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Test Coverage
# Author: Hubert Kario, (c) 2015
# Released under Gnu GPL v2.0, see LICENSE file for details

"""Objects for generating TLS messages to send."""

import random
import struct
from tlslite.messages import ClientHello, ClientKeyExchange, ChangeCipherSpec,\
        Finished, Alert, ApplicationData, Message, Certificate, \
        CertificateVerify, CertificateRequest, ClientMasterKey, \
        ClientFinished, ServerKeyExchange, ServerHello, Heartbeat, \
from tlslite.constants import AlertLevel, AlertDescription, ContentType, \
        ExtensionType, CertificateType, HashAlgorithm, \
        SignatureAlgorithm, CipherSuite, SignatureScheme, TLS_1_3_HRR, \
import tlslite.utils.tlshashlib as hashlib
from tlslite.extensions import TLSExtension, RenegotiationInfoExtension, \
        ClientKeyShareExtension, StatusRequestExtension
from tlslite.messagesocket import MessageSocket
from tlslite.defragmenter import Defragmenter
from tlslite.mathtls import calc_key, \
from tlslite.handshakehashes import HandshakeHashes
from tlslite.utils.codec import Writer
from tlslite.utils.cryptomath import getRandomBytes, numBytes, \
    numberToByteArray, bytesToNumber, HKDF_expand_label, secureHMAC, \
from tlslite.keyexchange import KeyExchange
from tlslite.bufferedsocket import BufferedSocket
from tlslite.recordlayer import ConnectionState
from .helpers import key_share_gen, AutoEmptyExtension, ECDSA_SIG_ALL, \
from .handshake_helpers import calc_pending_states, curve_name_to_hash_tls13
from .tree import TreeNode
import socket
from functools import partial

class Command(TreeNode):
    """Command objects."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Create object."""
        super(Command, self).__init__()

    def is_command(self):
        """Define object as a command node."""
        return True

    def is_expect(self):
        """Define object as a command node."""
        return False

    def is_generator(self):
        """Define object as a command node."""
        return False

    def process(self, state):
        """Change the state of the connection."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses need to implement this!")

class Connect(Command):
    """Object used to connect to a TCP server."""

    def __init__(self, hostname, port, version=(3, 0), timeout=5):
        Provide minimal settings needed to connect to other peer.

        :param str hostname: host name of the server to connect to
        :param int port: :term:`TCP` port number to connect to
        :param tuple(int,int) version: the protocol version used in the
            record layer for the initial messages
        :param float timeout: amount of time to wait while expecting a message
            before aborting the connection, in seconds
        super(Connect, self).__init__()
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.port = port
        self.version = version
        self.timeout = timeout

    def process(self, state):
        """Connect to a server."""
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((self.hostname, self.port))
        # disable Nagle - we handle buffering and flushing ourselves
        sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

        # allow for later buffering of writes to the socket
        sock = BufferedSocket(sock)

        defragmenter = Defragmenter()
        defragmenter.add_static_size(ContentType.alert, 2)
        defragmenter.add_static_size(ContentType.change_cipher_spec, 1)
        defragmenter.add_dynamic_size(ContentType.handshake, 1, 3)

        state.msg_sock = MessageSocket(sock, defragmenter)

        state.msg_sock.version = self.version

class SetRecordVersion(Command):
    """Change the version used at record layer."""
    def __init__(self, version):
        super(SetRecordVersion, self).__init__()
        self.version = version

    def process(self, state):
        state.msg_sock.version = self.version

class Close(Command):
    """Object used to close a TCP connection."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Close connection object."""
        super(Close, self).__init__()

    def process(self, state):
        """Close currently open connection."""

class CloseRST(Command):
    """Object used to close a TCP connection with a RST packet."""

    def __init__(self):
        """CloseRST connection object."""
        super(CloseRST, self).__init__()

    def process(self, state):
        """Close currently open connection by sending a RST packet."""
        l_onoff = 1
        l_linger = 0
        state.msg_sock.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER,
                                       struct.pack('ii', l_onoff, l_linger))

class ResetHandshakeHashes(Command):
    Object used to reset current state of handshake hashes to zero.

    Used for session renegotiation or resumption.

    Also prepares for negotiation (or dropping) of record_size_limit extension.

    def __init__(self):
        """Object for resetting handshake hashes of session."""
        super(ResetHandshakeHashes, self).__init__()

    def process(self, state):
        """Reset current running handshake protocol hashes."""
        state.handshake_hashes = HandshakeHashes()
        # remove the keys that can interfere with key calculation
        # don't remove all as we need things like "resumption master secret"
        # to actually resume next session
        state.key.pop('PSK secret', None)
        state.key.pop('DH shared secret', None)

        # while not part of handshake hashes, it needs to be done every time
        # renegotiation or resumption is performed as the extension needs to
        # be negotiated every time
        state._our_record_size_limit = 2**14
        state._peer_record_size_limit = 2**14

class ResetRenegotiationInfo(Command):
    """Object used to reset state of data needed for secure renegotiation."""

    def __init__(self, client=None, server=None):
        """Reset the stored rengotiation info to provided values."""
        super(ResetRenegotiationInfo, self).__init__()
        self.client_verify_data = client
        self.server_verify_data = server

    def process(self, state):
        """Reset current Finished message values."""
        if self.client_verify_data is None:
            self.client_verify_data = bytearray(0)
        if self.server_verify_data is None:
            self.server_verify_data = bytearray(0)
        state.key['client_verify_data'] = self.client_verify_data
        state.key['server_verify_data'] = self.server_verify_data

class SetMaxRecordSize(Command):
    """Change the Record Layer to send records of non standard size."""

    def __init__(self, max_size=None):
        """Set the maximum record layer message size, no option for default."""
        super(SetMaxRecordSize, self).__init__()
        self.max_size = max_size

    def process(self, state):
        """Change the size of messages in record layer."""
        if self.max_size is None:
            # the maximum for SSLv3, TLS1.0, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2
            state.msg_sock.recordSize = 2**14
            state.msg_sock.recordSize = self.max_size

class SetPaddingCallback(Command):
    Set the padding callback which returns the length of the padding to be
    added to the message in the record layer.

    def __init__(self, cb=None):
        """Set the padding callback"""
        super(SetPaddingCallback, self).__init__()
        self.padding_cb = cb

    def fixed_length_cb(size):
        Returns a callback function which returns a fixed number as the
        padding size
        def _fixed_len_cb(length, contenttype, max_padding, zeroes=size):
            Simple callback which returns a fixed number as the padding size
            to be added to the message
            if zeroes > (max_padding - length):
                raise ValueError("requested padding size is too large")

            return zeroes
        return _fixed_len_cb

    def fill_padding_cb(length, contenttype, max_padding):
        Simple callback which returns the maximum padding size as
        the size of the padding to be added to the message
        return max_padding - length

    def add_fixed_padding_cb(size):
        Returns a callback function which returns a fixed number as the
        padding size
        def _add_fixed_passing_cb(length, contenttype, max_padding,
            Simple callback which returns a fixed number as the padding size
            to be added to the message.
            This function does not check a correct size of padding, can cause
            buffer overflow alert.
            return zeros
        return _add_fixed_passing_cb

    def process(self, state):
        Set the callback which returns the length of the padding in record
        state.msg_sock.padding_cb = self.padding_cb

class TCPBufferingEnable(Command):
    Start buffering all writes on the TCP level of connection.

    You will need to call an explicit flush to send the messages.

    def process(self, state):
        """Enable TCP buffering."""
        state.msg_sock.sock.buffer_writes = True

class TCPBufferingDisable(Command):
    Stop buffering all writes on the TCP level.

    All messages will be now passed directly to the TCP socket

    def process(self, state):
        """Disable TCP buffering."""
        state.msg_sock.sock.buffer_writes = False

class TCPBufferingFlush(Command):
    Send all messages in the buffer.

    Does not change the state of buffering

    def process(self, state):
        """Flush all messages to TCP socket."""

class ResetWriteConnectionState(Command):
    Reset _writeState configuration to default values

    All sent messages will be unencrypted now

    def process(self, state):
        state.msg_sock._writeState = ConnectionState()

class CollectNonces(Command):
    Start collecting nonces being sent by the server in the provided array.

    Works only for ciphers like AES-GCM which use explicit nonces. Ciphers
    like Chacha20 use implicit nonce constructed from PRF output and sequence

    Needs to be run after the cipher was negotiated and switched to (after
    CCS), will collect nonces only till next renegotiation.

    def __init__(self, nonces):
        """Link the list for storing nonces with the object."""
        super(CollectNonces, self).__init__()
        self.nonces = nonces

    def process(self, state):
        """Monkey patch the seal() method."""
        seal_mthd = state.msg_sock._writeState.encContext.seal

        def collector(nonce, buf, authData, old_seal=seal_mthd,
            """Collect used nonces for encryption."""
            return old_seal(nonce, buf, authData)

        state.msg_sock._writeState.encContext.seal = collector

class CopyVariables(Command):
    Copy current random values of connection to provided arrays.

    Available keys are either ``ClientHello.random``, ``ServerHello.random``,
    ``ServerHello.session_id`` or
    one of the values in ``key`` in
    ``master_secret``, ``ServerHello.extensions.key_share.key_exchange``,
    ``server handshake traffic secret``, ``exporter master secret``,
    ``ServerKeyExchange.key_share``, ``ServerKeyExchange.dh_p``,
    ``ClientKeyExchange.dh_Yc``, ``ClientKeyExchange.ecdh_Yc``,
    ``DH shared secret``, ``PSK secret``, ``client_verify_data``,
    ``server_verify_data``, ``client application traffic secret``,
    ``server application traffic secret``,
    ``resumption master secret``, ``early secret``, or ``handshake secret``)

    The log should be a dict (where keys have the above specified names)
    and values should be arrays (the values will be appended there).

    This node needs to be put right after a node that calculate or use the
    specific values to guarantee correct collection (i.e. if the conversation
    performs a renegotiation, it needs to be placed after both
    :py:class:`~tlsfuzzer.expect.ExpectServerHello` nodes to collect both
    ``ServerHello.random`` values).

    :param dict(str,list) log: dictionary with names of values to collect

    def __init__(self, log):
        """Link the randoms to log with session."""
        super(CopyVariables, self).__init__()
        self.log = log

    def process(self, state):
        """Copy current variables to log arrays."""
        for name, val in self.log.items():
            if name == 'ClientHello.random':
            elif name == 'ServerHello.random':
            elif name == 'ServerHello.session_id':
                if name not in state.key:
                    raise ValueError("'{0}' variable is not defined yet or "
                                     "invalid for ConnectionState.key lookups."

class RawSocketWriteGenerator(Command):
    Send a plaintext data irrespective of encryption state.

    Does not update handshake hashes, record layer state, does not fragment,

    :ivar bytearray data to send
    :ivar str ~.description: identifier to print when processing of the node

    def __init__(self, data, description=None):
        """Set the record layer type and payload to send."""
        super(RawSocketWriteGenerator, self).__init__() = data
        self.description = description

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return human readable representation of the object."""
        return self._repr(["data", "description"])

    def process(self, state):
        """Send the message over the socket."""

class PlaintextMessageGenerator(Command):
    Send a plaintext data record irrespective of encryption state.

    Does not update handshake hashes, record layer state, does not fragment,

    :ivar int content_type: content type of message, used in record layer
        header. See :py:class:`~tlslite.constants.ContentType` for well-known
    :ivar bytearray payload for the record
    :ivar str ~.description: identifier to print when processing of the node

    def __init__(self, content_type, data, description=None):
        """Set the record layer type and payload to send."""
        super(PlaintextMessageGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.content_type = content_type = data
        self.description = description

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return human readable representation of the object."""
        vals = []
        vals.append(('content_type', self.content_type))
        vals.append(('data', repr(
        if self.description:
            vals.append(('description', repr(self.description)))

        return "PlaintextMessageGenerator({0})".format(
                ", ".join("{0}={1}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in vals))

    def process(self, state):
        """Send the message over the socket."""
        msg = Message(self.content_type,

        for _ in state.msg_sock._recordSocket.send(msg):

class MessageGenerator(TreeNode):
    """Message generator objects."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the object."""
        super(MessageGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.msg = None
        self.queue = False

    def is_command(self):
        """Define object as a generator node."""
        return False

    def is_expect(self):
        """Define object as a generator node."""
        return False

    def is_generator(self):
        """Define object as a generator node."""
        return True

    def generate(self, state):
        """Return a message ready to write to socket."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses need to implement this!")

    def post_send(self, state):
        """Modify the state after sending the message."""
        # since most messages don't require any post-send modifications
        # create a no-op default action

class RawMessageGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    Generator for arbitrary record layer messages.

    Can generate message with any content_type and any payload. Will
    be encrypted if encryption is negotiated in the connection.

    :ivar int content_type: content type of message, used in record layer
        header. See :py:class:`~tlslite.constants.ContentType` for well-known
    :ivar bytearray payload for the record
    :ivar str ~.description: identifier to print when processing of the node

    def __init__(self, content_type, data, description=None):
        """Set the record layer type and payload to send."""
        super(RawMessageGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.content_type = content_type = data
        self.description = description

    def generate(self, state):
        """Create a tlslite-ng message that can be send."""
        message = Message(self.content_type,
        return message

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return human readable representation of the object."""
        if self.description is None:
            return "RawMessageGenerator(content_type={0!s}, data={1!r})".\
            return "RawMessageGenerator(content_type={0!s}, data={1!r}, " \

class HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    """Message generator for TLS Handshake protocol messages."""

    def post_send(self, state):
        """Update handshake hashes after sending."""
        super(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator, self).post_send(state)


def ch_cookie_handler(state):
    """Client Hello cookie extension handler.

    Copies the cookie extension from last HRR message.
    hrr = state.get_last_message_of_type(ServerHello)
    if not hrr or hrr.random != TLS_1_3_HRR:
        # as the second CH should never be used without ExpectHelloRetryRequest
        # before it, using this helper when there is no HRR in current
        # handshake messages in the state is a user error, not server error
        raise ValueError("No HRR received")
    cookie = hrr.getExtension(ExtensionType.cookie)
    return cookie

def ch_key_share_handler(state):
    """Client Hello key_share extension handler.

    Generates the key share for the group selected by server in the last
    HRR message.
    hrr = state.get_last_message_of_type(ServerHello)
    if not hrr or hrr.random != TLS_1_3_HRR:
        # as the second CH should never be used without ExpectHelloRetryRequest
        # before it, using this helper when there is no HRR in current
        # handshake messages in the state is a user error, not server error
        raise ValueError("No HRR received")
    hrr_key_share = hrr.getExtension(ExtensionType.key_share)

    # the check if the group selected in HRR was advertised in the first
    # ClientHello happens in the hrr_ext_handler_key_share()

    group_id = hrr_key_share.selected_group
    key_shares = [key_share_gen(group_id)]
    key_share = ClientKeyShareExtension().create(key_shares)
    return key_share

class ClientHelloGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    """Generator for TLS handshake protocol Client Hello messages."""

    def __init__(self, ciphers=None, extensions=None, version=None,
                 session_id=None, random=None, compression=None, ssl2=False,
        """Set up the object for generation of Client Hello messages."""
        super(ClientHelloGenerator, self).__init__()
        if ciphers is None:
            ciphers = []
        if compression is None:
            compression = [0]

        self.version = version
        self.ciphers = ciphers
        self.extensions = extensions
        self.session_id = session_id
        self.random = random
        self.compression = compression
        self.ssl2 = ssl2
        self.modifiers = modifiers

    def __repr__(self):
        """Human readable representation of the object."""
        ret = []
        if self.ssl2:
        if self.version:
        if self.ciphers:
        if self.random:
        if self.session_id:
        if self.compression:
        if self.extensions:
        if self.modifiers:

        return "ClientHelloGenerator({0})".format(", ".join(ret))

    def _generate_extensions(self, state):
        """Convert extension generators to extension objects."""
        extensions = []
        for ext_id in self.extensions:
            if self.extensions[ext_id] is not None:
                if callable(self.extensions[ext_id]):
                elif isinstance(self.extensions[ext_id], TLSExtension):
                elif self.extensions[ext_id] is AutoEmptyExtension():
                    raise ValueError("Bad extension, id: {0}".format(ext_id))

            if ext_id == ExtensionType.renegotiation_info:
                ext = RenegotiationInfoExtension()\
            elif ext_id == ExtensionType.status_request:
                ext = StatusRequestExtension().create()
            elif ext_id in (ExtensionType.client_hello_padding,
                            49,  # post_handshake_auth
                            52):  # transparency_info
                ext = TLSExtension().create(ext_id, bytearray())
                raise ValueError("No autohandler for extension {0}"

        return extensions

    def _handle_modifiers(self, state, clnt_hello):
        """Handle processing of the modifiers of the message."""
        if self.modifiers is None:
            self.modifiers = []  # TODO psk_binder updater for session tickets
        for mod in self.modifiers:
            mod(state, clnt_hello)

    def generate(self, state):
        """Create a Client Hello message."""
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = state.client_version
        if self.random:
            state.client_random = self.random
        if self.session_id is None and state.session_id:
            self.session_id = state.session_id
        if self.session_id is None and self.extensions \
                and ExtensionType.supported_versions in self.extensions:
            # in TLS 1.3, the server should reply with CCS (middlebox compat
            # mode) only when client sends a session_id
            self.session_id = getRandomBytes(32)
        # if still unset, set to default value
        if not self.session_id:
            self.session_id = bytearray(b'')

        if not state.client_random:
            state.client_random = bytearray(32)

        extensions = None
        if self.extensions is not None:
            extensions = self._generate_extensions(state)

        clnt_hello = ClientHello(self.ssl2).create(self.version,
        clnt_hello.compression_methods = self.compression

        self._handle_modifiers(state, clnt_hello)

        state.client_version = self.version

        self.msg = clnt_hello

        return clnt_hello

class ClientKeyExchangeGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    Generator for TLS handshake protocol Client Key Exchange messages.

    :vartype dh_Yc: int
    :ivar dh_Yc: Override the sent dh_Yc value to the specified one
    :vartype padding_subs: dict(int,int)
    :ivar padding_subs: Substitutions for the encrypted premaster secret
       padding bytes (applicable only for the RSA key exchange)
    :vartype padding_xors: dict(int,int)
    :ivar padding_xors: XORs for the encrypted premaster secret padding bytes
       (applicable only for the RSA key exchange)
    :vartype ecdh_Yc: bytearray
    :ivar ecdh_Yc: encoded ECC point being the client key share for the
       key exchange
    :vartype encrypted_premaster: bytearray
    :ivar encrypted_premaster: the premaster secret after it was encrypted,
       as it will be sent on the wire
    :vartype modulus_as_encrypted_premaster: bool
    :ivar modulus_as_encrypted_premaster: if True, set the encrypted
       premaster (the value seen on the wire) to the server's certificate
       modulus (the server's public key)
    :vartype p_as_share: bool
    :ivar p_as_share: set the key share to the value :math:`p` provided by
       in Server Key Exchange (applicable only to FFDHE key exchange)
    :vartype p_1_as_share: bool
    :ivar p_1_as_share: set the key share to the value :math:`p - 1`, as
       provided by
       server in Server Key Exchange (applicable only to FFDHE key exchange
       with safe primes)
    :ivar int padding_byte: byte to use as padding instead of randomly
       generated bytes (applicable only for RSA key exchange)
    :ivar tuple(int,int) client_version: the version to set in the RSA
       pre-master secret
    :ivar bool reuse_encrypted_premaster: if set to true, the message generator
       will create the RSA ciphertext once and reuse it for subsequent
       connections. Applicable only to RSA key exchange, useful only for
       tests that run the same conversation over and over (like timing tests).
    :ivar encrypted_premaster_file: The :term:`file object` from which to
       read the encrypted premaster secret, on node re-ececution will read
       subsequent values, does not rewind the file pointer or close the file.
       The file must be opened in binary mode
    :vartype encrypted_premaster_file: :term:`file object`
    :ivar int encrypted_premaster_length: The length of data to read, in bytes
    :ivar bool random_premaster: whether to use a random premaster value
       or the static default (48 zero bytes)

    def __init__(self, cipher=None, version=None, client_version=None,
                 dh_Yc=None, padding_subs=None, padding_xors=None,
                 ecdh_Yc=None, encrypted_premaster=None,
                 modulus_as_encrypted_premaster=False, p_as_share=False,
                 p_1_as_share=False, premaster_secret=None,
                 padding_byte=None, reuse_encrypted_premaster=False,
        """Set settings of the Client Key Exchange to be sent."""
        super(ClientKeyExchangeGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.cipher = cipher
        self.version = version
        self.client_version = client_version
        if premaster_secret is None:
            self.premaster_secret = bytearray(48)
            self.premaster_secret = premaster_secret
        self.dh_Yc = dh_Yc
        self.padding_subs = padding_subs
        self.padding_xors = padding_xors
        self.ecdh_Yc = ecdh_Yc
        self.encrypted_premaster = encrypted_premaster
        self.modulus_as_encrypted_premaster = modulus_as_encrypted_premaster
        self.p_as_share = p_as_share
        self.p_1_as_share = p_1_as_share
        self.padding_byte = padding_byte
        self.reuse_encrypted_premaster = reuse_encrypted_premaster
        self.encrypted_premaster_file = encrypted_premaster_file
        self.encrypted_premaster_length = encrypted_premaster_length
        self.random_premaster = random_premaster

        if encrypted_premaster_file and not encrypted_premaster_length:
            raise ValueError("Must specify the length of data to read from"
                             " encrypted_premaster_file")

        if modulus_as_encrypted_premaster and encrypted_premaster_file:
            raise ValueError("Can't set both modulus_as_encrypted_premaster "
                             "and encrypted_premaster_file at the same time")

        if p_as_share and p_1_as_share:
            raise ValueError("Can't set both p_as_share and p_1_as_share at "
                             "the same time")

    def generate(self, status):
        """Create a Client Key Exchange message."""
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = status.version

        if self.cipher is None:
            self.cipher = status.cipher

        if self.client_version is None:
            self.client_version = status.client_version

        cke = ClientKeyExchange(self.cipher, self.version)
        if self.cipher in CipherSuite.certSuites:
            if self.modulus_as_encrypted_premaster:
                public_key = status.get_server_public_key()
                self.encrypted_premaster = numberToByteArray(public_key.n)
            elif self.encrypted_premaster_file:
                self.encrypted_premaster =
            if self.encrypted_premaster:
                if self.reuse_encrypted_premaster:
                    status.key['premaster_secret'] = self.premaster_secret
                if self.random_premaster:
                    self.premaster_secret = getRandomBytes(48)
                if len(self.premaster_secret) >= 2:
                    self.premaster_secret[0] = self.client_version[0]
                    self.premaster_secret[1] = self.client_version[1]

                status.key['premaster_secret'] = self.premaster_secret

                public_key = status.get_server_public_key()

                enc_premaster = self._encrypt_with_fuzzing(public_key)

                if self.reuse_encrypted_premaster:
                    self.encrypted_premaster = enc_premaster

        elif self.cipher in CipherSuite.dheCertSuites or \
                self.cipher in CipherSuite.dheDsaSuites:
            if self.dh_Yc is not None:
                cke = ClientKeyExchange(self.cipher,
            elif self.p_as_share or self.p_1_as_share:
                ske = status.get_last_message_of_type(ServerKeyExchange)
                assert ske, "No server key exchange in messages"
                if self.p_as_share:
                    cke = ClientKeyExchange(self.cipher,
                    cke = ClientKeyExchange(self.cipher,
                cke = status.key_exchange.makeClientKeyExchange()
            status.key['ClientKeyExchange.dh_Yc'] = cke.dh_Yc
        elif self.cipher in CipherSuite.ecdhAllSuites:
            if self.ecdh_Yc is not None:
                cke = ClientKeyExchange(self.cipher,
                cke = status.key_exchange.makeClientKeyExchange()
            status.key['ClientKeyExchange.ecdh_Yc'] = cke.ecdh_Yc
            raise AssertionError("Unknown cipher/key exchange type")

        self.msg = cke

        return cke

    def _encrypt_with_fuzzing(self, public_key):
        """Use public_key to encrypt premaster secret with fuzzed padding."""
        old_addPKCS1Padding = public_key._addPKCS1Padding
        public_key = fuzz_pkcs1_padding(public_key, self.padding_subs,
                                        self.padding_xors, self.padding_byte)
        ret = public_key.encrypt(self.premaster_secret)
        public_key._addPKCS1Padding = old_addPKCS1Padding
        return ret

    def post_send(self, state):
        """Save intermediate handshake hash value."""
        # for EMS all messages up to and including CKE are part of
        # "session_hash"
        super(ClientKeyExchangeGenerator, self).post_send(state)
        state.certificate_verify_handshake_hashes = \

class ClientMasterKeyGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    """Generator for SSLv2 Handshake Protocol CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message."""

    def __init__(self, cipher=None, master_key=None):
        """Set the cipher to send to server."""
        super(ClientMasterKeyGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.cipher = cipher
        self.master_key = master_key

    def generate(self, state):
        """Generate a new CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message."""
        if self.cipher is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("No cipher autonegotiation")
        if self.master_key is None:
            if state.key['master_secret'] == bytearray(0):
                if self.cipher in CipherSuite.ssl2_128Key:
                    key_size = 16
                elif self.cipher in CipherSuite.ssl2_192Key:
                    key_size = 24
                elif self.cipher in CipherSuite.ssl2_64Key:
                    key_size = 8
                    raise AssertionError("unknown cipher but no master_secret")
                self.master_key = getRandomBytes(key_size)
                self.master_key = state.key['master_secret']

        cipher = self.cipher
        if (cipher not in CipherSuite.ssl2rc4 and
                cipher not in CipherSuite.ssl2_3des):
            # tlslite-ng doesn't implement anything else, so we need to
            # workaround calculation of pending states failure for test
            # cases which don't really encrypt data
            cipher = CipherSuite.SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5

        key_arg = state.msg_sock.calcSSL2PendingStates(cipher,

        if self.cipher in CipherSuite.ssl2export:
            clear_key = self.master_key[:-5]
            secret_key = self.master_key[-5:]
            clear_key = bytearray(0)
            secret_key = self.master_key

        pub_key = state.get_server_public_key()
        encrypted_master_key = pub_key.encrypt(secret_key)

        cmk = ClientMasterKey()
        cmk.create(self.cipher, clear_key, encrypted_master_key, key_arg)
        self.msg = cmk
        return cmk

class CertificateGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    """Generator for TLS handshake protocol Certificate message."""

    def __init__(self, certs=None, cert_type=None, version=None, context=None):
        """Set the certificates to send to server."""
        super(CertificateGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.certs = certs
        self.cert_type = cert_type
        self.version = version
        self.context = context

    def generate(self, status):
        """Create a Certificate message."""
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = status.version
        if self.cert_type is None:
            self.cert_type = CertificateType.x509
        context = b''
        if self.context:
            context = self.context[-1]
            assert isinstance(context, CertificateRequest)
            context = context.certificate_request_context
        cert = Certificate(self.cert_type, version=self.version)
        cert.create(self.certs, context=context)
        if self.context:

        self.msg = cert
        return cert

class CertificateVerifyGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    Generator for TLS handshake protocol Certificate Verify message.

    :vartype msg_alg: tuple(int,int)
    :ivar msg_alg: signature and hash algorithm to be set on in the
      digitally-signed structure of TLSv1.2 Certificate Verify message.
      By default the first matching algorithm from CertificateRequest that
      matches our key or sent certificate. If no CertificateRequest received
      it will send the first algorithm matching our key or certificate sent.
      If no Certificate nor private key is available, it will select first
      algorithm from CertificateRequest. If no Certificate, CertificateRequest
      nor private key is availbale then it will use SHA-1 + RSA
      The first value in the tuple specifies hash type (from
      HashAlgorithm) and the second value specifies the signature algorithm
      (from SignatureAlgorithm). Or the value from SignatureScheme.

    :vartype msg_version: tuple(int,int)
    :ivar msg_version: protocol version that the message is to use,
      default is taken from current connection state

    :vartype sig_version: tuple(int,int)
    :ivar sig_version: protocol version to use for calculating the verify bytes
      for the signature (overrides msg_version, but just for the signature).
      Equal to msg_version by default.

    :vartype sig_alg: tuple(int,int)
    :ivar sig_alg: hash and signature algorithm to be used for creating the
      signature in the message. Equal to msg_alg by default. Requires the
      ``sig_version`` to be set to at least TLSv1.2 to be effective.

    :vartype signature: bytearray
    :ivar signature: bytes to sent as the signature of the message

    :vartype padding_xors: dict(int,int)
    :ivar padding_xors: which bytes of the pre-encryption RSA padding or
        post-signature ECDSA signature should be xored and with what values

    :vartype padding_subs: dict(int,int)
    :ivar padding_subs: same as padding_xors but substitues specified bytes

    :vartype mgf1_hash: str
    :ivar mgf1_hash: name of the hash to be used for calculating MGF1,
        effective only if sig_alg is set to a RSA_PSS algorithm and sig_version
        is TLS 1.2 or greater. By default the hash taken from sig_alg.

    :vartype rsa_pss_salt_len: int
    :ivar rsa_pss_salt_len: length of the salt (in bytes) used in signature.
        Effective only if sig_alg is set to a RSA_PSS algorithm and sig_version
        is TLS 1.2 or greater. By default it's equal to the length of the
        hash taken from sig_alg.

    :vartype private_key: :py:class:`~tlslite.utils.rsakey.RSAKey` or
    :ivar private_key: key that will be used for signing the message

    def __init__(self, private_key=None, msg_version=None, msg_alg=None,
                 sig_version=None, sig_alg=None, signature=None,
                 rsa_pss_salt_len=None, padding_xors=None, padding_subs=None,
                 mgf1_hash=None, context=None):
        """Create object for generating Certificate Verify messages."""
        super(CertificateVerifyGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.private_key = private_key
        self.msg_alg = msg_alg
        self.msg_version = msg_version
        self.sig_version = sig_version
        if not isinstance(sig_version, tuple) and sig_version is not None:
            raise ValueError("sig_version must be None or a tuple")
        self.sig_alg = sig_alg
        self.signature = signature
        self.rsa_pss_salt_len = rsa_pss_salt_len
        self.padding_xors = padding_xors
        self.padding_subs = padding_subs
        self.mgf1_hash = mgf1_hash
        self.context = context

    def _sig_alg_for_rsa_key(key_alg, accept_sig_algs, version):
        """Select an acceptable signature algorithm for a given rsa key."""
        if version < (3, 3):
            # in TLS 1.1 and earlier, there is no algorithm selection,
            # pick one closest, as far as used algorithms are concerned, to
            # the TLS 1.2 algorithm
            return (HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.rsa)

        if key_alg == "rsa":
            # with rsa key we can make either RSA-PSS or RSA-PKCS#1 signatures
            if version < (3, 4):
                valid_sig_algs = RSA_PSS_RSAE_ALL + RSA_PKCS1_ALL
                # but not in TLS 1.3
                valid_sig_algs = RSA_PSS_RSAE_ALL
            # with rsa-pss key we can make only RSA-PSS signatures
            assert key_alg == "rsa-pss"
            valid_sig_algs = RSA_PSS_PSS_ALL

        return next((i for i in accept_sig_algs
                     if i in valid_sig_algs), valid_sig_algs[0])

    def _sig_alg_for_ecdsa_key(accept_sig_algs, version, key):
        """Select an acceptable signature algorithm for a given ecdsa key."""
        if version < (3, 3):
            # in TLS 1.1 and earlier, there is no algorithm selection,
            # pick one closest, as far as used algorithms are concerned, to
            # the TLS 1.2 algorithm
            return (HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.ecdsa)
        if version < (3, 4):
            # in TLS 1.2 we can mix and match hashes and curves
            return next((i for i in accept_sig_algs
                         if i in ECDSA_SIG_ALL), ECDSA_SIG_ALL[0])
        # but in TLS 1.3 we need to select a hash that matches our key
        hash_name = curve_name_to_hash_tls13(key.curve_name)
        # while it may select one that wasn't advertised by server,
        # this is better last resort than sending a sha1+rsa sigalg
        return (getattr(HashAlgorithm, hash_name), SignatureAlgorithm.ecdsa)

    def _sig_alg_for_dsa_key(accept_sig_algs, version, key):
        """Select an acceptable signature algorithm for a given DSA key."""
        if version < (3, 3):
            # in TLS 1.1 and earlier, there is no algorithm selection,
            # pick one closest, as far as used algorithms are concerned, to
            # the TLS 1.2 algorithm
            return (HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.dsa)
        if version < (3, 4):
            # in TLS 1.2 we can mix and match hashes and curves
            return next((i for i in accept_sig_algs
                         if i in DSA_ALL), DSA_ALL[0])
        # but in TLS 1.3 we need to select a hash that matches our key
        hash_name = curve_name_to_hash_tls13(key.curve_name)
        # while it may select one that wasn't advertised by server,
        # this is better last resort than sending a sha1+rsa sigalg
        return (getattr(HashAlgorithm, hash_name), SignatureAlgorithm.dsa)

    def _sig_alg_for_eddsa_key(key_alg, accept_sig_algs):
        sig_alg = getattr(SignatureScheme, key_alg.lower())
        assert sig_alg in accept_sig_algs
        return sig_alg

    def _sig_alg_for_certificate(key_alg, accept_sig_algs, version, key):
        Select an acceptable signature algorithm based on key algorithm,
        protocol version and curve name (in case of ECDSA).
        if key_alg in ("rsa", "rsa-pss"):
            return CertificateVerifyGenerator._sig_alg_for_rsa_key(
                key_alg, accept_sig_algs, version)
        if key_alg in ("Ed25519", "Ed448"):
            return CertificateVerifyGenerator._sig_alg_for_eddsa_key(
                key_alg, accept_sig_algs)
        if key_alg == "dsa":
            return CertificateVerifyGenerator._sig_alg_for_dsa_key(
                accept_sig_algs, version, key)
        assert key_alg == "ecdsa"
        return CertificateVerifyGenerator._sig_alg_for_ecdsa_key(
            accept_sig_algs, version, key)

    def _get_key_and_key_type(self, status):
        Get a key, or if not possible, certificate for selecting the signature
        key_type = None
        key = None
        if self.private_key:
            key_type = self.private_key.key_type
            key = self.private_key
        cert = status.get_last_message_of_type(Certificate)
        our_cert = None
        if cert:
            our_cert = cert.cert_chain.x509List[0]
            if not key_type:
                key_type = our_cert.certAlg
                key = our_cert.publicKey
        return key_type, key, our_cert

    def _select_msg_alg(self, status):
        Select the signature algorithm based on CertificateRequest from server,
        either our sent Certificate or our private key and the protocol
        # first, what signature algorithms we can use
        key_type, key, our_cert = self._get_key_and_key_type(status)

        # second, what signature algorithms does the server like
        ok_sig_algs = SIG_ALL
        if self.context:
            # do post-handshake authentication from TLS 1.3
            cert_req = self.context[0]
            assert isinstance(cert_req, CertificateRequest)
            cert_req = status.get_last_message_of_type(CertificateRequest)
        if cert_req is not None:
            # when we got a CR message, we need to select a signature that
            # matches one of the algorithms the server sent
            if not self.private_key and not our_cert:
                # when sending malformed messages, the key may not be
                # even loaded, so select any algorithm acceptable to server
                self.msg_alg = cert_req.supported_signature_algs[0]
            ok_sig_algs = cert_req.supported_signature_algs

        # try to find one acceptable given all limitations
        if key_type:
            self.msg_alg = self._sig_alg_for_certificate(
                key_type, ok_sig_algs, self.sig_version, key)

        if self.msg_alg is None:
            # as an ultimate fallback, when we have no certificate,
            # private key or CertificateRequest to work with
            self.msg_alg = (HashAlgorithm.sha1,

    def _normalise_dict(dictionary, max_byte):
        # python2.6 does not support dict comprehension
        # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-comprehension
        return dict([(min(k, max_byte), v) for k, v in
        # pylint: enable=consider-using-dict-comprehension

    def _normalise_subs_and_xors(self, max_byte):
        Make sure that the substitutions and xors don't go over the size
        of buffer, this is fine as ECDSA signatures are ASN.1 objects so have
        variable size
        if self.padding_subs:
            self.padding_subs = \
                self._normalise_dict(self.padding_subs, max_byte)
        if self.padding_xors:
            self.padding_xors = \
                self._normalise_dict(self.padding_xors, max_byte)

    def _get_ecdsa_sig_parameters(self):
        """Set up parameters for sign() operation with ecdsa keys."""
        if self.sig_alg:
            # while the argument is called mgf1_hash in ecdsa
            # signatures it's used for the derivation of the nonce
            self.mgf1_hash = HashAlgorithm.toStr(self.sig_alg[0])
            # in TLS 1.1 and earlier we do simple sha1 signatures
            self.mgf1_hash = "sha1"

    # yes, we're using bad names (for API compat reasons) and we're
    # accessing private methods (as we intentionally want to break stuff)
    # so ignore those issues
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access
    def _get_rsa_sig_parameters(self):
        """Return parameters for sign() operation with rsa keys."""
        scheme = SignatureScheme.toRepr(self.sig_alg)
        hash_name = None
        if scheme is None:
            padding = "pkcs1"
            padding = SignatureScheme.getPadding(scheme)
            if padding == 'pss':
                hash_name = SignatureScheme.getHash(scheme)
                if self.rsa_pss_salt_len is None:
                    self.rsa_pss_salt_len = \
                            getattr(hashlib, hash_name)().digest_size
        if not self.mgf1_hash:
            self.mgf1_hash = hash_name

        def _newRawPrivateKeyOp(self, m, original_raw_private_key_op_bytes,
                                subs=None, xors=None):
            sign_bytes = m
            sign_bytes = substitute_and_xor(sign_bytes, subs, xors)
            m = bytesToNumber(sign_bytes)
            # RSA operations are defined only on numbers that are
            # smaller than the modulus, so ensure the XORing or
            # substitutions
            # didn't break it (especially necessary for pycrypto as
            # it raises exception in such case)
            if m > self.n:
                m %= self.n
            return original_raw_private_key_op_bytes(
                numberToByteArray(m, numBytes(self.n)))

        old_private_key_op = self.private_key._raw_private_key_op_bytes
        self.private_key._raw_private_key_op_bytes = \
        return padding, old_private_key_op
    # pylint: enable=invalid-name,protected-access

    def _make_signature(self, status):
        """Create signature for CertificateVerify message."""
        if self.private_key is None:
            raise ValueError("Can't create a signature without "
                             "private key!")

        if self.sig_alg and self.sig_alg[1] == SignatureAlgorithm.ecdsa or\
                self.private_key.key_type == "ecdsa":
            signature_type = "ecdsa"
        elif self.sig_alg and self.sig_alg in (
                SignatureScheme.ed25519, SignatureScheme.ed448) or \
                self.private_key.key_type in ("Ed25519", "Ed448"):
            signature_type = "eddsa"
        elif self.sig_alg and self.sig_alg[1] == SignatureAlgorithm.dsa or \
                self.private_key.key_type == "dsa":
            signature_type = "dsa"
            signature_type = "rsa"
        if self.context:
            # if we have context set, it means we're doing post handshake
            # authentication in TLS 1.3
            handshake_hashes = \
                status.key['client finished handshake hashes'].copy()
            for ctx in self.context:
            handshake_hashes = status.handshake_hashes

        verify_bytes = \

        if signature_type == "eddsa":
            self.mgf1_hash = "intrinsic"
            self.rsa_pss_salt_len = None
            padding = None
            old_private_key_op = None
            sig_func = self.private_key.hashAndSign
        elif signature_type == "ecdsa":
            padding = None
            old_private_key_op = None
            # truncate the hash so that if we sign big hash with small
            # curve, the signing is successful
            verify_bytes = verify_bytes[:self.private_key.
            sig_func = self.private_key.sign
        elif signature_type == "dsa":
            padding = None
            old_private_key_op = None
            sig_func = self.private_key.sign
            # we don't have to handle non pkcs1 padding because the
            # calcVerifyBytes does everything
            padding, old_private_key_op = self._get_rsa_sig_parameters()
            sig_func = self.private_key.sign

            signature = sig_func(verify_bytes,
            # make sure the changes are undone even if the signing fails
            self.private_key._raw_private_key_op_bytes = old_private_key_op

        if signature_type in ("ecdsa", "dsa"):
            # because DSA and ECDSA signatures are ANS.1 DER objects, they
            # can have different lengths depending on the bit size of
            # "r" and "s" variables
            # given that indexing would fail if it was asked to index
            # over an nonexistent byte, we need to limit the numbers
            signature = bytearray(signature)
            max_byte = len(signature) - 1
        if signature_type in ("ecdsa", "eddsa", "dsa"):
            # but EdDSA signatures are always the same length for given
            # key type, so don't normalise the values for them
            signature = substitute_and_xor(signature, self.padding_subs,
        return signature

    def generate(self, status):
        """Create a CertificateVerify message."""
        if self.msg_version is None:
            self.msg_version = status.version
        if self.sig_version is None:
            self.sig_version = self.msg_version
        if self.msg_alg is None and self.msg_version >= (3, 3):
        if self.sig_alg is None:
            self.sig_alg = self.msg_alg

        # TODO: generate a random key if none provided
        if self.signature is None:
            signature = self._make_signature(status)
            signature = self.signature

        cert_verify = CertificateVerify(self.msg_version)
        cert_verify.create(signature, self.msg_alg)
        if self.context:

        self.msg = cert_verify
        return cert_verify

class ClearContext(Command):
    Object used to zero-out the context used in PHA.

    This is necessary if the conversation is executed more than once.
    def __init__(self, context):
        super(ClearContext, self).__init__()
        self.context = context

    def process(self, state):
        """Zero out the associated context"""
        del state  # unused
        self.context[:] = []

class ChangeCipherSpecGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    Generator for TLS Change Cipher Spec messages.

    ..  note::

      After sending the ChangeCipherSpec message, in TLS 1.2 and earlier,
      the record layer will switch to encrypted communication (or newly
      negotiated keys). In TLS 1.3 the message has no effect on encryption
      or record layer state.

    def __init__(self, extended_master_secret=None, fake=False):
        """Create an object for generating CCS messages."""
        super(ChangeCipherSpecGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.extended_master_secret = extended_master_secret
        self.fake = fake

    def generate(self, status):
        """Create a message for sending to server."""
        ccs = ChangeCipherSpec()
        return ccs

    def post_send(self, status):
        """Generate new encryption keys for connection."""
        # in TLS 1.3 it's a fake message, doesn't cause calculation of new keys
        if status.version >= (3, 4) or self.fake:

        cipher_suite = status.cipher
        status.msg_sock.encryptThenMAC = status.encrypt_then_mac
        if self.extended_master_secret is None:
            self.extended_master_secret = status.extended_master_secret

        if not status.resuming:
            if self.extended_master_secret:
                # in case client certificates are used, we need to omit
                # certificate verify message
                hh = status.certificate_verify_handshake_hashes
                if not hh:
                    hh = status.handshake_hashes
                master_secret = \
                master_secret = calc_key(
                    b'master secret',

            status.key['master_secret'] = master_secret

            # in case of resumption, the pending states are generated
            # during receive of server sent CCS


        if status._peer_record_size_limit:
            status.msg_sock.send_record_limit = \
            status.msg_sock.recordSize = status._peer_record_size_limit

class FinishedGenerator(HandshakeProtocolMessageGenerator):
    Generator for TLS handshake protocol Finished messages.

    .. note::

      The FinishedGenerator may influence the record layer encryption.
      In SSLv2, the record layer will be configured to expect encrypted
      records and send encrypted records *before* the message is sent.
      In SSLv3 up to TLS 1.2 the message has no impact on state of
      encryption. In TLS 1.3, *after* the message is sent, the record layer
      will be switched to use ``client_application_traffic_secret`` keys for

    def __init__(self, protocol=None,
                 trunc_start=0, trunc_end=None,
                 pad_byte=0, pad_left=0, pad_right=0, context=None):
        """Object to generate Finished messages."""
        super(FinishedGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.protocol = protocol
        self.server_finish_hh = None
        self.trunc_start = trunc_start
        self.trunc_end = trunc_end
        self.pad_byte = pad_byte
        self.pad_left = pad_left
        self.pad_right = pad_right
        self.context = context

    def generate(self, status):
        """Create a Finished message."""
        if self.protocol is None:
            self.protocol = status.version

        if self.protocol in ((0, 2), (2, 0)):
            finished = ClientFinished()
            verify_data = status.session_id

            # in SSLv2 we're using it as a CCS-of-sorts too
        elif self.protocol <= (3, 3):
            finished = Finished(self.protocol)
            verify_data = calc_key(status.version,
                                   b'client finished' if status.client
                                   else b'server finished',
        else:  # TLS 1.3
            finished = Finished(self.protocol, status.prf_size)
            if self.context:
                # post-handshake authentication in TLS 1.3
                base_key = status.key['client application traffic secret']
                base_key = status.key['client handshake traffic secret']
            finished_key = HKDF_expand_label(
            if self.context:
                # post-handshake authentication in TLS 1.3
                self.server_finish_hh = \
                    status.key['client finished handshake hashes'].copy()
                for ctx in self.context:
                self.server_finish_hh = status.handshake_hashes.copy()
            verify_data = secureHMAC(

        # messing with the message - truncation
        verify_data = verify_data[self.trunc_start:self.trunc_end]

        # messing with the message - padding
        verify_data = bytearray([self.pad_byte]*self.pad_left) \
            + verify_data \
            + bytearray([self.pad_byte]*self.pad_right)

        status.key['client_verify_data'] = verify_data


        self.msg = finished

        return finished

    def post_send(self, status):
        """Perform post-transmit changes needed by generation of Finished."""
        super(FinishedGenerator, self).post_send(status)

        if self.context:

        # resumption finished
        status.resuming = False

        if status.version <= (3, 3):

        # Switch to application traffic secret for writing.
        # For reading we switched with the server Finished.

        # derive resumption master secret key
        secret = status.key['master secret']
        res_ms = derive_secret(secret, b'res master', status.handshake_hashes,
        status.key['resumption master secret'] = res_ms
        # preserve the hash state for post-handshake authentication
        status.key['client finished handshake hashes'] = \

class AlertGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    """Generator for TLS Alert messages."""

    def __init__(self, level=AlertLevel.warning,
        """Save the level and description of the Alert to send."""
        super(AlertGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.level = level
        self.description = description

    def generate(self, status):
        """Send the Alert to server."""
        alert = Alert().create(self.description, self.level)
        return alert

class ApplicationDataGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    """Generator for TLS Application Data messages."""

    def __init__(self, payload):
        """Save the data to send to server."""
        super(ApplicationDataGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.payload = payload

    def generate(self, status):
        """Send data to server in Application Data messages."""
        app_data = ApplicationData().create(self.payload)
        return app_data

class KeyUpdateGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    """Generator for TLS 1.3 KeyUpdate message."""

    def __init__(self, message_type=0):
        """Save the type of the KeyUpdate message."""
        super(KeyUpdateGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.message_type = message_type

    def generate(self, state):
        """Generate a KeyUpdate message."""
        del state  # needed only for API compatibility
        key_update = KeyUpdate().create(self.message_type)
        return key_update

    def post_send(self, state):
        """Perform post-transmit changes needed by generation of KeyUpdate."""
        super(KeyUpdateGenerator, self).post_send(state)
        cl_app_secret, _ = state.msg_sock.\
                state.key['client application traffic secret'],
                state.key['server application traffic secret'])
        state.key['client application traffic secret'] = cl_app_secret

class HeartbeatGenerator(MessageGenerator):
    Generator for heartbeat messages.

    :ivar message_type: the type of the message to send, see
        :py:class:`HeartbeatMessageType` enum for values
    :vartype message_type: int
    :ivar payload: data to be sent to the other size for it to echo it back
    :vartype payload: bytearray
    :ivar padding: payload to be sent to the other side, it should be at least
        16 bytes long for the message to be valid
    :vartype padding: bytearray

    def __init__(self, payload,
        Initialise and create instance of object.

        :type payload: bytes-like
        :param payload: payload to send to the other side; either a reply
            to received heartbeat request or a value that the other side will
            have to echo
        :type message_type: int
        :param message_type: the type of message to send, valid values are
            defined in :py:class:`HeartbeatMessageType` enum
        :type padding_length: int
        :param padding_length: the length (in bytes) of the random padding that
            will be generated; 16 by default (if special contents of padding
            are necessary, it's possible to set the
            :py:attr:`~HeartbeatGenerator.padding` field in the object's
            instance after the object was initialised)
        super(HeartbeatGenerator, self).__init__()
        self.message_type = message_type
        self.payload = payload
        if padding_length is None:
            padding_length = 16
        self.padding = getRandomBytes(padding_length)

    def generate(self, state):
        Create a Heartbeat message.

        :rtype: `~tlslite.messages.Heartbeat`
        :return: heartbeat message to be sent to the other side
        del state
        heartbeat = Heartbeat()
        heartbeat.message_type = self.message_type
        heartbeat.payload = self.payload
        heartbeat.padding = self.padding
        return heartbeat

def pad_handshake(generator, size=0, pad_byte=0, pad=None):
    Pad or truncate handshake messages.

    Pad or truncate a handshake message by given amount of bytes, use negative
    size to truncate. Update handshake protocol header to compensate.

    :param MessageGenerator generator: modified message
    :param int size: number of bytes to add at the end (if positive) or number
        of bytes to remove at the end of payload (if negative)
    :param int pad_byte: numerical value of added bytes, must be between
        0 and 255 inclusive
    :param bytearray pad: bytes to add at the end of payload
    def new_generate(state, old_generate=generator.generate):
        """Monkey patch for the generate method of the Handshake generators."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        def post_write(writer, self=msg, size=size, pad_byte=pad_byte,
            """Monkey patch for the postWrite of handshake messages."""
            if pad is not None:
                size = len(pad)
            header_writer = Writer()
            header_writer.add(self.handshakeType, 1)
            header_writer.add(len(writer.bytes) + size, 3)
            if pad is not None:
                return header_writer.bytes + writer.bytes + pad
            elif size < 0:
                return header_writer.bytes + writer.bytes[:size]
                return header_writer.bytes + writer.bytes + \

        msg.postWrite = post_write
        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate
    return generator

def truncate_handshake(generator, size=0, pad_byte=0):
    Truncate a handshake message.

    See :py:func:`pad_handshake` for inverse of this function
    return pad_handshake(generator, -size, pad_byte)

def _apply_function(data, settings, fun):
    """Modify data based on settings and function fun."""
    for pos in settings:
        if settings[pos] == -1:
            data[pos] = fun(data[pos], random.randint(0, 255))
        elif settings[pos] == -2:
            data[pos] = fun(data[pos], random.randint(1, 255))
            assert settings[pos] >= 0
            data[pos] = fun(data[pos], settings[pos])

def substitute_and_xor(data, substitutions, xors):
    Apply changes from substitutions and xors to data for fuzzing.

    (Method used internally by tlsfuzzer.)
    if substitutions:
        _apply_function(data, substitutions, lambda a, b: b)

    if xors:
        _apply_function(data, xors, lambda a, b: a ^ b)

    return data

def fuzz_message(generator, substitutions=None, xors=None):
    Change arbitrary bytes of the message after write.

    Modified data includes handshake protocol header but doesn't include
    record header, content type or record-level padding.

    :param MessageGenerator generator: modified message
    :param dict(int,int) substitutions: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to change the bytes to
    :param dict(int,int) xors: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to xor with
    def new_generate(state, old_generate=generator.generate):
        """Monkey patch for the generate method of the Handshake generators."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        def new_write(old_write=msg.write, substitutions=substitutions,
            """Monkey patch for the write method of messages."""
            data = old_write()

            data = substitute_and_xor(data, substitutions, xors)

            return data

        msg.write = new_write
        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate
    return generator

def post_send_msg_sock_restore(obj, method_name, old_method_name):
    Un-Monkey patch a method of msg_sock.

    (Method used internally by tlsfuzzer.)
    def new_post_send(state, obj=obj,
        """Reverse the patching of a method in msg_sock."""
        setattr(state.msg_sock, method_name, getattr(obj, old_method_name))
    obj.post_send = new_post_send
    return obj

def fuzz_mac(generator, substitutions=None, xors=None):
    Change arbitrary bytes of the MAC value.

    Works with stream and CBC cipher suites in SSL 3 up to TLS 1.2.
    Works with both encrypt then MAC and MAC then encrypt connections.

    :param MessageGenerator generator: modified message
    :param dict(int,int) substitutions: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to change the bytes to
    :param dict(int,int) xors: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to xor with
    def new_generate(state, self=generator,
        """Monkey patch to modify MAC calculation of created MAC."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        old_calculate_mac = state.msg_sock.calculateMAC

        self.old_calculate_mac = old_calculate_mac

        def new_calculate_mac(mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, data,
            """Monkey patch for the MAC calculation method of msg socket."""
            mac_bytes = old_calculate_mac(mac, seqnumBytes, contentType, data)

            mac_bytes = substitute_and_xor(mac_bytes, substitutions, xors)

            return mac_bytes

        state.msg_sock.calculateMAC = new_calculate_mac

        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate

    post_send_msg_sock_restore(generator, 'calculateMAC', 'old_calculate_mac')

    return generator

def fuzz_encrypted_message(generator, substitutions=None, xors=None):
    Change arbitrary bytes of the authenticated ciphertext block.

    Can modify authentication tag of AEAD ciphers and CBC ciphers working
    in encrypt then MAC mode.

    :param MessageGenerator generator: modified message
    :param dict(int,int) substitutions: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to change the bytes to
    :param dict(int,int) xors: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to xor with
    def new_generate(state, self=generator,
        """Monkey patch to modify authenticated ciphertext block."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        old_send = state.msg_sock._recordSocket.send

        self.old_send = old_send

        def new_send(message, padding, old_send=old_send,
                     substitutions=substitutions, xors=xors):
            Monkey patch for the send method of msg socket.

   is the encrypted tls record, e.g.

   = aead_encrypt(plain); defined by aead suite
   = encrypt(plain + padding) + mac; etm
   = encrypt(plain + mac + padding); mte
            data = message.write()

            data = substitute_and_xor(data, substitutions, xors)

            new_message = Message(message.contentType, data)

            return old_send(new_message, padding)

        state.msg_sock._recordSocket.send = new_send

        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate
    post_send_msg_sock_restore(generator, '._recordSocket.send', 'old_send')
    return generator

def div_ceil(divident, divisor):
    """Perform integer division of divident by divisor, round up."""
    quotient, reminder = divmod(divident, divisor)
    return quotient + int(bool(reminder))

def fuzz_padding(generator, min_length=None, substitutions=None, xors=None):
    Change the padding of the message.

    Works with CBC ciphers only.

    Note: the "-1" position is the byte with
    the length of padding while "-2" is the last byte of padding (if padding
    has non-zero length)

    :param MessageGenerator generator: modified message
    :param int min_length: the minimum length of padding created, including
        the byte specifying length of padding, must be smaller than 257
    :param dict(int,int) substitutions: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to change the bytes to
    :param dict(int,int) xors: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to xor with
    if min_length is not None and min_length > 256:
        raise ValueError("Padding cannot be longer than 256 bytes")

    def new_generate(state, self=generator,
        """Monkey patch to modify padding behaviour."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        self.old_add_padding = state.msg_sock.addPadding

        def new_add_padding(data, self=state.msg_sock,
            """Monkey patch the padding creating method."""
            if min_length is None:
                # make a copy of data as we need it unmodified later
                padded_data = old_add_padding(bytearray(data))
                padding_length = padded_data[-1]
                padding = padded_data[-(padding_length+1):]
                block_size = self.blockSize
                padding_length = div_ceil(len(data) + min_length,
                                          block_size) * block_size - len(data)
                if padding_length > 256:
                    raise ValueError("min_length set too "
                                     "high for message: {0}"
                padding = bytearray([padding_length - 1] * (padding_length))

            padding = substitute_and_xor(padding, substitutions, xors)

            return data + padding

        state.msg_sock.addPadding = new_add_padding

        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate

    post_send_msg_sock_restore(generator, 'addPadding', 'old_add_padding')

    return generator

def replace_plaintext(generator, new_plaintext):
    Change the plaintext of the message right before encryption.

    Will replace all data before encryption, including the IV, MAC and

    Note: works only with CBC ciphers. in EtM mode will NOT modify MAC.

    Length of new_plaintext must be multiple of negotiated cipher block size
    (8 bytes for 3DES, 16 bytes for AES)
    def new_generate(state, self=generator,
        """Monkey patch to modify padding behaviour."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        self.old_add_padding = state.msg_sock.addPadding

        def new_add_padding(data,
            """Monkey patch the padding creating method."""
            del data
            del old_add_padding
            block_size = self.blockSize
            if len(new_plaintext) % block_size:
                raise ValueError("new_plaintext length not a multiple of "
                                 "cipher block size")
            return new_plaintext

        state.msg_sock.addPadding = new_add_padding

        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate

    post_send_msg_sock_restore(generator, 'addPadding', 'old_add_padding')

    return generator

def fuzz_plaintext(generator, substitutions=None, xors=None):
    Change arbitrary bytes of the plaintext right before encryption.

    Get access to all data before encryption, including the IV, MAC and

    Works only with CBC ciphers. in EtM mode will not include MAC.

    Note: the "-1" position is the byte with
    length of padding while "-2" is the last byte of padding (if padding
    has non-zero length)

    :param dict(int,int) substitutions: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to change the bytes to
    :param dict(int,int) xors: modify specified bytes of the message,
        the keys indicate the positions in the message (negative numbers
        count from the end of messages), the values of the dictionary specify
        the values to xor with
    def new_generate(state, self=generator,
        """Monkey patch to modify padding behaviour."""
        msg = old_generate(state)

        self.old_add_padding = state.msg_sock.addPadding

        def new_add_padding(data,
            """Monkey patch the padding creating method."""
            data = old_add_padding(data)

            data = substitute_and_xor(data, substitutions, xors)

            return data

        state.msg_sock.addPadding = new_add_padding

        return msg

    generator.generate = new_generate

    post_send_msg_sock_restore(generator, 'addPadding', 'old_add_padding')

    return generator

def split_message(generator, fragment_list, size):
    Split a given message type to multiple messages.

    Allows for splicing message into the middle of a different message type
    def new_generate(state, old_generate=generator.generate,
                     fragment_list=fragment_list, size=size):
        """Monkey patch for the generate method of the message generator."""
        msg = old_generate(state)
        content_type = msg.contentType
        data = msg.write()
        # since empty messages can be created much more easily with
        # RawMessageGenerator, we don't handle 0 length messages here
        if not data:
            raise IndexError("Empty message payload")
        while len(data) > 0:
            # move the data to fragment_list (outside the method)
            fragment_list.append(Message(content_type, data[:size]))
            data = data[size:]

        # make sure that the effect of the message is visible only once
        # all parts of the message have been sent
        generator.post_send = lambda x: None

        return fragment_list.pop(0)

    generator.generate = new_generate
    return generator

def queue_message(generator):
    """Queue message with other ones of the same content type.

    Allow coalescing of the message with other messages with the same
    content type, this allows for sending Certificate and CertificateVerify
    in a single record.
    assert generator.is_generator()
    generator.queue = True
    return generator

def skip_post_send(generator):
    """Make the post_send method of generator do nothing.

    This is useful when combining messages that update connection state,
    like KeyUpdate or Finished in TLS 1.3.
    assert generator.is_generator()

    generator.post_send = lambda _: None
    return generator

class FlushMessageQueue(Command):
    """Flush the record layer queue of messages."""

    def __init__(self, description=None):
        super(FlushMessageQueue, self).__init__()
        self.description = description

    def __repr__(self):
        vals = []
        if self.description:
            vals.append(('description', repr(self.description)))
        return 'FlushMessageQueue({0})'.format(
                ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in vals))

    def process(self, state):

class PopMessageFromList(MessageGenerator):
    """Takes a reference to list, pops a message from it to generate one."""

    def __init__(self, fragment_list):
        """Link a list to store messages with the object."""
        super(PopMessageFromList, self).__init__()
        self.fragment_list = fragment_list

    def generate(self, state):
        """Create a message using the reference to list from init."""
        msg = self.fragment_list.pop(0)
        return msg

    def post_send(self, state):
        super(PopMessageFromList, self).post_send(state)
        if self.fragment_list and callable(self.fragment_list[0]):
            func = self.fragment_list.pop(0)

class FlushMessageList(PopMessageFromList):
    """Takes a reference to list, empties it to generate a message."""

    def generate(self, state):
        """Creata a single message to empty the list."""
        msg = self.fragment_list.pop(0)
        content_type = msg.contentType
        data = msg.write()
        while self.fragment_list and not callable(self.fragment_list[0]):
            msg_frag = self.fragment_list.pop(0)
            assert msg_frag.contentType == content_type
            data += msg_frag.write()
        msg_ret = Message(content_type, data)
        return msg_ret

def fuzz_pkcs1_padding(key, substitutions=None, xors=None, padding_byte=None):
    Fuzz the PKCS#1 padding used in signatures or encryption.

    Use to modify Client Key Exchange padding of encrypted value.
    if xors is None and substitutions is None and padding_byte is None:
        return key

    def new_addPKCS1Padding(bytes, blockType, self=key,
                            substitutions=substitutions, xors=xors,
        """Monkey patch for the _addPKCS1Padding() method of RSA key."""
        ret = old_add_padding(bytes, blockType)
        pad_length = numBytes(self.n) - len(bytes)
        pad = ret[:pad_length]
        value = ret[pad_length:]
        if padding_byte is not None:
            # don't change version, type or payload separator
            for i in range(2, pad_length-1):
                pad[i] = padding_byte
        pad = substitute_and_xor(pad, substitutions, xors)
        return pad + value

    key._addPKCS1Padding = new_addPKCS1Padding
    return key