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Main PyYAML importer script. Provides functions to load YAML files as dictionaries.


from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import collections
from direct.stdpy.file import open
from rpcore.rpobject import RPObject

# Import different PyYaml versions depending on the used python version
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    from .yaml_py2 import load as yaml_load
    from .yaml_py2 import YAMLError, SafeLoader
    from .yaml_py3 import load as yaml_load
    from .yaml_py3 import YAMLError, SafeLoader

__all__ = ["load_yaml_file", "load_yaml_file_flat"]

def load_yaml_file(filename):
    """ This method is a wrapper arround yaml_load, and provides error checking """

    import time
    start = time.process_time()

        with open(filename, "r") as handle:
            parsed_yaml = yaml_load(handle, Loader=SafeLoader)
    except IOError as msg:
        RPObject.global_error("YAMLLoader", "Could not find or open file:", filename)
        RPObject.global_error("YAMLLoader", msg)
        raise Exception("Failed to load YAML file: File not found")
    except YAMLError as msg:
        RPObject.global_error("YAMLLoader", "Invalid yaml-syntax in file:", filename)
        RPObject.global_error("YAMLLoader", msg)
        raise Exception("Failed to load YAML file: Invalid syntax")

    duration = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000.0

    # Optionally print out profiling information
    # print("Took", round(duration, 2), "ms to load", filename)

    return parsed_yaml

def __flatten(d, parent_key=''):
    """ Internal method to flatten a dictionary """
    items = []
    for k, v in d.items():
            items.extend(__flatten(v, '{}{}.'.format(parent_key, k)).items())
        except AttributeError:
            items.append(('{}{}'.format(parent_key, k), v))
    return dict(items)

def load_yaml_file_flat(filename):
    """ Behaves like load_yaml_file, but instead of creating nested dictionaries
    it connects keys via '.' """
    return __flatten(load_yaml_file(filename))