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# Sam And His Friends

[![Build Status](](
[![License: MIT](](
[![contributions welcome](](

- [Set Up In Local Dev](#set-up-in-local-dev)
  - [How To Debug](#how-to-debug)
- [Deploy To Production](#deploy-to-production)
  - [Deploy A New Version To Production](#deploy-a-new-version-to-production)
- [Change log](#change-log)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Authors and license](#authors-and-license)
- [Credits](#credits)

## Set Up In Local Dev

1. Requirements: Node V8.0+, Yarn, Redis V5.0+
2. Checkout source code: `$ git clone`
3. Install dependency: `$ yarn install`
4. Start server: `$ npm start`
5. Visit http://localhost:3000

### How To Debug

0. `$: npm run debug`
1. Open Chrome, go to `chrome://inspect/#devices`
1. Click "Inspect" in the Remote Target section (**Notice:** Cick the Node debug icon or click "Open dedicated DevTools for Node" not work for [some version]( This step should pause the process in the first line of source code, click continue in the debug tool.
1. Open anther tab, go to `localhost:3000`, this step should pause the programm in the `debugger;` statement which you put in the code.

![Chrome Debug](src/public/images/node-debug.png)

## Deploy To Production

Auto deployment(CI) is configured using travis, the following is manual steps which similar to how CI is configured.

0. Requirements: Node V8.0+, Yarn, Redis V5.0+, [Process manager](
1. Checkout source code: `$ git clone`
1. Install dependency: `$ yarn install`
1. Build: `$ npm run build`
1. Go to repository: `$ cd <repository>`
1. Start server: `$ NODE_ENV=production pm2 start ./server.js`

To check logs, use `$ pm2 logs`.

### Deploy A New Version To Production

1. Find process ID by listing applications currently managed by PM2: `$ pm2 list`
2. Stop an application: `$ pm2 stop <app_name_or_id>`
3. Go to repository and build: `$ cd <repository> && git pull && yarn install && npm run build`
4. Start application again `$ NODE_ENV=production pm2 start ./server.js`

## Change log

The change log can be found on the [Releases page](

## Contributing

Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the [Contributing guidelines](

## Authors and license

[Tao Ning]( and [contributors](

MIT License, see the included [MIT-LICENSE.txt](MIT-LICENSE.txt) file.

## Credits

- Layout design: Future Imperfect by [Pixelarity](
- 404 page: [Saleh R. Qureshi]( [Codepen link](
- Error page: [@iremlopsum]( [Codepen link](