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# Author: Hubert Kario, (c) Red Hat 2020
# Released under the Gnu GPL v2.0, see LICENSE file for details

"""Utility for combining multiple timing.csv files into one."""

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import getopt
import csv
from os.path import join, splitext

def help_msg():
    """Print help message."""
    print("""Usage: ./ -o out-dir in0 [in1 [in2 [...]]]
-o out-dir          Output directory (required)
                    Any timing.csv or measurements.csv file there will be
--long-format       Expects the input csv files to be in format
                    "row id,column id,value"
--help              This help message
in0, in1, ...       Input files to combine

This is a helper tool to either convert from the old timing.csv file
(one that placed all observations of a single probe in a single line)
or to combine multiple runs of the same set of probes to allow analysis
with stronger statistical significance.

def get_format(file_name):
    Guess the file format of the provided csv file.

    Returns either "row-based", when all values for a given class are in a
    single line, or "column-based", when all values for a given class are
    in a single column.
    with open(file_name, "r") as f:
        line = f.readline()

        if line and line[0] == '"':
            # handle quoted probe names
            pos = line.find('"', 1)
            if pos < 0:
                raise ValueError("Malformed csv file")
            first = line[1:pos]
            vals = [first] + line[pos+2:].split(',')
            vals = line.split(',')

        if not vals or not vals[0]:
            raise ValueError("Empty file: {0}".format(file_name))
        if len(vals) == 1:
            return "column-based"
            return "row-based"
        except ValueError:
            return "column-based"

def read_row_based_csv(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
        in_file = csv.reader(f)
        for i in (list(i) for i in zip(*in_file)):
            yield i

def read_column_based_csv(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
        in_file = csv.reader(f)
        for i in in_file:
            yield i

def read_row_based_textfile(file_name):
    Reads a text file, yielding line after line.
    For file_name being '-' STDIN is processed instead.

    if file_name == '-':
        for line in sys.stdin:
            yield line
        with open(file_name, 'r') as file_r:
            for line in file_r:
                yield line

def combine(output, inputs):
    """Combine timing.csv or measurements.csv files into a single one."""
    columns = None

    with open(join(output, "timing.csv"), "w") as out:
        out_csv = csv.writer(out)
        for file_name in inputs:
            fmt = get_format(file_name)
            if fmt == "row-based":
                values = read_row_based_csv(file_name)
                assert fmt == "column-based"
                values = read_column_based_csv(file_name)

            values_header = next(values)

            if columns is None:
                columns = values_header

            if columns != values_header:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Column names in {0} don't match column "
                    "names from first input file".format(file_name))


def combine_measurements(output, inputs):
    filename = "measurements"

    with open(join(output, filename + '.csv'), "w") as out_fp:
        tuples_so_far = 0
        total_samples = 0
        for file_name in inputs:
            with open(file_name, 'r') as in_fp:
                in_csv = csv.reader(in_fp)
                for row in in_csv:
                    if len(row) != 3:
                        raise ValueError("File does not have correct format")

                    tuple_num = int(row[0]) + tuples_so_far

                        "{0},{1},{2}\n".format(tuple_num, row[1], row[2])
                    total_samples += 1

                tuples_so_far = tuple_num + 1

    count_file = filename + ".count"

    with open(join(output, count_file), "w") as out_fp:
            'Combined {0} observations in {1} lines in file {2}.\n'
                total_samples, tuples_so_far - 1,
                join(output, filename + ".csv")

def main():
    input_filelist = None
    output = None
    long_format = False

    argv = sys.argv[1:]
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "i:o:", ["help", "long-format"])

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == "-i":
            input_filelist = arg
        elif opt == "-o":
            output = arg
        elif opt == "--long-format":
            long_format = True
            assert opt == "--help"

    inputs = args

    # extend filelist provided as arguments with files from input_filelist
    if input_filelist:
        inputs.extend(map(lambda obj: obj.strip(),

    if not inputs:
        raise ValueError("No input files provided")
    if not output:
        raise ValueError("No output directory provided")

    if long_format:
        combine_measurements(output, inputs)
        combine(output, inputs)

if __name__ == "__main__":