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# banka

A light-weight core banking application that supports a single bank and allows users create bank accounts and make withdrawals & deposits by visiting a local branch

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# Website

# Table of Contents

1. <a href="#hosted-app">Hosted App</a>
2. <a href="#pivotal-tracker-board">Pivotal Tracker Board</a>
3. <a href="#api-documentation">API Documentation</a>
4. <a href="#built-with">Built With</a>
5. <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a>
6. <a href="#application-features">Application Features</a>
7. <a href="#installation">Installation</a>
8. <a href="#running-tests">Running Tests</a>
9. <a href="#deployment">Deployment</a>
10. <a href="#api-endpoints">API endpoints</a>
11. <a href="#license">License</a>
12. <a href="#author">Author</a>
13. <a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</a>

## Hosted App

## Pivotal Tracker Board

## API Documentation

## Built With

- [Node.js](
- [Express](
- [Html]()
- [CSS]()
- [Postgres](

## Getting Started


To clone and run this application, you'll need [Git]( installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

Refer to the [.env.sample](.env.sample) file for the required environment variables to get the application up and running.


This application's frontend is served on [this]( url and accomodates two types of users; a **client** and an **admin/staff**. All types of users share the same login page. The idea is to check the type of user upon login and then redirect to the appropriate pages. A sample admin login credential as it's stored in the database is:

password: password123

Upon successful login, the sole admin has the ability to add other staff and/or admin.

## Application Features

- User Registration
- Bank Account Creation
- Bank deposits and withdrawals
- Bank account management

## Installation

To run this application in development mode, you'll need [Node.js]( (which comes with [npm]( installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Enter the project directory
$ cd banka

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start the development server
$ npm run dev


When the development server is up and running (i.e displays a success message on your command line), you can test the server response by visiting the following endpoint using Postman:

`GET localhost:5000/`

For a sample response from the server

## Running Tests

Unit tests are available on this repository and dependencies to enable them work are included in the `package.json` file. To run unit tests, you can do the following:

# Enter the project's directory
$ cd banka/

# To run the available unit tests
$ npm test

**Install nyc globally to generate and view coverage reports via the command line**

npm install -g nyc

**Using Postman**

If you have Postman installed, you can test routes listed below. An example response spec would be:

# on successful request to the sign in route /api/v1/auth/signin
  "status": 200,
  "data": [
      "token": "kjkskjhfdsjhf_o.jkshdjhsj",
      "id", 1,
      "firstName": "Kylo",
      "lastName": "Ren",
      "email": ""

# on errored request to the sign in route /api/v1/auth/signin
  "status": 404,
  "error": "User not found"

## Deployment

To build out the source code of this project into a browser-friendly and easily depolyable module, an npm script has been provided for that. Simply run the build script and deploy to the platform of your choice

# cd into project directory
$ cd banka/

# run build script
$ npm run build

## API endpoints

| Method   |                    Endpoint                     |                Description                 |        Access         |
| :------- | :---------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------: | :-------------------: |
| `POST`   |              `/api/v1/auth/signup`              |       Register a new user on the app       |        Clients        |
| `POST`   |              `/api/v1/auth/signin`              |           Login an existing user           | Clients & Staff/Admin |
| `POST`   |               `/api/v1/accounts`                |             Create an account              |        Client         |
| `PATCH`  |       `/api/v1/accounts/<account-number>`       |          Edit an accounts status           |      Admin/Staff      |
| `DELETE` |       `/api/v1/account/<account-number>`        |             Delete an account              |      Admin/Staff      |
| `POST`   |  `/api/v1/transactions/<account-number>/debit`  |              Debit an account              |      Admin/Staff      |
| `POST`   | `/api/v1/transactions/<account-number>/credit`  |             Credit an account              |      Admin/Staff      |
| `GET`    | `api/v1/accounts/<account-number>/transactions` |   View an account's Transaction history    | Clients & Admin/Staff |
| `GET`    |   `api/v1/user/<user-email-address>/accounts`   | View all accounts owned by a specific user | Clients & Admin/Staff |
| `GET`    |       `api/v1/accounts/<account-number>`        |      View aspecific account's details      | Clients & Admin/Staff |
| `GET`    |                `api/v1/accounts`                |      View a list of all bank accounts      |      Admin/Staff      |
| `GET`    |         `api/v1/accounts?status=active`         |  View a list of all active bank accounts   |      Admin/Staff      |
| `GET`    |        `api/v1/accounts?status=dormant`         |  View a list of all dormant bank accounts  |      Admin/Staff      |
| `GET`    |   `api/v1/user/<user-email-address>/accounts`   | View all accounts owned by a specific user |      Admin/Staff      |
| `GET`    |                 `api/v1/users`                  |            Admin get all staff             |      Admin/Staff      |
| `PATCH`  |                 `api/v1/users`                  |        Upgrade a client to a staff         |      Admin Only       |
| `POST`   |                 `api/v1/users`                  |            Admin create cashier            |      Admin Only       |

Refer to the [API Documentation]( for detailed information on all endpoints

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

## Author

- **Tolulope Odueke**

## Acknowledgments

- Brad Traversy - [MERN Stack Front To Back](
- Bolaji Olajide - [Intro to Building APIs](