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var dojoConfig = {
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packages: [{
name: 'viewer',
location: path + './../../cmv/js/viewer'
name: 'gis',
location: path + './../../cmv/js/gis'
name: 'config',
location: path + './../../config'
name: 'widgets',
location: path + './../../widgets'
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require(['dojo/on', 'dojo/dom', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'esri/tasks/FeatureSet', 'esri/tasks/query', 'esri/tasks/QueryTask', 'esri/graphic', 'dijit/form/Button', 'dojo/topic', 'viewer/Controller'], function(on, dom, domConstruct, FeatureSet, Query, QueryTask, Graphic, Button, topic, Controller){
isDebug: true,
mapOptions: {
basemap: 'topo',
center: [-120.0417, 39.0917],
zoom: 10,
sliderStyle: 'small'
titles: {
header: 'CMV Export Tests',
subHeader: 'This is an example of the Export Widget',
pageTitle: 'CMV Export Widget'
panes: {
left: {
collapsible: false,
style: 'display:none'
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id: 'sidebarBottom',
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content: '<div id="attributesContainer"></div>'
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growler: {
include: true,
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include: true,
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srcNodeRef: 'attributesContainer',
path: 'widgets/AttributesTable',
options: {
map: true,
mapClickMode: true,
// use a tab container for multiple tables or
// show only a single table
useTabs: false,
// used to open the sidebar after a query has completed
sidebarID: 'sidebarBottom',
tables: [
title: 'Census',
topicID: 'censusQuery',
queryOptions: {
queryParameters: {
url: 'http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/4',
maxAllowableOffset: 100,
where: 'STATE_FIPS = \'06\' OR STATE_FIPS = \'08\''
exportDialog: {
include: true,
id: 'export',
type: 'floating',
path: 'widgets/Export',
title:'Export Widget Test',
options: {}
}); // end Controller
var buttonsDiv = dom.byId('buttonsDiv');
new Button({
label: 'Show Parameter Missing',
onClick: function() {
topic.publish('exportWidget/openDialog', {
}, domConstruct.create('div', {}, buttonsDiv));
new Button({
label: 'Show Parameter False',
onClick: function() {
topic.publish('exportWidget/openDialog', {
show: false
}, domConstruct.create('div', {}, buttonsDiv));
new Button({
label: 'Pass No Data',
onClick: function() {
topic.publish('exportWidget/openDialog', {
show: true
}, domConstruct.create('div', {}, buttonsDiv));
new Button({
label: 'Export QueryTask',
onClick: function() {
var query = new Query();
var queryTask = new QueryTask('http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/4');
query.where = 'STATE_FIPS = \'06\' OR STATE_FIPS = \'08\'';
query.returnGeometry = false;
query.outFields = ["*"];
query.maxAllowableOffset = 100;
queryTask.execute(query, function(theFeatureSet) {
topic.publish('exportWidget/openDialog', {
show: true,
featureSet: theFeatureSet
}, domConstruct.create('div', {}, buttonsDiv));
new Button({
label: 'Export Manual FeatureSet',
onClick: function() {
var attr = {
'col1': 'val1',
'col2': 'val2',
'col3': 'val3'
var graphic = new Graphic(null, null, attr, null);
var features= [];
var featureSet = new FeatureSet();
featureSet.features = features;
featureSet.fieldAliases = {
'col1': 'Column 1',
'col2': 'Column 2',
'col3': 'Column 3'
topic.publish('exportWidget/openDialog', {
show: true,
featureSet: featureSet
}, domConstruct.create('div', {}, buttonsDiv));
}); //end require