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Test Coverage
`Sankey` (component)

Sankey is helps to visualize flow and quantity in proportion to one another.
The width of the lines show respective magnitudes.
<a href="">Sankey</a>


### `boundingClientRect` (required)

Size of the parent element/component (passed by the Responsive hoc)

type: `shape[object Object]`

### `className`

Additional css classes passed from parent

type: `string`
defaultValue: `''`

### `colorScheme`

Array of colors as hex color codes

type: `arrayOf[object Object]`
defaultValue: `schemePaired`

### `data`

the data to use to plot pie chart

type: `shape[object Object]`
defaultValue: `{
    nodes: [],
    links: [],

### `fontSizeExtent`

[minFontSize, maxFontSize] for the labels.
Each label is scaled based on its value

type: `arrayOf[object Object]`
defaultValue: `[14, 30]`

### `labelSelector`

Select label for the data

type: `func`
defaultValue: `d => d.label`

### `margins`

Margins for the chart

type: `shape[object Object]`
defaultValue: `{
    top: 0,
    right: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    left: 0,

### `setSaveFunction`

Handler function to save the generated svg

type: `func`
defaultValue: `() => {}`

### `valueSelector`

Select the value for the unit data

type: `func`
defaultValue: `d => d.value`