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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package stomp

import (


const (
    // disconnectID is used as a `receipt` header value in the DISCONNECT message from client
    disconnectID = "BYE-BYE!"

// UserMessage represents the messages and the user-headers to be received by the user
type UserMessage struct {
    Headers map[string]string // STOMP and custom headers received in MESSAGE
    Body    []byte            // MESSAGE payload

// Subscription represents the state of subscription
type Subscription struct {
    c           *ClientHandler
    SubsID      string
    Destination string
    ackMode     AckMode

// Transaction represents the state of transaction
type Transaction struct {
    c    *ClientHandler
    TxID string

// MessageHandlerFunc is the function-type for user-defined function to handle the messages
type MessageHandlerFunc func(message *UserMessage)

// ClientHandler is the control struct for Client's connection with the STOMP Broker
type ClientHandler struct {
    SessionID      string                   // Session ID for the connection with the STOMP Broker
    conn           net.Conn                 // Connection to the server/broker
    host           string                   // Virtual-host on the STOMP broker
    login          string                   // Username for the login to STOMP broker
    passcode       string                   // Password to log in to the STOMP broker
    hbSendInterval int                      // Send-interval in milliseconds from client
    hbRecvInterval int                      // Receive-interval in milliseconds on client
    hbJob          *gocron.Job              // Heartbeat sending job
    msgHandler     MessageHandlerFunc       // Callback to process the MESSAGE
    subsMap        map[string]*Subscription // Subscription ID to Subscription map
    ackCh          chan *ackData            // Channel to signal ackHandler

type ackData struct {
    subsID  string
    ackID   string
    txID    string
    ackMode AckMode

// ClientOpts provides the options as argument to NewClientHandler
type ClientOpts struct {
    VirtualHost              string             // Virtual host
    Login                    string             // AuthN Username
    Passcode                 string             // AuthN Password
    HeartbeatSendInterval    int                // Sending interval of heartbeats in milliseconds
    HeartbeatReceiveInterval int                // Receiving interval of heartbeats in milliseconds
    MessageHandler           MessageHandlerFunc // User-defined callback function to handle MESSAGE

// NewClientHandler creates the Client for STOMP
func NewClientHandler(transport Transport, host, port string, opts *ClientOpts) *ClientHandler {
    var conn net.Conn
    var err error

    switch transport {
    case TransportTCP:
        conn, err = startTcpClient(host, port)
    case TransportWebsocket:
        conn, err = startWebsocketClient(host, port)
        log.Fatal("Invalid transport:", transport, ". Expected:", TransportTCP, "or", TransportWebsocket)
    if err != nil {

    if opts == nil {
        opts = &ClientOpts{}

    if opts.VirtualHost == "" {
        opts.VirtualHost = conn.RemoteAddr().String()

    return &ClientHandler{
        conn:           conn,
        host:           opts.VirtualHost,
        login:          opts.Login,
        passcode:       opts.Passcode,
        hbSendInterval: opts.HeartbeatSendInterval,
        hbRecvInterval: opts.HeartbeatReceiveInterval,
        msgHandler:     opts.MessageHandler,
        ackCh:          make(chan *ackData, 100),
        subsMap:        map[string]*Subscription{},

// SetMessageHandler accepts the user-defined function to handle the messages
func (c *ClientHandler) SetMessageHandler(handlerFunc MessageHandlerFunc) {
    c.msgHandler = handlerFunc

// Connect connects with the broker and starts listening to the messages from broker
func (c *ClientHandler) Connect(useStompCmd bool) error {
    if err := c.connect(useStompCmd); err != nil {
        return err

    // go c.ackHandler()
    go func() {
        for raw := range frameScanner(c.conn) {
            frame, err := NewFrameFromBytes(raw)
            if err != nil {
            if err = frame.Validate(ServerFrame); err != nil {
            if err = c.stateMachine(frame); err != nil {

        // Cleanup
        if c.hbJob != nil {
    return nil

// stateMachine is the brain of STOMP client
func (c *ClientHandler) stateMachine(frame *Frame) error {
    switch frame.command {
    case CmdConnected:
        if err := c.handleConnected(frame); err != nil {
            return err

    case CmdMessage:
        if err := c.handleMessage(frame); err != nil {
            return err

    case CmdReceipt:
        if frame.getHeader(HdrKeyReceiptID) == disconnectID {
            _ = c.conn.Close()
            return errors.New("bye") // Returning error will close the connection

    case CmdError:
        log.Println("Received error:", frame)
        if err := c.Disconnect(); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) handleConnected(frame *Frame) error {
    c.SessionID = frame.getHeader(HdrKeySession)
    if c.SessionID == "" {
        return errorMsg(errClientStateMachine, "Missing session ID in connection")
    if hbVal := frame.getHeader(HdrKeyHeartBeat); hbVal != "" {
        if err := c.negotiateHeartbeats(hbVal); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) handleMessage(frame *Frame) error {
    if c.msgHandler != nil {
    if frame.getHeader(HdrKeyAck) == "" {
        return nil
    subsID := frame.getHeader(HdrKeySubscription)
    if _, ok := c.subsMap[subsID]; !ok {
        log.Println("Subscription ID in message:", subsID, "not found in c.subsMap")
        return nil
    subs := c.subsMap[subsID]

    // Client Individual Ack
    if subs.ackMode == HdrValAckClientIndividual {
        if err := c.sendAck(frame.getHeader(HdrKeyAck), frame.getHeader(HdrKeyTransaction)); err != nil {
        return nil

    // Client Ack
    c.ackCh <- &ackData{
        subsID:  subs.SubsID,
        ackID:   frame.getHeader(HdrKeyAck),
        txID:    frame.getHeader(HdrKeyTransaction),
        ackMode: subs.ackMode,
    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) send(cmd Command, headers map[Header]string, body []byte) error {
    f := NewFrame(cmd, headers, body)
    if err := f.Validate(ClientFrame); err != nil {
        return err

    sendIt := func() error {
        if _, err := c.conn.Write(f.Serialize()); err != nil {
            return err
        return nil
    b := backoff.WithMaxRetries(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(), 3)
    if err := backoff.Retry(sendIt, b); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) sendRaw(body []byte) error {
    sendIt := func() error {
        if _, err := c.conn.Write(body); err != nil {
            return err
        return nil

    b := backoff.WithMaxRetries(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(), 3)
    if err := backoff.Retry(sendIt, b); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) negotiateHeartbeats(hbVal string) error {
    brokerSendInterval, brokerRecvInterval, err := parseHbVal(hbVal)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Send-HB negotiation
    if brokerSendInterval == 0 || c.hbRecvInterval == 0 {
        c.hbRecvInterval = 0
    } else if brokerSendInterval > c.hbRecvInterval {
        c.hbRecvInterval = brokerSendInterval

    // Receive-HB negotiation
    if brokerRecvInterval == 0 || c.hbSendInterval == 0 {
        c.hbSendInterval = 0
        return nil // no heartbeats to be sent
    } else if brokerRecvInterval > c.hbSendInterval {
        c.hbSendInterval = brokerRecvInterval

    // Schedule sending heartbeats by hbSendInterval
    c.hbJob, err = sched.Every(c.hbSendInterval).Milliseconds().Tag(c.SessionID).Do(
        func() {
            _ = c.sendRaw([]byte("\n"))
    if err != nil {
        return errorMsg(errClientStateMachine, "Heartbeat setup error: "+err.Error())

    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) getUserMessage(f *Frame) *UserMessage {
    userHeaders := map[string]string{}
    for h, v := range f.headers {
        userHeaders[string(h)] = v
    return &UserMessage{
        Headers: userHeaders,
        Body:    f.body,

func (c *ClientHandler) connect(useStomp bool) error {
    headers := map[Header]string{
        HdrKeyAcceptVersion: "1.2",
    if c.login != "" {
        headers[HdrKeyLogin] = c.login
        headers[HdrKeyPassCode] = c.passcode
    if c.hbSendInterval != 0 || c.hbRecvInterval != 0 {
        headers[HdrKeyHeartBeat] = fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", c.hbSendInterval, c.hbRecvInterval)

    cmd := CmdConnect
    if useStomp {
        cmd = CmdStomp
    return c.send(cmd, headers, nil)

func (c *ClientHandler) Send(dest string, body []byte, contentType string, customHeaders map[string]string) error {
    h := map[Header]string{
        HdrKeyDestination:   dest,
        HdrKeyContentType:   contentType,
        HdrKeyContentLength: strconv.Itoa(len(body)),
    for k, v := range customHeaders {
        h[Header(k)] = v
    return c.send(CmdSend, h, body)

func (c *ClientHandler) Disconnect() error {
    return c.send(CmdDisconnect, map[Header]string{HdrKeyReceipt: disconnectID}, nil)

func (c *ClientHandler) Subscribe(dest string, mode AckMode) (*Subscription, error) {
    subID := uuid.NewString()
    if mode == "" {
        mode = HdrValAckAuto

    h := map[Header]string{
        HdrKeyID:          subID,
        HdrKeyDestination: dest,
        HdrKeyAck:         string(mode),

    if err := c.send(CmdSubscribe, h, nil); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    c.subsMap[subID] = &Subscription{c: c, SubsID: subID, Destination: dest, ackMode: mode}
    return c.subsMap[subID], nil

func (s *Subscription) Unsubscribe() error {
    if err := s.c.send(CmdUnsubscribe, map[Header]string{HdrKeyID: s.SubsID}, nil); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) BeginTransaction() (*Transaction, error) {
    txID := uuid.NewString()
    if err := c.send(CmdBegin, map[Header]string{HdrKeyTransaction: txID}, nil); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &Transaction{c: c, TxID: txID}, nil

func (t *Transaction) Send(dest string, body []byte, contentType string, headers map[string]string) error {
    if t.c == nil {
        return errorMsg(errProtocolFrame, "Send on closed transaction")
    hdr := map[string]string{}
    for k, v := range headers {
        hdr[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
    hdr[string(HdrKeyTransaction)] = t.TxID
    return t.c.Send(dest, body, contentType, hdr)

func (t *Transaction) AbortTransaction() error {
    if t.c == nil {
        return errorMsg(errProtocolFrame, "Abort on closed transaction")
    if err := t.c.send(CmdAbort, map[Header]string{HdrKeyTransaction: t.TxID}, nil); err != nil {
        return err
    t.c = nil
    return nil

func (t *Transaction) CommitTransaction() error {
    if t.c == nil {
        return errorMsg(errProtocolFrame, "Commit on closed transaction")
    if err := t.c.send(CmdCommit, map[Header]string{HdrKeyTransaction: t.TxID}, nil); err != nil {
        return err
    t.c = nil
    return nil

func (c *ClientHandler) sendAck(id string, txID string) error {
    m := map[Header]string{HdrKeyID: id}
    if txID != "" {
        m[HdrKeyTransaction] = txID
    return c.send(CmdAck, m, nil)

// func (c *ClientHandler) nack(id string, txID string) error {
//     m := map[Header]string{HdrKeyID: id}
//     if txID != "" {
//         m[HdrKeyTransaction] = txID
//     }
//     return c.send(CmdNack, m, nil)
// }

// func (c *ClientHandler) ackHandler() {
//     t := time.Tick(time.Second * 3)
//     m := map[string]*ackData{}
//     for {
//         select {
//         case d := <-c.ackCh:
//             m[d.subsID] = d
//         case <-t:
//             for _, d := range m {
//                 if err := c.sendAck(d.ackID, d.txID); err != nil {
//                     log.Println(err)
//                 }
//             }
//             m = map[string]*ackData{}
//         }
//     }
// }