#Disclaimer Widget for CMV
A simple yet configurable disclaimer widget for CMV
## Configurable Options
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :----: | :--: | ----------- |
| `openOnStart` | Boolean | Default is true |
| `style` | String | Include the height to center the dialog properly. |
| `content` | String | Default is ''. The HTML you want to display in the disclaimer dialog |
| `href` | String | Default is null. Instead of HTML, you can point to a page that contains your HTML text. |
| `declineHref` | String | Default is `javascript:void(0)`. The url to navigate to when you user presses the decline button|
| `i18n` | Object | Default is {}. You can override the Internationalization with your own strings for the text on the buttons. See example below |
| `useCookies` | Boolean | Default is false. Whether to set a cookie so the disclaimer will not be seen again for X Days|
| `cookieName` | String | Default is `skipCMVDisclaimer`. Name of the cookie to set.|
| `cookieValue` | String | Default is `true`. This value can be whatever you want it to be.|
| `cookieProps` | Object | Default is `{expires: new Date(Date.now() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))`. Using the default, the disclaimer will be shown every 30 days.|
## Example Configuration:
#### Using content from an HTML page:
``` javascript
disclaimer: {
include: true,
id: 'disclaimer',
type: 'floating',
path: 'widgets/Disclaimer',
title: 'Disclaimer',
options: {
// pre-define the height so the dialog is centered properly
style: 'height:295px;width:375px;',
// or you can provide the url for another page that includes the content
href: './disclaimer.html'
## Screenshot:
## Example Configuration:
#### Using content supplied in the widget configuration:
``` javascript
disclaimer: {
include: true,
id: 'disclaimer',
type: 'floating',
path: 'widgets/Disclaimer',
title: 'Beware!!!',
options: {
// you can customize the button text
i18n: {
accept: 'Arghhhh!',
decline: 'Run Away!'
// pre-define the height so the dialog is centered properly
style: 'height:295px;width:375px;',
// you can put your content right in the config
content: '<div align="center" style="background-color:black;color:white;font-size:18px;padding:25px;">Abandon all hope, ye who enter here...<br/><img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/313/2/5/Captain_Jolly_Roger_by_ramiusraven.jpg" style="width:160px;margin-top:25px;" /></div>'
// or you can provide the url for another page that includes the content
//href: './disclaimer.html',
// the url to go to if the user declines.
//declineHref: 'http://esri.com/'
## Screenshot: