root: {
stringInstructions: 'Enter a 3 word address separated by dots',
stringPlaceholder: 'palace.waddle.tribal',
positionInstructions: 'or enter coordinates as Lat and Long.',
positionPlaceholder: '37.773 -122.421',
linkText: 'Learn more about what3words',
searchButton: 'Search',
clearButton: 'Clear Result',
growlTitle: 'what3words',
searching: 'Searching what3words...',
success: 'what3words location found!',
failure: 'The request to what3words failed.',
invalidLength: 'The what3word address must be at least 14 characters and not longer than 38 characters.',
invalidWordLength: ' must be at least 3 characters and not longer than 12 characters.',
not3Words: 'The what3word address must have exactly 3 words separated by dotslike "palace.waddle.tribal".',
notPosition: 'The position must be a latitude and longitude pair like "37.773 -122.421".',
rightClickMenuItem: {
label: 'what3words location here'