// http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dojo/i18n.html
root: {
messages: {
searching: {
title: 'Searching',
message: 'Please wait...',
level: 'info'
searchError: {
title: 'Search Error',
message: 'Sorry, an error occurred and your search could not be completed.'
confirmCloseTab: {
title: 'Close Tab?',
content: 'Do you really want to close this tab?'
searchResults: {
title: 'Search Results',
message: null,
noFeatures: 'No features',
newFeatures: 'new',
feature: 'feature',
features: 'features',
found: 'found',
total: 'total'
menus: {
zoom: {
title: 'Zoom',
zoomToFeatures: 'Zoom To All Features',
zoomToSelectedFeatures: 'Zoom To Selected Feature(s)',
zoomToSourceGraphics: 'Zoom To Source Graphic(s)',
zoomToBuffer: 'Zoom To Buffer'
view: {
title: 'Display',
showAllRecords: 'Display All Records',
showOnlySelectedRecords: 'Display Only Selected Record(s)'
clear: {
title: 'Clear',
clearFeatures: 'Clear All Features',
clearSelectedFeatures: 'Clear Selected Feature(s)',
clearSourceGraphics: 'Clear Source Graphic(s)',
clearBufferGraphics: 'Clear Buffer',
clearGrid: 'Clear Grid',
clearAll: 'Clear All',
clearSelectedRecords: 'Clear Selected Record(s)'
'export': {
title: 'Export'