# Introduction Widget for CMV
The Introduction Widget provides a product tour or tutorial for your application using [IntroJS](https://introjs.com/).
## Configurable Options
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :----: | :--: | ----------- |
| `html` | String | Optional. Text for the button or link. Default: `null` |
| `domTarget` | String| Optional. Target Node ID for html text. Default: `null` |
| `showAtStartup` | Boolean | Optional. Default: `true` |
| `showDelay` | Number | Optional. Milliseconds of delay at startup before showing the Intro. Default: `1000` |
| `introTheme` | String | Optional. Default: `null` |
| `introOptions` | Object | Required. Default: `{}` |
| `cookieKey` | String | Optional. Name of the cookie. Default: `'cmvIntroduction'` |
| `cookieOptions` | Object | Optional. Options for setting the cookie. Default: `{ expires: new Date(Date.now() + (360000 * 24 * 30)) // show at startup every 30 days}` |
## Example Configuration:
``` javascript
intro: {
include: true,
id: 'introduction',
type: 'invisible',
path: 'widgets/Introduction',
options: {
html: '<span class="dijitButton" style="color:#333"><span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonNode"><span class="dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonContents"><span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon fa fa-video-camera"></span><span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText">Take the CMV Tour</span></span></span></span>',
domTarget: 'helpDijit',
showAtStartup: true,
cookieOptions: {
expires: new Date(Date.now() + (360000 * 24 * 0)) // Always show
// Documentation https://introjs.com/docs/themes/list
introTheme: 'modern',
// Documentation: https://introjs.com/docs/intro/options/
introOptions: {
steps: [
intro: [
'<div style="width:350px;">',
'<h4>Welcome to CMV, the Configurable Map Viewer</h4>',
'We hope you enjoy and find useful our brief introduction to the most flexible and powerful map viewer.<br/><br/>',
'<div style="text-align:center">',
'<img src="https://cmv.io/images/rocket-logo.png" style="width:100px;" /><br/>',
'<a href="https://github.com/cmv/cmv-app" target="_blank" style="color:#fff;text-decoration:underline;">Get CMV on Github</a>',
element: '#mapCenter',
intro: '<h4>Map navigation</h4>Use the mouse and keyboard to:<br/>' +
'<li>Drag to pan</li>',
'<li>SHIFT + Click to recenter</li>',
'<li>SHIFT + Drag to zoom in</li>',
'<li>SHIFT + CTRL + Drag to zoom out</li>',
'<li>Mouse Scroll Forward to zoom in</li>',
'<li>Mouse Scroll Backward to zoom out</li>',
'<li>Use Arrow keys to pan</li>',
'<li>+ key to zoom in a level</li>',
'<li>- key to zoom out a level</li>',
'<li>Double Click to Center and Zoom in</li>',
element: '#mapCenter_zoom_slider',
intro: '<h4>Zoom Buttons</h4>You can zoom in and out of the map by clicking these buttons.'
element: '.searchGroup',
intro: '<h4>Search Widget</h4>A variety of searches can be performed with the Search widget:' + [
'<li>Search by Address</li>',
'<li>Search by Place Name</li>',
'<li>Search By Zip Code, County, etc.</li>',
position: 'right'
element: '#sidebarLeft',
intro: '<h4>Left Sidebar</h4>You will find many of the widgets contained within the left sidebar pane.',
position: 'right'
element: '.sidebarleftCollapseButton',
intro: '<h4>Expand/Collapse the Sidebar</h4>You can collapse and hide the sidebar by clicking here.',
position: 'right'
element: '#layerControl_parent .dijitTitlePaneTitle',
intro: '<h4>Layer Control Widget</h4>You can change the visibility of layers using the Layer Control widget.',
position: 'right'
element: '#measurement_parent .dijitTitlePaneTitle',
intro: '<h4>Measurement Widget</h4>The Measurement widget provides the capabilities to draw a point, line, or polygon on the map and specify the unit of measurement.',
position: 'right'
element: '#print_parent .dijitTitlePaneTitle',
intro: '<h4>Print Widget</h4>This map can be exported to various formats and layouts using the Print widget.',
position: 'right'
element: '#helpDijit',
intro: '<h4>Replay this Introduction</h4>You can view this introduction again by clicking here.',
position: 'left'
## Screenshots:
![Screenshot 1](https://tmcgee.github.io/cmv-widgets/images/introduction1.jpg)
![Screenshot 2](https://tmcgee.github.io/cmv-widgets/images/introduction2.jpg)