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// github:tom-weatherhead/common-utilities.ts/src/arrays-of-numbers.ts

import { createArrayFromElement, getLastElementOfArray, max, min } from './arrays';

import { pointwise } from './functions';

import { clamp, product, sum } from './numbers';

import { clone } from './objects';

import { ifDefinedThenElse } from './types';

export function createNaNArray(length: number): number[] {
    return createArrayFromElement(NaN, length);

export function normalize(array: number[]): number[] {
    if (!array.length) {
        return [];

    const minValue = min(array);
    const maxValue = max(array);
    const range = maxValue - minValue;

    if (!range) {
        return createNaNArray(array.length);

    return => (n - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue));

export function mean(arg: number[]): number {
    if (arg.length <= 0) {
        return NaN;

    return sum(...arg) / arg.length;

export function median(arg: number[]): number {
    if (arg.length <= 0) {
        return NaN;

    const sortedArray = clone(arg).sort(); // Array.sort() sorts the array *in place*

    return sortedArray[Math.floor(sortedArray.length / 2)];

// Version 1: Dot product of 2 arrays.
// Version 2: Dot product of n arrays.
// export function dotProductVersion1(
//     array1: number[],
//     array2: number[]
// ): number {
//     const len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length);

//     return sum(
//         ...array1.slice(0, len).map((n1: number, i: number) => n1 * array2[i])
//     );
// }

// Was dotProductVersion2
export function dotProduct(...serieses: number[][]): number {
    if (serieses.length === 0) {
        return NaN;

    return sum(...pointwise(product, ...serieses));

// Cross product (i.e. Cartesian product)
// Version 1: Cross product of 2 arrays.
// Version 2: Cross product of n arrays.
// export function crossProductVersion1(
//     array1: number[],
//     array2: number[]
// ): number[][] {
//     return array1.reduce(
//         (accumulator1: number[][], n1: number) =>
//             accumulator1.concat(
//                 array2.reduce(
//                     (accumulator2: number[][], n2: number) =>
//                         accumulator2.concat([[n1, n2]]),
//                     []
//                 )
//             ),
//         []
//     );
// }

function crossProductVersion2Helper(accumulator: number[][], ...aa: number[][]): number[][] {
    if (aa.length === 0) {
        return accumulator;

    accumulator = accumulator.reduce(
        (accumulator1: number[][], accumulatorElement: number[]) =>
                    (accumulator2: number[][], n2: number) =>

    return crossProductVersion2Helper(accumulator, ...aa.slice(1));

// Cross product (i.e. Cartesian product)
// Was crossProductVersion2
export function crossProduct(...aa: number[][]): number[][] {
    return crossProductVersion2Helper([[]], ...aa);

export function generateHierarchyOfLocalMaximaAndMinima(
    array: number[]
): Record<string, unknown>[][] {
    const result = [];

    let currentTier = => {
        return {
            maximum: element,
            minimum: element


    while (currentTier.length > 1) {
        const newTier = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < currentTier.length; i += 2) {
            const value1 = currentTier[i];
            let combinedValue;

            if (i + 1 < currentTier.length) {
                const value2 = currentTier[i + 1];

                combinedValue = {
                    maximum: Math.max(value1.maximum, value2.maximum),
                    minimum: Math.min(value1.minimum, value2.minimum)
            } else {
                combinedValue = {
                    maximum: value1.maximum,
                    minimum: value1.minimum


        currentTier = newTier;

    return result;

// from core.ts in ta-math :

// export function sd(series: Array<number>) {
//     let E = mean(series);
//     let E2 = mean(pointwise((x: number) => x * x, series));

//     return Math.sqrt(E2 - E * E);
// }

export function standardDeviation(arg: number[]): number {
    if (arg.length <= 1) {
        return NaN;

    // const meanOfArg = mean(arg);
    const square = (n: number) => n * n;

    // return Math.sqrt(
    //     sum( => square(n - meanOfArg))) / (arg.length - 1)
    // );

    // See :

    // 1) Calcualte the mean
    // 2) Array of (pointwise) differences
    // 3) Array of squares of differences
    // 4) Sum of array of squares of differences
    // 5) Average of array of squares of differences
    // 6) Square root of average of array of squares of differences (between each value in the array and the mean of the array)

    const mu = mean(arg);
    const sumOfSquares = sum( => square(n - mu)));

    return Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares / arg.length);

export function mapToNumStdDeviationsFromMean(a: number[]): number[] {
    const m = mean(a);
    const stdDev = standardDeviation(a);

    if (Number.isNaN(stdDev) || stdDev === 0) {
        return createNaNArray(a.length);
    } else {
        return => (value - m) / stdDev);

// Covariance: See

When an analyst has a set of data, a pair of x and y values, covariance can be calculated using five variables from that data. They are:

    xi = a given x value in the data set
    xm = the mean, or average, of the x values
    yi = the y value in the data set that corresponds with xi
    ym = the mean, or average, of the y values
    n = the number of data points

Given this information, the formula for covariance is:

Covariance(x, y) = SUM [(xi - xm) * (yi - ym)] / (n - 1)

function createCovarianceFunction(k: number): (x: number[], y: number[]) => number {
    return (x: number[], y: number[]): number => {
        if (x.length !== y.length || x.length <= 1) {
            return NaN;

        const meanX = mean(x);
        const meanY = mean(y);

        // Note that if x is a list of numbers, then covariance(x, x) === (standardDeviation(x)) ^ 2

        return (
                    (xi: number, yi: number): number => (xi - meanX) * (yi - meanY),
            ) /
            (x.length - k)

// If you are saying "populationCovariance vs. sampleCovariance? WTF???"
// then see
export const populationCovariance = createCovarianceFunction(0);
export const sampleCovariance = createCovarianceFunction(1);

// R Squared function: Calculates the coefficient of determination
// See e.g.

export function coefficientOfDetermination(x: number[], y: number[]): number {
    const n = x.length;

    if (n !== y.length || n === 0) {
        return NaN;

    const numerator = n * sum(pointwise(product, x, y)) - sum(x) * sum(y);
    const square = (i: number) => i * i;
    const fn = (z: number[]): number => n * sum( - square(sum(z));
    const denominatorSquared = fn(x) * fn(y);

    return (numerator * numerator) / denominatorSquared;

// export function clamp(value: number, minimum: number, maximum: number): number {
//     if (value < minimum) {
//         return minimum;
//     } else if (value > maximum) {
//         return maximum;
//     } else {
//         return value;
//     }
// }

// Correlation Coefficient: See

// Also known as the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient

// CorrelationCoefficient(x, y) = covariance(x, y) / (standardDeviation(x) * standardDeviation(y))

function createCorrelationCoefficientFunction(k: number): (x: number[], y: number[]) => number {
    return (x: number[], y: number[]): number => {
        if (x.length !== y.length || x.length <= 1) {
            return NaN;

        // const numerator = covariance(x, y);
        const numerator = createCovarianceFunction(k)(x, y);
        const denominator = standardDeviation(x) * standardDeviation(y);

        if (denominator === 0) {
            return NaN; // numerator ? NaN : 0;

        return clamp(numerator / denominator, -1, 1);

export const populationCorrelationCoefficient = createCorrelationCoefficientFunction(0);
export const sampleCorrelationCoefficient = createCorrelationCoefficientFunction(1);

export function getLastElementOfNumericArray(array: number[], dflt = NaN): number {
    return ifDefinedThenElse(getLastElementOfArray(array), dflt);