_student"] or context["eighth_sponsor"]:
        num_blocks = 6
        surrounding_blocks = EighthBlock.objects.get_upcoming_blocks(num_blocks)

    if context["is_student"]:
        if settings.ENABLE_HYBRID_EIGHTH:
            if surrounding_blocks is not None:
                now = timezone.localtime()
                if now.hour < 17:
                    now = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
                surrounding_blocks = (
                            activity__name="z - Hybrid Sticky", members__in=[request.user]
                    .order_by("date", "block_letter")
        schedule, no_signup_today = gen_schedule(user, num_blocks, surrounding_blocks)
                "schedule": schedule,
                "last_displayed_block": schedule[-1] if schedule else None,
                "no_signup_today": no_signup_today,
                "senior_graduation": get_senior_graduation_date().strftime("%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),

    if context["eighth_sponsor"]:
        sponsor_date = request.GET.get("sponsor_date", None)
        if sponsor_date:
            sponsor_date = decode_date(sponsor_date)
            if sponsor_date:
                block = EighthBlock.objects.filter(date__gte=sponsor_date).first()
                if block:
                    surrounding_blocks = [block] + list(block.next_blocks(num_blocks - 1))
                    surrounding_blocks = []

        sponsor_sch = gen_sponsor_schedule(user, context["eighth_sponsor"], num_blocks, surrounding_blocks, sponsor_date)
        # "sponsor_schedule", "no_attendance_today", "num_attendance_acts",
        # "sponsor_schedule_cur_date", "sponsor_schedule_prev_date", "sponsor_schedule_next_date"

    sched_ctx = schedule_context(request)

    today_midnight = timezone.localtime().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            "enrichments": (
                    time__lte=today_midnight + timedelta(days=1),
                if settings.ENABLE_ENRICHMENT_APP
                else []
            "senior_graduation_year": get_senior_graduation_year(),

    return context

def dashboard_view(request, show_widgets=True, show_expired=False, ignore_dashboard_types=None, show_welcome=False):
    """Process and show the dashboard, which includes activities, events, and widgets."""

    user = request.user
    now = timezone.localtime()

    if user.is_student and settings.ENABLE_PRE_EIGHTH_LOCATION_REDIRECT and request.COOKIES.get("seen_eighth_location", "") != "1":
            today_8 ="8")
            if today_8:
                first_start_time = time(today_8[0].start.hour, today_8[0].start.minute)
                last_start_time = time(today_8.last().start.hour, today_8.last().start.minute)
                first_start_date = datetime.combine(, first_start_time)
                last_start_date = datetime.combine(, last_start_time)
                if first_start_date - timedelta(minutes=30) < datetime.combine(, now.time()) < last_start_date + timedelta(minutes=20):
                    return redirect(reverse("eighth_location"))
        except AttributeError:

    if user.is_student and settings.ENABLE_PRE_DISMISSAL_BUS_REDIRECT and request.COOKIES.get("seen_bus_redirect", "") != "1":
            day =
            if day is not None and day.end_time is not None:
                end_of_day = make_aware(day.end_time.date_obj(
                if end_of_day - timedelta(minutes=5) <= now <= end_of_day + timedelta(minutes=20):
                    response = redirect(reverse("afternoon_bus"))
                    response.set_cookie("seen_bus_redirect", "1", max_age=60 * 60)
                    return response
            elif settings.IS_SUMMER_SCHOOL:
                end_of_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, settings.SCHOOL_END_HOUR, settings.SCHOOL_END_MINUTE)
                if end_of_day - timedelta(minutes=5) <= now <= end_of_day + timedelta(minutes=20):
                    response = redirect(reverse("afternoon_bus"))
                    response.set_cookie("seen_bus_redirect", "1", max_age=60 * 60)
                    return response

        except AttributeError:

    announcements_admin = user.has_admin_permission("announcements")
    events_admin = user.has_admin_permission("events")

    if not show_expired:
        show_expired = "show_expired" in request.GET

    show_all = request.GET.get("show_all", "0") != "0"
    if "show_all" not in request.GET and request.user.is_eighthoffice:
        # Show all by default to 8th period office
        show_all = True

    is_index_page = request.path_info in ["/", ""]

    context = {
        "prerender_url": get_prerender_url(request),
        "user": user,
        "announcements_admin": announcements_admin,
        "events_admin": events_admin,
        "is_index_page": is_index_page,
        "show_all": show_all,
        "show_expired": show_expired,
        "show_tjstar": settings.TJSTAR_BANNER_START_DATE <= <= settings.TJSTAR_DATE,

    # Get list of announcements
    items = get_announcements_list(request, context)

    # Paginate announcements list
    context, items = paginate_announcements_list(request, context, items)

    user_hidden_announcements = Announcement.objects.hidden_announcements(user).values_list("id", flat=True)
    user_hidden_events = Event.objects.hidden_events(user).values_list("id", flat=True)

    if ignore_dashboard_types is None:
        ignore_dashboard_types = []

            "hide_announcements": True,
            "hide_events": True,
            "user_hidden_announcements": user_hidden_announcements,
            "user_hidden_events": user_hidden_events,
            "ignore_dashboard_types": ignore_dashboard_types,

    is_student = user.is_student
    is_teacher = user.is_teacher
    is_senior = user.is_senior
    show_admin_widget = user.is_global_admin or announcements_admin or user.is_eighth_admin
    eighth_sponsor = user.get_eighth_sponsor()

    # the URL path for forward/back buttons
    view_announcements_url = "index"

    if show_widgets:
        dashboard_title = "Dashboard"
        dashboard_header = "Dashboard"
    elif show_expired:
        dashboard_title = dashboard_header = "Announcement Archive"
        view_announcements_url = "announcements_archive"
        dashboard_title = dashboard_header = "Announcements"

    num_senior_destinations = len(Senior.objects.filled())

        dash_warning = settings.DASH_WARNING
    except Exception:
        dash_warning = None

    fcps_emerg = get_fcps_emerg(request)
    ap_week = get_ap_week_warning(request)
    if fcps_emerg:
        dash_warning = fcps_emerg
    elif ap_week:
        dash_warning = ap_week

    warnings = WarningAnnouncement.objects.filter(active=True)
    html = get_warning_html(warnings, dashboard=True)
    if html:
        dash_warning = html

            "dash_warning": dash_warning,
            "show_widgets": show_widgets,
            "show_expired": show_expired,
            "show_near_graduation_message": is_senior
            and ( + timedelta(days=settings.NEAR_GRADUATION_DAYS) >= get_senior_graduation_date().date()),
            "view_announcements_url": view_announcements_url,
            "dashboard_title": dashboard_title,
            "dashboard_header": dashboard_header,
            "is_student": is_student,
            "is_teacher": is_teacher,
            "is_senior": is_senior,
            "show_admin_widget": show_admin_widget,
            "eighth_sponsor": eighth_sponsor,
            "num_senior_destinations": num_senior_destinations,

    if settings.TJSTAR_MAP:

    if settings.ENABLE_HYBRID_EIGHTH:
        context.update({"hybrid": True})

    if show_widgets:
        context = add_widgets_context(request, context)

    if announcements_admin:
        all_waiting = AnnouncementRequest.objects.filter(posted=None, rejected=False).this_year()
        awaiting_teacher = all_waiting.filter(teachers_approved__isnull=True)
        awaiting_approval = all_waiting.filter(teachers_approved__isnull=False)

        context.update({"awaiting_teacher": awaiting_teacher, "awaiting_approval": awaiting_approval})

    self_awaiting_teacher = AnnouncementRequest.objects.filter(posted=None, rejected=False, teachers_requested=request.user).this_year()
    context.update({"self_awaiting_teacher": self_awaiting_teacher})

    if show_welcome:
        return render(request, "welcome/student.html", context)
        return render(request, "dashboard/dashboard.html", context)