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# go-proto-stomp
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_**S**imple **T**ext **O**riented **M**essaging **P**rotocol_

## STOMP Protocol Implementation in Golang (with interactive CLI)
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1. `stomper`: Interactive CLI for STOMP Client
2. `stompd`: STOMP Broker
3. `stomp`: STOMP Broker/Client Library

### Supported Transports
1. TCP
2. Websocket

## stomper

stomper -t tcp

![stomper demo](stomper.gif "stomper")

## stompd
Starting the STOMP Server/Broker:
stompd -t tcp <host> <port>

## stomp
Fetching the module:
go get -u
Importing the package:
import ""

## STOMP Library Documentation
*[GoDoc](* lists the APIs for integrating both the
STOMP Broker and Client.
## **[STOMP Protocol Specification](**
The implementation adheres to the spec leaning towards the _version 1.2_ of the protocol.
### STOMP Frame: Augmented BNF Form
This implementation strictly follows the below grammar for frame construction and validation.
NULL                = <US-ASCII null (octet 0)>
LF                  = <US-ASCII line feed (aka newline) (octet 10)>
CR                  = <US-ASCII carriage return (octet 13)>
EOL                 = [CR] LF
OCTET               = <any 8-bit sequence of data>

frame-stream        = 1*frame

frame               = command EOL
                      *( header EOL )
                      *( EOL )

command             = client-command | server-command

client-command      = "SEND"
                      | "SUBSCRIBE"
                      | "UNSUBSCRIBE"
                      | "BEGIN"
                      | "COMMIT"
                      | "ABORT"
                      | "ACK"
                      | "NACK"
                      | "DISCONNECT"
                      | "CONNECT"
                      | "STOMP"

server-command      = "CONNECTED"
                      | "MESSAGE"
                      | "RECEIPT"
                      | "ERROR"

header              = header-name ":" header-value
header-name         = 1*<any OCTET except CR or LF or ":">
header-value        = *<any OCTET except CR or LF or ":">
_#stomp #protocol #broker #server #client #cli_

## License
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Tejas Wanjari