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exports.API = '';

exports.about =
    '重庆大学车辆工程学士,美国匹兹堡大学工业工程硕士。PMP项目管理专业人士资格认证;AUTODESK INVENTOR三维设计专业认证。个人公众号:《山姆哥和他的小伙伴们》(ID: UncleSamChina),微信:UncleSam_China,邮箱';

const description = '一个赴美建厂&自动化改造的亲历者';
exports.description = description;
exports.creator = {
    firstName: '',
    lastName: '北美山姆哥',
    profileImage: 'images/sam-site-profile-image.png',

exports.metaDescription =

exports.lengthOfActiveUsersAtIndexPage = 5;

const siteTitle = '北美山姆哥';
exports.siteTitle = siteTitle;

exports.socialMedias = [
    { name: 'Facebook', className: 'facebook', url: '' },
    { name: 'Twitter', className: 'twitter', url: '' },
        name: 'Instagram',
        className: 'instagram',
        url: '',
    { name: 'RSS', className: 'rss', url: '' },
        name: 'Email',
        className: 'envelope',
        url: '',

exports.username = 'sambro';

exports.rootCategory = '7-category';

exports.subCategories = [
    { name: '文化逻辑', description: '关于文化逻辑的分类' },
    { name: '管理制度', description: '关于管理制度的分类' },
    { name: '器物科技', description: '关于器物科技的分类' },
    { name: '案例分享', description: '关于案例分享的分类' },

exports.categories = {
    5: [
            name: '热点讨论',
            color: '#0088CC',
    7: [
            name: '山姆哥',
            color: '#8C6238;',
            link: `/`,
    8: [
            name: '文化逻辑',
            color: '#F9623B',
            link: `/?subcategory=${encodeURI('文化逻辑')}`,
    9: [
            name: '管理制度',
            color: '#25AAE2',
            link: `/?subcategory=${encodeURI('管理制度')}`,
    10: [
            name: '器物科技',
            color: '#9EB83B',
            link: `/?subcategory=${encodeURI('器物科技')}`,
    11: [
            name: '案例分享',
            color: '#3AB54A',
            link: `/?subcategory=${encodeURI('案例分享')}`,

const defalutMetaTagImageSrcStr =

const fbCommonMetaTags = [
        type: 'og:locale',
        content: 'zh-CN',
        type: 'fb:app_id',
        content: '381747502434242',

exports.fbMetaTagsForIndexRoute = [
    { type: 'og:url', content: '' },
        type: 'og:type',
        content: 'website',
    { type: 'og:title', content: siteTitle },
        type: 'og:description',
        content: description,
        type: 'og:image',
        content: defalutMetaTagImageSrcStr,

const twitterCommonMetaTags = [
        type: 'twitter:card',
        content: 'summary_large_image',
        type: 'twitter:site',
        content: '@renzhen1024',
        type: 'twitter:creator',
        content: '@renzhen1024',

exports.twitterMetaTagsForIndexRoute = [
        type: 'twitter:title',
        content: siteTitle,
        type: 'twitter:description',
        content: description,
        type: 'twitter:image',
        content: defalutMetaTagImageSrcStr,

exports.defalutMetaTagImageSrcStr = defalutMetaTagImageSrcStr;
exports.fbCommonMetaTags = fbCommonMetaTags;
exports.twitterCommonMetaTags = twitterCommonMetaTags;

exports.setting = {
     * The UI strings will be translated to the prefered language for user, user
     * also need to provide translated string in `/src/locale/<local>.js` with
     * same file name. If not set, it will be default to user's browser setting,
     * in this case, user need to provide all possible translation string files.
    locale: 'zh-cn',
     * When display full name, should family name comes first, some of the lange
     * has family name comes first like Chinese while other language has givename
     * first, e.g. English
    familyNameFirst: true,